Patch is successful but will not launch

It attempts to launch the game, but then it doesn't. I tried repair everything is fine, it just will not launch the game...anyone else experiencing this issue?
  • ZOS_RobertM
    Have you attempted to run the game as an administrator?

    Also can you check your My Documents/The Elder Scrolls Online/Live folder and let me know if you have a UserSettings.txt file there.
    Staff Post
  • Meric
    Yes and Yes....I've rebooted computer as well...I click loads like its trying to launch then nothing
  • simongaddb16_ESO
    I have the exact same problem - and I have just uninstalled to re-install as a last resort. I have that file in my live folder, but it is at least an hour old.

    And yes I tried launching as admin via the .exe
    Edited by simongaddb16_ESO on April 3, 2014 10:45PM
  • Meric
    I have that file in my live folder, but it is at least an hour old.

    Mine is an hour old as well

  • simongaddb16_ESO
    Could an out of date add on cause a problem maybe ?
  • ZOS_RobertM
    What firewall and/or antivirus do you guys have installed. You should make sure there isn't anything there that may be preventing the game from launching. With some, even disabling them they run background processes that still monitor and block certain connections/files. You should make sure that isn't the case.
    Staff Post
  • Meric
    I've been playing beta and all of early access with zero issues...and no I do not have any addons
  • ZOS_RobertM
    @simongaddb16_ESO It doesn't hurt to try! Try creating a back up of your Add-ons folder and remove any add-ons to see if it helps.
    Staff Post
  • Meric
    I use webroot, but as I stated I have had zero issues up until this patch. I disabled my firewall and running repair one more time...i'll let you know
  • simongaddb16_ESO
    I also only have these issues since last patch, everything was fine before that, although I did download and dump an add on into the add on folder last night, but hadn't managed to get into the game at all since then (a different well known issue and not one we need to discuss now, although it rankles - a lot !), so its unlikely to be that.
    I've seen these sorts of problems before with other games and its not my rig or settings. Something changed from last night to now and is causing a problem. Is there a full list of specific changes anywhere ?
  • Meric
    Nope this did nothing to solve the issue...any other ideas?
  • Meric
    I had to shutdown webroot completely...just disabling the firwall was not good enough
  • one_eye
    I, too, had to shutdown Webroot. That fixed the problem.
  • ZOS_RobertM
    @Meric - Great that's good to hear! I'll make sure to pass that information along.

    @simongaddb16_ESO - At this time we do not have a specific list available but when we do, we'll announce it on the forums. Though seeing how the cause seems to be firewall and antivirus with others, we want to make absolutely sure that you have fully disabled your antivirus or firewall to see if you have the same success.
    Staff Post
  • simongaddb16_ESO
    Bummer, as I am now reinstalling - oh well, yet more time wasted then.....
  • Nopales
    yeah this is pretty sad download another 20g worth, well i guess i will play this game next year at this time lol
  • Freddo
    Soul Shriven
    I'm having this problem too, unfortunately. I press the PLAY button in the launcher, eso.exe starts and I can see in the task manager that the RAM usage increases quickly up to ~71MB and then absolutely nothing happens.

    There are 4 empty folders (AddOns, Errors, Logs and Screenshots) in My Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live but there are no files at all.

    I'm running a somewhat fresh install of Windows 7 (only a few weeks old and pretty much only installed Steam and some singleplayer games), Windows Defender is inactive and I just uninstalled Microsoft Security Essentials and tried it both with the Windows firewall on and off, but no luck. Also tried to run ESO.exe as an administrator but it didn't help either.

    I actually had this problem with the last beta too. In the betas before that it worked, but that was with my old Windows 7 installation and with my old mobo/CPU/RAM. For some reason upgrading my mobo/CPU/RAM to the better and reinstalling Windows 7 ruined my chances to play the game? :stuck_out_tongue:

    EDIT: Followed the advise in the sticky and created a UserSettings.txt and now the game launches, yay! :smiley:
    Edited by Freddo on April 5, 2014 12:54AM
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