Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)


I went to PvP in Dawnbreaker with my guild today and all was going fine -- minus the continuous crashes. After logging back in from one of said crashes, I was unable to use any of my mana skills on my Nightblade. I figured I just had to re-log. Well... After re-logging four times, repairing the client, reloading UI, re-equipping skills and armor, trying to use her on a different computer, and creating a new nightblade to see if it was all or just my one.... Nothing works. When I click a skill it pulses the skill for about 0.2 seconds and then stops.

I am able to use my stamina skills (I only have one and sprint), but I am unable to sprint on my horse. I also cannot use the synergy stuff (like hitting "X" when someone has one of those health fountain things up).

Quite frankly, I'm pretty pissed off that I just spent $80 on this...

Character Name: Etani Spartan
Username: rinnabina
  • rinnabina
    Surprise, surpirse... No good answer yet. I received one response telling me to ask for help from other players in /zone. That is super helpful. Especially since I'm pretty positive other players cannot fix a system issue. Sigh.
  • Hardstyle
    I have the same problem! I haven't heard anything back either. :/

    "My character is currently broken. It was working fine until I was in Cyrodiil trying to repair a door with the door repair kit in my quick slot, it wasn’t working, and it kept making a gong sound when I tried to use it. I logged out thinking this might fix it, but when I logged back in my character couldn’t use most of his action bar, whenever I try using a skill other than a bow it makes the same gong noise and fails to execute the animation. I thought maybe this could have been from the addon’s I had installed so I removed them and reloaded the game. It didn’t fix the issue. So then I thought maybe something was wrong with my client, so I used the repair tool, didn’t fix the issue. Then I thought maybe it was my pc so I logged into the game on my other computer but still the issue is there I can’t use skills other than my bow skills and I can’t use my hotbar. Also I can’t do light attacks with my bow, only full drawn bow attacks. It sounds like there is some animation issue. So I made a new character to see if the issue was game related and it seems that it is character related because the newly made character had no issues using any of his skills. I’m pretty upset, I’ve already dedicated a lot of time to my character and I love the game. I know that sending a ticket in during early access is probably a bad time too but this is game breaking for me. I look forward to hearing back from you all "

    I'm a nightblade as well.
  • rinnabina

    I am so sorry you're having the same issue... From one beyond irritated gamer to another, I feel for you. Especially since I found that with this character issue, we also cannot travel to another player in group, quick-travel with the map (though the waypoint shrines do work for us still, thank the Gaming God), or use the "Q" button for health/mana pots and such. Actually, I can't even use the health pots from my inventory. And alas, I am now stuck on a quest in Narsis because my character will not do the animation to catch the rats to distract the citizen-made, rebellious militia from going kamikaze on the town guards. Halted quest progression... Lovely.

    BUT, there is hope! So, since Sunday afternoon I have been submitting tickets for not only email, but also a phone call, in-game bug ticket ( /bug if you didn't know), in-game chat with agent request (if you do /bug it's the icon to the left that looks like a head), in-game feedback, etc.... Basically, any avenue I could annoy them in, I took. And while they did not reply back in the in-game chat system for speaking with an agent (I literally was "waiting for Agent to join" for an hour), they DID send me an email from the Agent chat request and my character issue is finally being sent to (wait for it...) "Higher Elves", as the agent so facetiously put it.

    I would suggest keeping a fire lit under their asses for it and making sure you write many words of appreciation for the agent that finally does answer you, as long as it's with good information and not "ask others in /zone"... That still gets under my skin, she wasn't very bright.

    Nothing has been fixed with my character yet, but I'm hoping to hear something from the Higher Elves soon. A little indemnification would be nice, too, but if all they do is rectify the issues, I'll be content with that.
  • Hardstyle
    This is the last email I got from them this morning.
    "Dear *********,

    I apologize for the inconvenience that you are having. I see that you have contacted us before on this issue , I will be closing those tickets and handling your issue under this reference #*******************

    I will be escalating this issue to the tech support team and someone will be contacting you regarding this issue.

    If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to respond to this email.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    With Warmest Regards,

    The Elder Scrolls Online Team"
    No luck so far from the "tech team".

    Made a new character, playing it right now while I wait on another email.
  • Hardstyle

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    Thank You for contacting Elder Scrolls Online!! At this time I am going to send this up to my High Elves so that they can sort this out for you! They should get back to you as soon as they can. Thank You for your understanding and patience!
    Thank you for your continued interest and support!"

    This was the most recent email. :/
  • rinnabina
    I've seen this last one before! Lol. I just hope they fix it soon... :\
  • Hardstyle
    Is yours still broken? I'm getting tired of waiting lol.
  • rinnabina
    Still broken, but I did receive a response last night, as follows:

    "Greetings, and thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    I would like to personally apologize for all the multiple times you've had to contact us with no reply. I've gone over all of your submitted tickets to get a full understanding of your issue and what has been attempted so far, and this does sound like quite a complex problem. As for the current status of getting you help, your ticket is currently in our escalated game support queue awaiting a specialist to get to it. Unfortunately issues in this queue can expect a waiting time until they are addressed due to the ratio of issues to specialists. I apologize but the most I can do to assist with the wait is to mark your issue as High Priority and assure you that you haven't been forgotten! As one final troubleshooting attempt, I will be giving your character a free Skill Respec to see if that might address the issue. In closing, as much as I know this isn't the response you might want, I would suggest that in the meantime you may want to pursue another character until this situation is addressed, possibly exploring a different race or class option rather than remaking your original character ( I know how much time is invested to reach level 20+). Again, I deeply apologize for the handling of your issue thus far, I can assure you that the standard protocol for all issues such as this warrant a reply to the customer under normal conditions. I thank you for your patience and I do hope that the skill respec can be of use to you.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team"

    As I've already attempted to train new skills with mana and whatnot to see if they would work and then they didn't... I figure I'll use the free respec for now to make as much of a 100% stam nightblade as possible so that I can still play her a bit. As of right now I have trouble soloing boss mobs 5 levels lower than me at the end of quests and I cannot get past the "Ratting Them Out" quest in Narsis because I can't do the animation to catch the rats. Crappy.

    Also, I at least found a little humor in this guy's email to me since I worked in a call center for six months of Hell and can appreciate that he said he marked this as "High Priority"... That checkbox means nothing in a call center. It's what we tell *** customers to appease them and make them feel important. I'm so pleased with myself that I've reached *** customer status :) You would understand if you knew me -- I'm about the nicest person alive.

    If you're submitting multiple tickets to them for them to get in touch with you, make sure you're referencing whichever ticket number they originally replied back to. They'll eventually tell you to just try and submit it all on the one email that they reply to, but the multiple tickets at least annoys them enough to answer you. And definitely do it through the "Chat with an Agent" tab in the /bug menu. Even if they don't reply to you in game, if you exit that chat that they haven't replied to they will still email you when they get to it. I've found that those have been the only messages they've answered me through.

    I know that sounds really bad to annoy them like that, but they need to know that you're serious about this issue and that they NEED to contact you whether it's to tell you they acknowledge your issue and are working on it or are getting to it or what... Just something. You're paying for this. You are entitled at least a response on progress. Keep me updated and I'll post back if something new arises with mine! :)
  • Antonie
    I have the same problem described in this thread. It all started when i was conquering an outpost and out of the blue the servers were about to be shut down in preparation of the release. Now i cant use skills at all. Be it stamina based or mana based. My character is a mage so it is somewhat annoying. Light and heavy attacks still work though.
    “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”-Albert Einstein
    Leben ist ein RPG. Was ist DEINE Rolle?-Motto von

  • Leika

    the Same Problem here

  • Thingolf1
    I have the same problem as nightblade.
  • rinnabina
    Okay guys! So I have an exciting update!

    First, I'm sorry you guys came down with this bug, as well -- it is a nasty little glitch. :)
    However, for my character I have finally found a fix (and tested it a few times since I had the gold saved up to do so). Here's what happened:

    -Dev gave me free respec. It seemed to work (I could switch weapons again and fast travel) so I put all of my skill and attribute points back into the mostly mana lines they were in before.
    -PROBLEM -- I was in a dungeon when I did this. Do NOT train up anything while in a dungeon... It will work while you're in there, but glitch out as soon as you leave. I personally think this goes for Cyrodiil, as well, so I'm not training crap there ever even if I gain five levels while there.
    -I did test this. A few times. I started out with about 20K and now I'm down to around 5K. But it was worth it to know what I can and cannot do.
    -ALSO -- After I used the rededication shrine, I logged out completely (BEFORE training up any attributes or skills) and I reloaded the whole client, repaired the client (just in case), and logged back in and respec'ed in the town. I went in and out of dungeons after this trying everything I could to glitch out. It didn't happen. For once.

    Now, before I say I'm completely fixed, I'm going to give it a few days and a couple times of the Dev's taking the servers down and stuff... Ample time for them to screw it up again ;) I'll check back in if I break again and let you know exactly what happened right before I broke so we know what not to do!

    I sincerely hope you all are able to fix your characters, either this way or another, very soon... I know how frustrating it is to feel so very useless after you've spent more hours than you care to admit leveling a fictitious, miniature person on a screen.

    Good luck to you all and may your gaming lives be saved from the Magicka-Hating Glitch!

    User: @rinnabina‌
    IGN: Etani Spartan

    ***If you're looking for a home in Ebonheart Pact, reach out to Spartan Legion! We are PvP oriented and a fun crowd with an extremely active Ventrilo server! ***
  • paulo_jr_b14_ESO
    My friend is a templar and is currently experiencing the same issue (he was in pvp then crashed, when he got back mana skills were not working). I am posting this for him because he is not being able to register in this forum, he tried using the game code as the invititation code but it didn't work.

    Please help my friend out! He is level 35 and is currently desperate as he can not play the game due to this issue.

    My friend's ID: @Romneyas
    Friend's Character name: Mässacre
  • Romneyas
    I was registering.
    As my friend said above, I have the same problem in this topic.
  • flameweaver
    rinnabina wrote: »

    As I've already attempted to train new skills with mana ...

    See there's your problem, in this game you need to use MAGIKA, not MANA. If you're trying to use MANA, your skills will never work. :D

    Seriously though, I hope the Elves get this fixed for you quickly.
  • Romneyas
    15 hours passed and no fix.
  • Isyldra
    I am also having this problem as of today. I'm a VR3 so I'm pretty pissed to have pushed this fast to level only to have a useless character.

    Proud member of Alacrity
    Proud member of The Psijic Order
    Twitter: @Isyldra
    There's a special place in hell reserved for people who leave the worms and take the flower.
  • Isyldra
    Just spoke to a customer service person about this issue. "This is a known bug"

    No fix.

    Proud member of Alacrity
    Proud member of The Psijic Order
    Twitter: @Isyldra
    There's a special place in hell reserved for people who leave the worms and take the flower.
  • rinnabina
    LOL! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?! :p

    @Isyldra‌ and @Romneyas‌
    Try going to a rededication shrine and using it for both skills and attributes. Before you dedicate points into anything, exit the client completely, reload it, repair it, sign in again and then dedicate points where you may. Word of advice: make sure you are NOT in a dungeon/instance/PvP land when you train up your points. This is what ended up fixing mine.
    Good luck!
  • Psychic_Kitty
    you know this may be nothing.....but I had this same issue a few days when I fought some boss.

    The boss put an effect on me making me unable to use my skills....perhaps are you under an enchantment effect of some kind?

    I noticed they literally made it impossible to see these sorts of you have to open up the character screen and looks at the effects you are under.

    The effect I was under prevented me from using any skills that required the blue mana energy.

    I forget what I did to get rid of the effect....but I know was able to still use the bow and arrows and normal melee attacks while under the effects.

  • rinnabina
    I wish that had been my problem, would have been a much easier fix. Mine was actually a glitch. I worked with a dev on it. I couldn't switch weapons, couldn't fast travel, couldn't catch creatures for quests, etc... I'll keep an eye out for that boss, though. Gotta love being silenced.
  • Psychic_Kitty
    I am glad you got it fixed.
    Sounds like your issue was very annoying and unfixable by normal methods.

    edited this bit in
    Oh had to edit this bit in....I think I found what is causing some of the issues.
    I got hit by a boss that did this charge that puts my character into a stunned dizzy state.

    I actually died from this...anywise upon respawn I found not only that I couldn't use mana abilities but also I could move faster then walk speed. No effects where listed for me in my character description.

    I tried /stuck for the death it caused and walked into some lava to see if either death types would reset the issue....neither wasn't until I decided to go to the boss...have it hit me with the dizzy thing....and then die from it....that I got the effect removed.

    Weirdly enough I could use stamina abilities still while I was under those effects, though sprinting only spent stamina with nothing happening to my move speed at that time...but my weapon attacks worked well.

    so my thought is...with a drop from the game, death or whatever the game hit you with an effect....but it saved the effect on you....just didn't save the entire function of the effect in your condition area...thus needing that effect in that area you had no way to remove or expire the effect normally.

    Edited by Psychic_Kitty on April 11, 2014 4:51AM
  • rinnabina
    That was what me and my husband were thinking, too. It's a lot harder to go back into PvP and get killed by the same person with the same skill, though! Lol. I hadn't been paying too much attention at the time of the crashes, but I do remember that at some point I had been silenced by someone in PvP and a crash happened around the same time. I know, too, that it took me a little bit to figure out that my character wasn't working. I hope they're able to fix the root of this issue, otherwise they will have a lot of angry customers -- this is just not an inexpensive game, people don't want to pay for a broken character with no true confirmed fix. I honestly feel like the fix is different for everyone. I read someone that had the same issue and they were able to /stuck out of it. Lucky them!
  • malsvirikk
    I can't remember how I got so lucky to have experienced this bug, but after careful experimentation, I found a solution for myself. I removed all my clothes and equipment. I was then able to use magicka related abilities. I equipped my armor, jewelry, weapons and was right back where i started. I then started with removing my sword, and I saw the silver lining. I was in Cyrodiil when this happened, but a quick journey to mournhold did the trick, I was able to use my my abilities with my two-handed equipped. Thus, the method proved fruitful, thanks be to odin and code! FYI the sword I was using was Dreughsdeath. Doubt that has anything to do with it. May Talos guide you.
  • Ombey
    Soul Shriven
    I've been experiencing this same issue for a week now. My VR 1 character is a useless shell and I was more powerfull at lvl 2. A Game Master did contact me and we had email correspondence for about a day exchanging detailed info about the bug. I was contacted in-game and the gm was able to clear the issue (which appears to be that we are being stunned or silenced indefinitely) but when you leave your area via wayshrine, portal, campaign port, etc... the bug comes back immediately. I was on a break from work when i was dealing with the gm and he told me that he was having technical issues. I waited roughly 15-20 minutes but had to return to work and i've never heard back from anyone. I've re-submitted another trouble ticket referencing the initial one but still no response. Good luck to the rest of you as well. I understand that there are bugs, but I pay a monthly fee for a game that i am not allowed to play. I sincerely hope there is some indemnification for this issue be it in-game gold/item or pro-rated monthly subscription fee.
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