Hello friends!
I'm reaching out for help with my little...problem. For some inexplicable reason, I like to grab anything that is not bolted down into the ground. This includes, random food, material of all sorts (regardless of whether I need it or not), water, plants, worms, plates and bowls, dismembered body parts, and generally....junk.
Now that my bank is suffering from my hoarding, I would like to ask for help. Please discuss how you manage your inventory and bank, how you decide upon what to sell or deconstruct and research.
I shall be taking careful notes. Many thanks!
Also, if we can buy or build houses...will we have a stash inside? No reason, just wondering...
"Doubt thou that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt my love." -Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2