Welcome! The Band of the Hawk is mainly a RP guild that likes PvE and occasionally PvP. We are a tight knit guild and we all get along. We work with the Daggerfall Covenant but all races are welcome if you can work for your coin. We are an active guild that likes to play together and help one another.
Go to the website below and make an account, after that go to the forums and read the guild's lore. After that apply for the guild, once it's received it will be put in "The Barracks" in the forum and guild members will discuss your application.
teso-crusaders.guildlaunch.com/?gid=252669RANKSRECRUIT - A new member is on a trial period until it is decided they are ready to be made full members. Their forum permissions are limited. Showing initiative and being active speeds up how quickly their rank is raised.
MERCENARY - These members have proven themselves to be loyal and capable. Most members will find themselves at this rank. A few restrictions on their accounts.
COMMANDER - Commanders are devoted, seasoned members who help out with the guild, etc. They are considered officers of the guild, representatives and recruiters.
CAPTAIN - Having taken responsibility unto themselves by becoming a real leader within the guild, Captains oversee every aspect of the guild and drive the success of the Band of the Hawks.
We strive to be the best we can be. We care for each other and we will not fail others. Make sure to show respect to others and you'll be respected back. If you are interested, the apply for the Hawks today! We won't let you down.
De'lano Jugaar, mercenary in the Band of the Hawk |RP Guild|