Keep getting dissconnected and now can't login

Nocturne Saint
Nocturne Saint
I have been getting lag spikes for the past two weeks with random crashes. Now today i had a lag spike and was booted to login screen. tried to log back in and it gives me an unable to login error, and says to check my internet connection. I just checked my connection on speedtest dot net, and my connection is fine, there is no packet loss on anything else. I'm feeling wary about getting ESO plus again this month if this keeps on messing up with the servers.
  • ZOS_Bill
    @Nocturne Saint

    If you are getting disconnected or receiving an error stating "Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection" when trying to log into The Elder Scrolls Online, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

    Check Service Alerts

    Verify the servers are not undergoing scheduled maintenance here.

    Power cycle and then test your network

    If playing on console, you can reset your machine's IP by performing a hard reset. To do so, hold down the power button on the console itself and allow it to completely shut down. Once complete, turn off your modem or router as well and wait 10 minutes before turning all of your devices back on.

    If playing on PC/Mac, you should also try turning off your modem or router for 10 minutes before rebooting.

    Forward the game ports

    To best access The Elder Scrolls Online you should configure you routers to open the following outbound ports:

    All Platforms

    TCP / UDP Ports 24100 through 24131
    TCP / UDP Ports 24500 through 24507
    TCP / UDP Ports 24300 through 24331
    TCP Port 80
    TCP Port 433

    Check for updates

    You should also ensure that the ESO Launcher has downloaded and installed all available updates before logging back in. If on console, we also recommend completely closing out the game and allowing the system to check for game updates before restarting the game itself.

    Give ESO and Steam access to Mac

    If playing ESO on Mac, you should ensure that both Steam and ESO have access to your machine by navigating to the Security & Privacy menu, selecting Privacy, then clicking on Accessibility and adding them to the list.

    Reset the ProgramData folder

    If playing on PC, you can also try resetting the ProgramData folder:
    1. Close both ESO and the ESO Launcher.
    2. Open the game's installation directory.
    3. Open the folder named Launcher.
    4. Inside the "Launcher" folder, there is a folder named "ProgramData".
    5. Rename the "ProgramData" folder to "ProgramDataBackup".
    6. Open the launcher and download update.
    7. Click Play.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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