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A few beginner questions

I expect these have been asked, already. But I've looked for the answers and can't find them. So here goes:

1. Quickslot items. I know how to put items into the Quickslot "wheel". I know you have to be in Inventory to do this. And I know how to trigger use of the Quickslot item. But how do you cycle through your Quickslot items when in combat ? If for example I have healing potions in one Quickslot, stamina potions in another, and magicka potions in a third, and I'm fighting a monster, how do I cycle through the three slots to select the one I want to use ?

2. Am I right in thinking there is no "auction house" where you can put your items up for sale ? If this is the case, what is the best way to sell items ? The only system I've found so far is to spam chat with "Want to sell XXX" ... but a) this is a nuisance for everyone to have to see spam all the time and b) it's very inefficient.

3. Is there any way of seeing a "full world map" ? When I use "M" in a city, I get the city map. Outside the city I get the regional map. Any way of seeing the entire world ?

4. What do the yellow "insignia" mean next to character's names ? The one's that look like corporal/sergeant's stripes ?

5. Dragonknight weapons. I have made a DK that I hope will be 75% damage-dealing and 25% healing. I have been using the dual-wield skill line, but every "guide" I have read says for DPS it is important to use two-handed. I know that in TESO "everything is possible, just do what you want" ... but is two-handed really better for DPS than dual wield ?

Thank you for your help :)
Edited by Deepfry on April 4, 2014 10:21AM
  • mutharex
    1) you long press Q, move the mouse to the one you want to use, release Q and from that moment on the one you selected can be activated with short press of Q
    2) are you Aldmeri? That should be the Alliance indicator you are seeing
  • Sarenia
    Can't answer #1 as I use a controller so my approach is different.

    #2 there is no auction house, and if they stick to their guns there won't be one.

    #3 in the map, right click your mouse to zoom out. Repeatedly do that to zoom out more.

    #4 I would guess that's related to PvP, but im not that far along yet
  • Deepfry
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Can't answer #1 as I use a controller so my approach is different.

    #2 there is no auction house, and if they stick to their guns there won't be one.

    #3 in the map, right click your mouse to zoom out. Repeatedly do that to zoom out more.

    #4 I would guess that's related to PvP, but im not that far along yet

    Thanks for your replies, but:

    Question 2: you didn't answer how we are supposed to sell our items.
    Question 3: I am aware of the zoom out function with the mouse. But in a city, zooming out only goes so far as to let you see the whole city. And outside of cities, zooming out only lets you see the whole region. My question was whether it is possible to see the entire world i.e. all regions on one single map
  • Sarenia
    No need to get snippy, nobody _has_ to answer you. :P
    Deepfry wrote: »
    Question 2: you didn't answer how we are supposed to sell our items.

    I thought the answer was implied by there being no auction house. More explicitly: yes, you'll need to rely on interacting with other players in the multiplayer world.
    Deepfry wrote: »
    Question 3: I am aware of the zoom out function with the mouse. But in a city, zooming out only goes so far as to let you see the whole city. And outside of cities, zooming out only lets you see the whole region. My question was whether it is possible to see the entire world i.e. all regions on one single map

    This was already answered. Multiple right clicks of the world map will eventually show the entire world (more explicitly for you: every region).

    Inside a city you can't right click to zoom out, correct.

    My fee is $9.99, drive to the next window for payment.
  • Snapcase
    Excellent questions!
    Question 2: The idea is that every player guild (you can join up to 5) with 50 or more members can have a ’Guild Store’ where members can post their goods. It’s not like an auction house, but an easier way to ply your wares without spamming chat. There are quite a few dedicated trading guilds. Some only use the guild to spam their guild chat, though, so your milage may vary. (Guild Stores are accessible at the bank teller).

    Question 3: I’m unsure what the issue is, I am able to right click continuously to go from city, to region, to Tamriel, to the entire world (Nirn + Coldharbor). Some places might restrict your access to the map, such as dungeons or other dimensions that don’t have a fixed place on the regular regional map. You can’t, for example, zoom out of the map in Cheesemonger Hollow, since it’s in the daedric realm. Maybe you’re just in one of those places?

    Hope that helps!
  • Sarenia
    Snapcase wrote: »
    Excellent questions!
    Question 2: The idea is that every player guild (you can join up to 5) with 50 or more members can have a ’Guild Store’ where members can post their goods. It’s not like an auction house, but an easier way to ply your wares without spamming chat. There are quite a few dedicated trading guilds. Some only use the guild to spam their guild chat, though, so your milage may vary. (Guild Stores are accessible at the bank teller).

    Love this, too.

    Really encourages people to seek out guilds and communicate. It's much more realistic to trade with a guild of like-minded individuals, than it is to have a magical auction house where everything in the world is magically located, simultaneously.

    You can join up to 5 guilds, so there's not much reason to be a lone wolf.
  • Syntse
    About selling items, yes there is no AH but there are many trading guilds around.

    The "insignia" might mean guildmaster rank or possibly other high rank in guild.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • Deepfry
    Sarenia wrote: »
    No need to get snippy, nobody _has_ to answer you.

    Sorry, didn't mean to sound snippy. On the contrary, I'm very grateful to everyone for their answers and help.

    I was just trying to point out that my question (or part of it) still needed answering!

    But thanks again.

  • Sharee
    3 - in city, you can display map of zone by clicking on the zone name in the list on the right side of the screen (any zone, not just the one the city is in)
    - Edit - i misunderstood - i dont think there is a full-world map in game, just the individual zones. But you can use this out of the game: http://tamrielfoundry.com/map/

    4 - It's your PvP rank.

    5 - i wouldn't let guides hamper my fun. Its quite possible someone who claims dps must use a 2-hander instead of dualwield is just trying to present his opinion as fact. Try both, form your own view, it is possible to respec.
    Edited by Sharee on April 4, 2014 11:04AM
  • Deepfry
    Snapcase wrote: »
    Excellent questions!
    Question 2: The idea is that every player guild (you can join up to 5) with 50 or more members can have a ’Guild Store’ where members can post their goods. It’s not like an auction house, but an easier way to ply your wares without spamming chat. There are quite a few dedicated trading guilds. Some only use the guild to spam their guild chat, though, so your milage may vary. (Guild Stores are accessible at the bank teller).

    Thanks for the answer ... but I'm curious now ! Not sure I can grasp the concept. So here are a couple more questions:

    - Whilst the idea seems great, don't such guilds greatly restrict the pool of potential customers (you'll only ever have as many potential customers as there are guild members. 100 members = only 100 potential customers) ?
    - Also, by definition, won't everyone in the trade guild be crafters trying to sell their wares ? So won't they be sellers rather than potential buyers ? I'm a blacksmith ... if I join a trader's guild with 100 members, maybe 20 of those will be blacksmiths too ... competition rather than customers ?
    - What happens if you are a low-level crafter in a higher-level trade guild ... no-one in the guild will want to buy your stuff because they will all be looking to buy much higher-level stuff than you can make.

    Thanks again :)

  • Jitterbug
    Deepfry wrote: »

    5. Dragonknight weapons. I have made a DK that I hope will be 75% damage-dealing and 25% healing. I have been using the dual-wield skill line, but every "guide" I have read says for DPS it is important to use two-handed. I know that in TESO "everything is possible, just do what you want" ... but is two-handed really better for DPS than dual wield ?

    Thank you for your help :)

    Generally, dual wield will offer more sustained DPS, whereas 2H will offer more burst.
    And also, pay no heed to guides - if you like dw, then dw ;)
    Edited by Jitterbug on April 4, 2014 11:08AM
  • Metella
    Sharee wrote: »
    5 - i wouldn't let guides hamper my fun. Its quite possible someone who claims dps must use a 2-hander instead of dualwield is just trying to present his opinion as fact. Try both, form your own view, it is possible to respec.

    Aye, also 'best' doesn't necessarily mean 'best by a significant margin' - it might only be by a few percent, and not worth the trade off if you prefer dual wield. I'm playing a Dragonknight, got a greatsword with some kind of bonus as a quest reward and it's pretty good and all, but I'm mostly using my inferno staff because it seems to give me, personally, with my rotten reflexes and proneness to backpedalling a better ratio of killing the enemy first time to, well, dying pathetically.
  • ManiacMcLaughton
    I'm gonna weigh in and say, welcome to Tamriel.

    As for DPS, do what you want. You will find what makes you more comfortable, and don't let anyone tell you that "xyz is better". Right now i'm playing a 2h DragonKnight, but i did it because I wanted to. I also have a bow wielding sorc, and a staff wielding nightblade. Enjoy the combos you want to enjoy. If anyone gives you grief, send them the bill for your monthly sub fee and tell them to pay up or shut up.

    Min/max players will always pick apart the numbers and say "xyz build is most efficient"... and you know what? I don't play for efficiency, I play for fun. If something isn't fun, its not worth playing.
  • Feimerdre
    Hell I even play a 2H Nightblade and thats more fun than running around making much wind with 2 puny daggers! :smiley:
  • Rosveen
    Deepfry wrote: »
    Snapcase wrote: »
    Excellent questions!
    Question 2: The idea is that every player guild (you can join up to 5) with 50 or more members can have a ’Guild Store’ where members can post their goods. It’s not like an auction house, but an easier way to ply your wares without spamming chat. There are quite a few dedicated trading guilds. Some only use the guild to spam their guild chat, though, so your milage may vary. (Guild Stores are accessible at the bank teller).

    Thanks for the answer ... but I'm curious now ! Not sure I can grasp the concept. So here are a couple more questions:

    - Whilst the idea seems great, don't such guilds greatly restrict the pool of potential customers (you'll only ever have as many potential customers as there are guild members. 100 members = only 100 potential customers) ?
    - Also, by definition, won't everyone in the trade guild be crafters trying to sell their wares ? So won't they be sellers rather than potential buyers ? I'm a blacksmith ... if I join a trader's guild with 100 members, maybe 20 of those will be blacksmiths too ... competition rather than customers ?
    - What happens if you are a low-level crafter in a higher-level trade guild ... no-one in the guild will want to buy your stuff because they will all be looking to buy much higher-level stuff than you can make.

    Thanks again :)
    Researching all traits on items will take months. A smart practice is dividing items between players, so each of the guild's blacksmiths works on a different weapon or piece of armor. This way you can quickly get highly specialized people, but they aren't all doing the same thing. In addition, they can help each other and swap items for training - extracting things made by someone else yields high exp.

    And no, they aren't all sellers. My main took up blacksmithing and provisioning, but I need blacksmith, clothier and woodworking items just to equip myself. Then I need someone to enchant them. I can't do it all by myself because I don't have time for a specialized crafting alt right now. Some people do, but not all.

    Most guilds leave a number of spots empty so people from outside the guild can join temporarily and trade. Some people don't want to tie themselves to a trading/crafting guild, they are a pool of potential new customers. Besides, nothing's stopping you from trading directly with people outside of the guild store.

    I'm not sure how it will work with low level crafters, but I imagine people will need items for their alts.
  • Sarenia
    I think crafting will end up being less about gold economy, and more about trading 'n' for 'y' with people you know. I'll trade you my sheep for your goat, kind of thing.
  • misterme2011
    Snapcase wrote: »
    Excellent questions!
    Question 2: The idea is that every player guild (you can join up to 5) with 50 or more members can have a ’Guild Store’ where members can post their goods. It’s not like an auction house, but an easier way to ply your wares without spamming chat. There are quite a few dedicated trading guilds. Some only use the guild to spam their guild chat, though, so your milage may vary. (Guild Stores are accessible at the bank teller).

    Curious why as a seller this is attractive when any merchant seems to be able to buy any type of item (unlike Skyrim)? Can you set better prices than the merchants (whose prices are insanely high for buyers and insanely low for sellers). Thanks

  • misterme2011
    Feimerdre wrote: »
    Hell I even play a 2H Nightblade and thats more fun than running around making much wind with 2 puny daggers! :smiley:

    Oh that's what I play. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to. :D
    Now I think I'll convert to dual wield because I'm a dark elf and learning to smith some better weapons

  • Ri_Dariit
    Ri'Dariit has word of advice. Spamming you should not do, but around the crafting stations you could /say as many people disabled zone. Dirty rotten coin vendors are hogging the zone talk. Many mer and men look for items around crafting stations.
    Fusozay Var VarJaji kor nirni. Ri'Dariit ahnurr shir Gouranga an vasa rid-t'har.
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