Hi all,
I feel a little stupid asking this but I haven't found any Bug category in the forums,is there one? I find this would actually be something that would be useful to the community, I've been having a hard time identifying if the issues I'm running into are actually known issues because I don't have a specific place to go look.
Take the Bleakrock Angler achievement for example, it is currently unobtainable however doing a search for Bleakrock Angler or Inner Sea Scalyfin does not turn up any ticket. It is quite frustrating to not even know if the issue has been reported.
Having a Bug Category in the forum with sub-categories such as Quest, Achievements, would make it so much easier and faster for the community as a whole to identify what is currently not working properly with the game.
It's my suggestion, hoping enough people see it's worth to bring it up to the attention of the forum mods so they may consider it.