Xbox NA Looking for serious dungeon and trial guild

As the title says, I'm a DPS looking for a good to run dungeons and trials. Message me if you are a part of one, my gamer tag is OneSickGT26
  • BadSerpico
    you are new to trials, looking to get into trials (22k dps Craglorn)( 32kdps on 6mil for HM and above), or want to run vet trials. Ebonheart Defenders is looking for friendly team oriented players. We run Monday, Thursday, Friday Saturday gat 845est plus we run several normals. We have plenty of knowledge players that will help with Dps, tanking and healing plus teach mechanics . We also have regular DLC HM vet dungeon runs/Skin runs, VDSA, PvP in VIVEC and other events. We use the band App communicate/organize plus Xbox Club that we post pics, vids and achievements etc . If you are interested reply here or msg GT Bad Serpico
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