People have talked about wands potentially being added to the game(some even suggested a dual wield concept for it with one wand in each hand) I came up with two different ideas one revolving around “bound” weapons another revolving around a concept of talismans
1. “Bound” weapons: a new skill line(maybe maybe not), but essentially magicka versions of otherwise stamina weapons like daggers, bows, axes, etc only you equip it like normal and when you pull it out your character essentially casts a very fast spell to conjur it. The bound weapons though would give magicka on hit instead of stam and the weapon abilities would then cost magicka
2. Talismans: you equip one in each hand, but there are multiple different ones fire, Frost, shock, etc. each one allows you to cast that spell directly from your hand like Skyrim only since they would no longer cost magicka you would have to recharge the talismans every so often (like an enchantment) otherwise you suffer a damage penalty like vampirism feeding(<just a thought, but probably wouldn’t be the case). Some talismans would have a farther duration but do less damage then others, or do superior damage, but have a shorter range, and one of the passive for the skill line would(of could) allow you to equip a separate talisman in each hand and when you activate it, it does a hybrid version, example
fire+lightning= medium damage with increased range (fire having higher damage than lightning, but inferior rand to lightning
Combat mechanics: the same way you swing a light attack with a sword or a heavy attack with a staff, the light attack of a pair of fire talismans would shoot a fireball(longer range than heavy attack), the heavy attack would be a blaze(visually would look similar to the fire breath do ability)
And similar to a staff it would have a limited duration that it could cast its heavy attack for
Acquisition thinking that jewelry crafting would actually make the most sense here, a talisman could be seen similarly to a necklace material wise