Spartan Legion, US, PvP, Vent Req, Nightly Cryodil Raids, Chrysamere Campaign, Own a Keep.

160 + Member Guild, Ebonheart Pact, Us, PvP, Cryodil, Ventrilo Req, Videos at the bottom, apply at

Most recent PvP Video in Early Release taking Cryodil.

Who are we?

Our guild has and always will be driven by pride. In many guilds before this one I had never felt the name or emblem above our heads meant anything. Some guilds even set out to make a mockery of it, with stupid silly names like pink fluffy tails. I set out to change that, and over the years we have built a community that would not have it any other way. They take pride in their name, their guild but best of all their family. We treat each member in our guild as a brother in arms, meaning you will not PvP alone or find yourself stuck on a quest within the world of Elder Scrolls. We quite simply never leave a guild mate behind…. However, here’s the catch written in black in white, we will also not baby you or hold your hand, if you are simply inept to wear our tags then it’s simply that. We were under the name Underdark Reaper’s throughout beta with the thought that after ten years of gaming it was time for a fresh start a new name. However, after a vote on our forums we will be keeping our original name.

Our Purpose?

Spartan Legion is recruiting serious players who wish to experience the best of end game in the Elder Scrolls Online. We are PvP and group oriented; however, we still have plenty of players interested in clearing PvE instances and gearing up for PvP. Throughout beta we had taken keeps, claimed keeps and held keeps but are current direction is destroying war paths. War Paths are the reinforcement paths in-between keeps; we set up ambush points along these paths and destroy reinforcements. It was through these tactics Ebonheart Pact obtained emperor again and again. To put our guild in a nutshell we will PvE to PvP, so yes we will clear PvE content on occasion, but our weekends and the majority of our playtime will be in Cryodil.

Current Ranks and Expectations?

Very simple for ESO.

Recruit- Trial member will receive basic access to chats and guild functions.
Member - Will get invite privileges and the ability to store in bank and use guild stores.
Elder - Can invite, use guild bank/store and claim PvP objectives.
Leader - Does it all.

I could not find a way to add additional ranks so as of now we only have four to work with.

How do you obtain these ranks?

Recruit is obviously a new member looking to earn full membership.
Member, you have played with the guild and have had an elder vouch for your play-ability.
Elder - You have recruited a team to become a PvP Commander and are a steady target caller and Ventrilo users OR You have a appreciation for recruitment and politics and have recruited a series of member and alliances into our ranks.
Leader - Only one can be Guild Master.

How do I join?

Simply apply on website below this line of text, and use Ventrilo when you play.


Ventrilo: In member sections of the forums or /whisper Unbeaten in game.

Videos: unbeatin1 on youtube or some examples.
Edited by james220823b14_ESO on April 2, 2014 10:01PM
Unbeaten Spartan
Leader of Spartan Legion
  • james220823b14_ESO
    Bump for new video add =]
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
  • james220823b14_ESO
    Unbeaten Spartan
    Leader of Spartan Legion
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