XB player here, wondering if anyone has done any hard combat metrics on the two sets, olorime and spell power cure.
I think it should be fairly easy to measure an average over time - how much uptime a group has with SPC doing the buff versus uptime using olorime.
I'm thinking it should be able to track how much magic was spent on healing abilities for the SPC to proc, as compared to how much magic was spent on abilities where the olorime circle was procced, leading to a possible comparison of how much sweat the healer had to throw into getting the buff onto the group.
There's probably also a way to look at the magic spent on non-buff actions and pair that with damage dealt, to see if there's a rise in how much damage the healer is able to contribute.
I personally think that olorime makes it much easier to buff the group's damage, thus making it less reliant on magic recovery, and also freeing up sweat effort away from overhealing and allowing that sweat effort to be put toward damage abilities. But that's just opinion until hard data is captured.
Anyone know of such scrutiny being done?
Xbox NA