Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Hey ZOS, uh...could I please buy the Spectral Steed with gems?

I've accumulated in excess of 1000 gems trying to get the steed. If this were any other item, I'd be able to simplu use the gems I've saved to buy it....but nope. It's a Radiant Apex item, which means in order for me to get it, RNG NEEDS to be on my side. Since it rarely ever is, I, as well as others, rely on token systems such as Crown Gems to get these super rare items. Because the token system can't be used for this particular item, however, and since this item has an astronomically low chance of dropping, I'm essentially stuck with over 1000 crown gems that I can't buy anything with (got everything else I want from these crates already) and no way of obtaining the mount I want besides throwing yet more money at the screen.

I've paid more than enough already (enough to get have over 1000 crown gems resting in my account). I've been a (somewhat) loyal fan of the game for years, and of the series as a whole for a whole lot longer.

Can't you throw me, and everyone else like me, a bone, ZOS? Can't you give us at least ONE method of guaranteeing ourselves the items we're particularly desperate for?

Can't you offer the Radiant Apex items (+ that delicious looking sweetroll) for gems in the store? Please? I dunno what everyone else would be willing to pay, but I'd gladly give 1000 of my gems for that Spectral Steed.

EDIT: Fine. If money matters more than crown gems, then I'll offer something more valuable than money.

HEY, ZOS! What if I paid for a pizza delivery to your office? Would you give me the mount then? I mean, think of the precedent that would set!
Edited by Azurephoenix999 on June 29, 2018 4:06PM
Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • Numerikuu

    This is why you can’t. They know you’ll keep spending to try.

    It’s not worth the cash. Buy a new Xbox. PlayStation. Or pc monitor. You’ll be much happier than having “gems”
  • Apache_Kid
    If you want these practices to change then stop spending ANY MONEY AT ALL on these dumb crates. Continuing to spend money in hopes to get something with a .2% drop rate just reinforces their belief that they are continuing on the right path.

    They are a really greedy studio but we as a player-base also deserve some of the blame for being able to show 0 restraint when we are shown a shiny thing.
  • reiverx
    When they say there's a small chance of getting an item, what they really mean is that somewhere in the world, someone will get it. But it won't be you.
  • Mureel
    I'm sorry to all the naysayers, but I love buying crates now and then. Why not? I get 1500 crowns/mo and sometimes I use them for crates because I like seeing what I'll get.

    The only thing I dislike is that it seems a whole pricing category was removed from the gems purchase store.
  • Mureel
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    If you want these practices to change then stop spending ANY MONEY AT ALL on these dumb crates. Continuing to spend money in hopes to get something with a .2% drop rate just reinforces their belief that they are continuing on the right path.

    They are a really greedy studio but we as a player-base also deserve some of the blame for being able to show 0 restraint when we are shown a shiny thing.

    If you think ZOS is a greedy studio, you really don't have much experience in MMOs + greed. Holy.

    I cannot think of _any_ that are less cash shop grabby.

    People need to chill - crates are in no way required so being upset about them is pointless.

  • Apache_Kid
    Mureel wrote: »
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    If you want these practices to change then stop spending ANY MONEY AT ALL on these dumb crates. Continuing to spend money in hopes to get something with a .2% drop rate just reinforces their belief that they are continuing on the right path.

    They are a really greedy studio but we as a player-base also deserve some of the blame for being able to show 0 restraint when we are shown a shiny thing.

    If you think ZOS is a greedy studio, you really don't have much experience in MMOs + greed. Holy.

    I cannot think of _any_ that are less cash shop grabby.

    People need to chill - crates are in no way required so being upset about them is pointless.

    The free MMO TERA that I play is like 10x less pushy with their cash shop. I had to actively try and spend a couple minutes to find it as opposed to this game with its giant full screen intrusive advertisement. And one of those games i pay a premium monthly sub for. Guess which one?

    Yeah mounts are character bound instead of account bound but they dont have radient apex tiers and you can buy everything for a little more and pay a little less and try to gamble for it.

    I am upset about crown crates and the crown store because since I have been playing the game, ZoS has instituted so many polices and added so many new things such as housing and furniture radient apex tier that we can't buy with gems, and drastically cut our crown sale discount amount.

    Literally so many new ways to generate and maximize revenue and performance has gotten actively worse over the last 18 months instead of better. If i didn't crash to the xbox dashboard every damn day and freeze and stutter in PvP and PvE you wouldn't hear A DAMN PEEP out of me about the crates and the store and their little shenanigans. Their business practices make me feel undervalued and insulted as someone who pays a premium tier subscription fee while the game is also performing like a game still in Beta. I know others feel the same.

    Edited by Apache_Kid on June 29, 2018 2:57PM
  • Azurephoenix999
    reiverx wrote: »
    When they say there's a small chance of getting an item, what they really mean is that somewhere in the world, someone will get it. But it won't be you.

    And that's something I absolutely despise about loot systems that are purely rng. People say these things are fair because everyone has the same chance, but the fact that luck is the decifing factor makes it as unfair as it could possibly be. People could empty their entire bank accounts into *** like this and never get what they're after, whereas another person could just happen upon a free crate as a daily login reward and get the best item without paying a penny.

    The fact that these rewards aren't even tradeable makes it 10 times worse. I actually got the Phantom Ice Wolf earlier in one of the crates, but I have no intention of ever using it. I'm sure there's at least one player out there who wanted one, but got the Spectral Steed instead, the fact that these items can't be traded infuriates me to no end. The whole point of crown gems is to compensate for bad luck, yet they have no value when going after the items that require the most luck to get.

    Yeah, I get that ZOS made the decisions they did for financial reasons, and I believe that in addition to being morally unsound, those decisions are also poor for other reasons.

    If they sold the Radiant Apex mounts for...say...1000 gems each, I'm willing to bet that more people would actually go for them due to the certainty of receiving their desired item eventually. Even if that meant each player would stop buying crown crates once they hit 1000 gems, ZOS would actually receive more money this way because more players would do it.
    Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    Yes let's have pick and mix
  • Azurephoenix999
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    If you want these practices to change then stop spending ANY MONEY AT ALL on these dumb crates. Continuing to spend money in hopes to get something with a .2% drop rate just reinforces their belief that they are continuing on the right path.

    They are a really greedy studio but we as a player-base also deserve some of the blame for being able to show 0 restraint when we are shown a shiny thing.

    Fine, I'll have to resort to stronger tactics then.
    Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • redspecter23
    I've accumulated in excess of 1000 gems trying to get the steed.

    You answered your own question in the first line. This is exactly why there will always be some items that can't be bought with gems. If ZOS ever added the radiant apex rewards to the gem table, it would only happen at the same time they add super radiant apex rewards on top of that. They need whales to fish over and over again for that 0.2% chance. They are counting on it.

    Edited by redspecter23 on June 29, 2018 4:12PM
  • Katahdin
    Unfortunately for you @Azurephoenix999, the crates are working as intended: getting people to spend more money than they reasonably should in the vain hope that RNGesus will smIle on them

    Of course it also works in the opposite way. Some people won't buy at all since there is no guarantee whatsoever that you'll get what you want.

    If they do it for you then they will have to do it for everyone. I doubt that's gona happen

    Good luck, but don't hold your breath.
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Acrolas
    I don't like the Radiant tier, but I have to admit that if there's a Radiant I love enough to spend that much money on, at least I will accumulate enough gems in the process that I could glide comfortably through several crate seasons following that chase.
    signing off
  • Preyfar
    I got one of the radiant apexes, but not the one I want. I''d give anything to trade it for one of the others. Which sucks, because I've seen people open 150+ crates and NOT get a radiant apex. So I could spend $100s of to get one I actually want and STILL not get it. Meanwhile, I got incredibly and hit the RNG... but not on the RNG I want.

    So even when the RNG is in your favor it still may not be in your favor.
    Edited by Preyfar on June 29, 2018 4:22PM
  • srfrogg23
    I wouldn’t recommend setting your sights on any radiant apex mount, but on the other hand, you probably just helped to put some devs kid through their first semester of college... So, there’s a positive spin I guess.
    Edited by srfrogg23 on June 29, 2018 4:54PM
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    its an obvious trap. surprised NA doesnt crack down on loot crates like China does.
    PS4 NA DC
  • AlienatedGoat

    You guys that spend hundreds or thousands on crates and then complain about the RNG, you confuse me.

    Did you not do your research or something? The drop rates are well known.

    If you don't like RNG mounts, stop supporting the system. Because with all that cash ya'll are throwing at ZOS, they see zero reason to change.
    PC-NA Goat
  • grannas211
    its an obvious trap. surprised NA doesnt crack down on loot crates like China does.

    Why? There are gambling outlines if people need them. Get out of here that something needs banned because you dont like it.
    Edited by grannas211 on June 29, 2018 5:59PM
  • Ragebull
    I don't think the problem is that people aren't getting the super rare stuff, it's that most of what you get is lipstick, badly designed tats and extractable junk. I think they would sell more if they put more unique things in them instead of filler.
  • BozzyTheDrummer
    Since crown crates were originally released, playing on both PS4 and Xbox, using my monthly 1500 crowns on crates AND spending money on crates, I have in the last few weeks, received my very first radiant apex mount :)
    Xbox NA

    Valthyr Alynwen High Elf MagSorc EP
    Valeon Indoril Dark Elf MagDK EP
    Willard Lorrthane Breton MagDen EP
    Faelian Elilanar High Elf MagPlar EP
    Dro'Kassa Khajiit MagCro EP
    Im-Tanky-Enough Argonian Tank EP
    Lorgdan Bladesmith Orc StamBlade DC
    Cyrus Hayle Redguard StamSorc EP
    Xuxtheem-Light-Bearer Argonian Healer AD
    Galen Morthain Dark Elf MagBlade EP
    Burgesh the Mighty Orc StamDen DC
    Mekar the Vile Orc StamCro DC

    "Fimmion hungry. Want sweetroll. Fimmion like pants. Love sweetroll."
  • Peekachu99
    It’s literally the blue one from two months ago, but purple.

    Every radiant apex this season looks like rubbish and has bad particle effects. Don’t know what happened but they’re not enticing anyone to spend.
  • Rain_Greyraven
    "Pacrooti senses that you will be lucky today so you should buy more Cra.....Oh Look There is Rain Greyraven riding by on his radiant Apex mount and hahaha he is giving the finger to the PAWS cultist.....Pacrooti finds that very amusing, now where were we my friend ?

    Oh yes Pacrooti has many crates to sell you today!"
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • Kiralyn2000
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    The free MMO TERA that I play is like 10x less pushy with their cash shop. I had to actively try and spend a couple minutes to find it as opposed to this game with its giant full screen intrusive advertisement. And one of those games i pay a premium monthly sub for. Guess which one?

    Of course, TERA's store is full of many many kinds of gamble boxes, that mostly just give out (worse) garbage when you don't get the Good Prize. And it also has a similar-to-ESO+ optional sub. So.... /shrug


    But yeah, this is exactly why they made a new "can't buy it with gems" tier of prizes. The big spenders got so many gems the first couple rounds of crates that they'd have been able to buy whatever they wanted from the next year's worth without spending more $. So that had to be "fixed". ;)
  • ArvenAldmeri
    You have no idea how many times I rant on forums/in game reports/twitter/facebook about the very same thing. I want some of those mounts so bad. But I just cant get them. And I just dont have infinite money to gamble for not even getting them after spending similary to Alcast 500 dollar on it. Just no. Thats insane. I really want them to be avalable to buy for something. Crown, gems, whatever, just let me buy them. Until them I wont spend more on crown crates than 30 euro per season. Just not happening. I spend a LOT on the flame season. I got one radiant apex. Was it the one I wanted? No. Would I get other the one I want after spending other ton of money? Most likely no. The one I got was pure luck. Since than I didnt buy more than 15 crates as I knew the chances are just terrible. Only 15 to get just the small stuff I wanted (pets, tattos, one apex per season - I have saved lot of gems from those flame atro ones obviously)
    Magicka sorcerer from start until the end. Always. Through the good times and the bad, even now when its probably saddest PvE dps it has ever been.
    Even as an owner of one radiant apex mounts I am against radiant apex mounts and anything thats not obtainable by direct purchase.
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Mureel wrote: »
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    If you want these practices to change then stop spending ANY MONEY AT ALL on these dumb crates. Continuing to spend money in hopes to get something with a .2% drop rate just reinforces their belief that they are continuing on the right path.

    They are a really greedy studio but we as a player-base also deserve some of the blame for being able to show 0 restraint when we are shown a shiny thing.

    If you think ZOS is a greedy studio, you really don't have much experience in MMOs + greed. Holy.

    I cannot think of _any_ that are less cash shop grabby.

    People need to chill - crates are in no way required so being upset about them is pointless.

    The free MMO TERA that I play is like 10x less pushy with their cash shop. I had to actively try and spend a couple minutes to find it as opposed to this game with its giant full screen intrusive advertisement. And one of those games i pay a premium monthly sub for. Guess which one?

    Yeah mounts are character bound instead of account bound but they dont have radient apex tiers and you can buy everything for a little more and pay a little less and try to gamble for it.

    I am upset about crown crates and the crown store because since I have been playing the game, ZoS has instituted so many polices and added so many new things such as housing and furniture radient apex tier that we can't buy with gems, and drastically cut our crown sale discount amount.

    Literally so many new ways to generate and maximize revenue and performance has gotten actively worse over the last 18 months instead of better. If i didn't crash to the xbox dashboard every damn day and freeze and stutter in PvP and PvE you wouldn't hear A DAMN PEEP out of me about the crates and the store and their little shenanigans. Their business practices make me feel undervalued and insulted as someone who pays a premium tier subscription fee while the game is also performing like a game still in Beta. I know others feel the same.

    Some mounts are account bound in Tera though, like the lion that came with the CE and other stuff I believe

    But yeah Zo$ is really getting out of hand with all these cash shop updates rather than spending more time on fixing the game up also they could really lower the prices on like 95% of the things in the crown store and they'll sell much faster imo.
    Edited by Cpt_Teemo on June 29, 2018 6:50PM
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