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Werewolf tank via tormentor?

So lots of people would love to tank as a werewolf, but they have no taunt.

There is a set called tormentor, which taunts anyone you charge at and deal damage to.

Does anyone know if a were wolfs pounce can trigger this?

If so WW tanks are here already :)
Edited by Guppet on August 15, 2018 1:02PM
  • karekiz
  • ZeroXFF
    If it worked, it would actually be a great idea if not for the fact that pounce has a minimum range that would result in bosses moving and DDs hating you. That would be less of an issue in pugs though where you're likely to end up doing most of the damage anyways.

    Also I've never had a WW, but by looking at the passives it looks like it might drop off mid fight, and then unless you're a tank anyways depending on content you might be screwed.

    Though that pounce+tormentor doesn't work looks like a bug to me. If you can verify that, make a bug report. And they actually do fix bugs, because some ancient bugs that went unreported got fixed shortly after I reported them.
    Edited by ZeroXFF on August 15, 2018 3:37AM
  • max_only
    It doesn’t work with Pounce.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Lykanus
    Guppet wrote: »
    So lots of people would love to tank as a werewolf, but they have no taunt.

    There is a set called tormentor, which taunts anyone you charge at and deal damage to.

    Does anyone know if a were wolfs pounce can trigger this?

    If so WW tanks are here already :)

    Doesnt work with tormentor and is intended. ZOS stated that they do not see Werewolves as tanks so unlikely they will change.
  • Tasear
    Tried it doesn't work. Also doesn't work with ice staff.
  • AlienatedGoat
    I'm wolf. You're wolf.

    We're wolf.
    PC-NA Goat
  • Caligamy_ESO
    Lykanus wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    So lots of people would love to tank as a werewolf, but they have no taunt.

    There is a set called tormentor, which taunts anyone you charge at and deal damage to.

    Does anyone know if a were wolfs pounce can trigger this?

    If so WW tanks are here already :)

    Doesnt work with tormentor and is intended. ZOS stated that they do not see Werewolves as tanks so unlikely they will change.

    So much for that whole play as you want touted on the box, but they do see Sorcerers as tanks, DK's as fire mages, Nightblades as bomblades, Templars as... what are templars?
    love is love
  • pauli133
    Templars as... what are templars?

    Healers and multi-target damage dealers.
  • MaleAmazon
    Werewolf is an ultimate that makes you a vicious aggressive hunter. Not a tank. You dont really get to be a resto staff ultimate DD either.
  • ZeroXFF
    MaleAmazon wrote: »
    Werewolf is an ultimate that makes you a vicious aggressive hunter. Not a tank. You dont really get to be a resto staff ultimate DD either.

    I'm pretty sure you can be a good DD with a resto staff and overload.
  • MaleAmazon
    Yeah, I´m just saying the restoration staff ultimate is not a damage dealing ultimate. And the werewolf ultimate isn´t a tank ultimate.
  • ZeroXFF
    Lykanus wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    So lots of people would love to tank as a werewolf, but they have no taunt.

    There is a set called tormentor, which taunts anyone you charge at and deal damage to.

    Does anyone know if a were wolfs pounce can trigger this?

    If so WW tanks are here already :)

    Doesnt work with tormentor and is intended. ZOS stated that they do not see Werewolves as tanks so unlikely they will change.

    Do you have a link to where they are saying that explicitly this set isn't intended to work with pounce? Because making WW tanks is one thing, but an inconsistency in how a set works is just a bug in my eyes.
  • ccfeeling
    Its bug
  • valkyrie93
    Phage wrote: »
    I'm wolf. You're wolf.

    We're wolf.

    only clicked this thread to look for a comment like this

    PC EU
  • ZeroXFF
    MaleAmazon wrote: »
    Yeah, I´m just saying the restoration staff ultimate is not a damage dealing ultimate. And the werewolf ultimate isn´t a tank ultimate.

    It's entirely irrelevant what the ultimate is intended for. War Horn isn't a tank skill, yet all tanks use it. Lightning staff isn't a tank or healing weapon, yet many tanks use it and healers are considered bad if they don't use it. Nova is not a healing ulti, yet healers use it sometimes.
  • KeiruNicrom
    I tested this with all gap closers about a year ago. Tormentor only triggered with 2h, shield, and templar gap closers. No leaps, pounces, teleports, or reverse pulls work
  • idk
    Even if the set did proc a taunt it would a WW would be very challenged getting a second taunt on a melee since they would not have range to use the pounce unless they failed at being a tank and someone else got agro.

    WW has always clearly be designed for damage, not tanking. Anyone who thinks otherwise would have to come up with a reliable taunt for a WW to prove otherwise, as I pointed out this set could never be a reliable taunt for a WW.
  • MaleAmazon
    It's entirely irrelevant what the ultimate is intended for. War Horn isn't a tank skill, yet all tanks use it. Lightning staff isn't a tank or healing weapon, yet many tanks use it and healers are considered bad if they don't use it. Nova is not a healing ulti, yet healers use it sometimes.

    Err.. war horn is a support skill, tanks use support skills.

    Werewolf is an ultimate that transforms you into an aggressive hunter. Sure they can make it to work with the tormentor set, I just think people forget that werewolf is not designed as a new character class, it is designed as an ultimate.
  • ZeroXFF
    MaleAmazon wrote: »
    It's entirely irrelevant what the ultimate is intended for. War Horn isn't a tank skill, yet all tanks use it. Lightning staff isn't a tank or healing weapon, yet many tanks use it and healers are considered bad if they don't use it. Nova is not a healing ulti, yet healers use it sometimes.

    Err.. war horn is a support skill, tanks use support skills.

    Werewolf is an ultimate that transforms you into an aggressive hunter. Sure they can make it to work with the tormentor set, I just think people forget that werewolf is not designed as a new character class, it is designed as an ultimate.

    It's not a support skill, it's an assault skill. Also, I gave more examples of unintended uses. Whatever the design, there is no reason to create inconsistencies.
  • MaleAmazon
    It's not a support skill, it's an assault skill.

    It is a support skill in that is supports other players. I know it is not from the skill line called "support" :*
  • ZeroXFF
    MaleAmazon wrote: »
    It's not a support skill, it's an assault skill.

    It is a support skill in that is supports other players. I know it is not from the skill line called "support" :*

    We can argue about that all you want, but you can't tell me lightning staves are tank weapons. You argue about minor stuff without addressing the main point which is, regardless of design intention skills and sets work consistently on whoever uses them. It may be suboptimal in this case, but that's for the player considering it to decide.
  • MaleAmazon
    We can argue about that all you want, but you can't tell me lightning staves are tank weapons.

    Which I didn´t.
    You argue about minor stuff without addressing the main point which is, regardless of design intention skills and sets work consistently on whoever uses them.

    Which I agreed with above. This is hardly the first weirdness / oversight. Why did dawnbreaker benefit from cruel flurry when it isn´t single target, and not radiant destruction which is, the last time I tested it and read about it?

    Like I said it is fine if the set works with it, I just explained that the design of the werewolf is as an aggressive ultimate. So if it is intentional there might be a reason for it. If it isn´t, post it as a bug report.
  • Saturn
    Guppet wrote: »
    So lots of people would love to tank as a werewolf, but they have no taunt.

    There is a set called tormentor, which taunts anyone you charge at and deal damage to.

    Does anyone know if a were wolfs pounce can trigger this?

    If so WW tanks are here already :)

    It doesn't work anymore unfortunately. Hopefully they'll fix it.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • VaranisArano
    Lykanus wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    So lots of people would love to tank as a werewolf, but they have no taunt.

    There is a set called tormentor, which taunts anyone you charge at and deal damage to.

    Does anyone know if a were wolfs pounce can trigger this?

    If so WW tanks are here already :)

    Doesnt work with tormentor and is intended. ZOS stated that they do not see Werewolves as tanks so unlikely they will change.

    So much for that whole play as you want touted on the box, but they do see Sorcerers as tanks, DK's as fire mages, Nightblades as bomblades, Templars as... what are templars?

    That's because that's not what the box means when it says Play The Way You Like.

    Ad behind spoiler for size:
  • Malacthulhu
    Tormentor should work with any gap closers but, it only works with charge gap closers. As if you are gonna put it on a sword an board for taunting. Also, when they made it so you have to be x distance to use most charge abilities it was nerfed bc of pvp which also hinders its usefulness. However, I do like lotus fan on my nb tank for doing a pull as it does a good dot aoe for pulling.
    Xbox One Na
  • ccfeeling
    Armor set effect should be counted.
    Zos, can u explain?
  • worrallj
    I just read this after farming a bunch of tormentors. Seriously pissed. Tormentors text should be changed to reflect this.
  • usmcjdking
    WW leap is classified as a teleport, not a charge skill.
  • worrallj
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    WW leap is classified as a teleport, not a charge skill.

    I guess that makes sense in retrospect cuz it can go up cliffs? Still... Annoyed...
  • gatekeeper13
    I see its a dead thread but.... Why would someone be a werewolf tank? Makes no sense...
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