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Can you solo vet vaults of madness and crypt of hearts

Hi all,

I want to get monster helm (illambris or Gronthdor).

Can they be solo’d? The vet pledge rarely lands on the relevant dungeon and when I queue for specific vet dungeon it never pops.

Any advice or something I am missing?

  • Jim_Pipp
    I've only solo'd vaults of madness (I did a jewellery grind a few months ago and ran it at least 30 times) but it is pretty easy on a pet sorc.

    The first 'ghost' boss has a killer mechanic where it reflects damage on you 10 seconds into the fight so burn it down before the mechanic or slowly. The Harvester boss will always hard cc you, so pets and dots are your friends. The bone atronach is easy but make sure you clear the adds before chasing him. All the others can be done either very fast of you have good damage, or very slow of you have good defence. Sorry but I've not tried to solo the other dungeon.
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • dtsharples
    1st boss in vaults could be tricky, but otherwise I don't see why not if you are doing a tonne of DPS, or have a somewhat defensive build with decent regen.

    As far as i can see.
    Crypt of hearts 1 - is the pledge this Sunday.
    And Vaults of Madness is the pledge next Thursday.

    Remember that if you solo, you only have one chance at the hat - you might get a weight that you don't want.
    If you can get a full group of 4 doing it, that's 4 chances of getting the correct weight, and you might get lucky and a team-mate will give you theirs.
  • Apache_Kid
    If you are on Xbox NA send me a message or friend request. i will run with you on a tank so we get a quick queue.

    Gamertag: iTz John Locke

    Ill be on alot this weekend.
  • happyhughes2001
    Thank you for the replies.

    Can you just run through to the final boss without fighting back against the others lol???

    Apache kid thank you for the invitation, would have taken you up on it but I am on Xbox Europe server.

    I enjoy doing the content normally, but I just want one piece to finish my build lol!!!

    Thanks again.
  • dtsharples
    You would definitely have to kill Iskra in Vaults, to open the door.
    I can't think of any door before then, but tbh it's been a while since I was in there :p
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    Vet Crypt of Hearts I is very easy and can be done through the group finder.
  • Mothball888
    Yes. MagPetSorc.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Hi all,

    I want to get monster helm (illambris or Gronthdor).

    Can they be solo’d? The vet pledge rarely lands on the relevant dungeon and when I queue for specific vet dungeon it never pops.

    Any advice or something I am missing?


    Usually the only thing that prevents soloing are doors that require 2+ people to open or some sort of stun mechanic that needs to be interrupted by a teammate. Only thing I can really think of in those dungeons would be first boss in VOM. Not sure if that mechanic will kill you solo or not.
  • happyhughes2001
    Thank you all for replies.
  • Sparr0w

    Yep for CoH. Solo farmed Ebon & Lich from there.

    VoM I'm guessing can be done? Farmed this one duo so not sure, might give it a shot later after my trial.

    If you need Ilambris I'll be farming it later around 5:30pm gmt (Xbox EU) need to get my mate a Lich necklace, hit me up :)
    Edited by Sparr0w on June 25, 2018 12:43PM
    @Sparr0w so I get the notification
    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH
    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    VoM pop a barrier on Harvester boss, and you should be able to survive the unbreakable CC.
  • Reorx_Holybeard
    Both dungeons are soloable, including hard more, and are actually among the easier dungeons to solo. If you're just farming the helmets you should be able to skip most bosses unless you reach a door you need to open by killing one. I don't know exactly which bosses are skippable in these dungeons as I've always soloed them for pledges.

    General tips for soloing vet dungeons...have a bit more health/regen than normal. I typically use a build that has 25k health and 1.5k regen but adjust for yourself as you need to. I've found that a full DPS build is usually slower in the long run due to dying and more health/regen gives you a nice buffer for making a couple of mistakes (some bosses take 10-15 min to kill). These are easier dungeons so you could probably get away with much less once you've done them a few times and are comfortable with the fight mechanics.

    Vaults of Madness
    Nothing too special here once you know of a few special mechanics. Cursed one has a damage reflection beam which can kill you quickly. Either stop DPSing entirely or heal/shield through it (with enough burst you can kill him before he does it). Ulgura has an uninterruptible stun that lasts 10-15 secs. Make sure you keep healing HoTs or shields up as much as possible to survive through them (she doesn't do that much damage). Iskra is easiest to fight at range and keep moving to avoid his AoEs. The Mad Architect is relatively straight forward: be outside the circle when he summons ghosts, inside when the glass shatters, and kill adds as they spawn. The NPCs that cast fear are how I usually die here so make sure you have enough stamina.

    Crypt of Hearts 1
    Bosses are pretty standard with no exceptional mechanics until the last bosses. Zaven stays in the middle and Athor follows you around. By themselves they aren't too bad but in veteran/HM their combined damage by easily one or two-hit if you aren't careful. Usually I rotate on the outside edge of the ring and kill Athor first which avoids most of Zaven's damage. A better strategy would be to AoE them both in the center if you are able to.

    If you want more details on dungeons mechanics you can see my detailed notes I've collected over the years.
    Reorx Holybeard -- NA/PC
    Founder/Admin of -- UESP ESO Guilds
    Creator of the "Best" ESO Build Editor
    I'm on a quest to build the world's toughest USB drive!
  • Druid40
    Yes, but soloing is annoyingly slower.
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