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Dragon Knight, Light Armor, Dual Wield, DPS: Good PVE Dungeon Setup?

My character is a Dunmer so I wanted to go duel-wielding fire-mage. I try to balance between AOE and single target skills. I like the idea of light armor to support the fire magic. With duel-wield and close-range fire spells I'm right in the fray and a bit squishy (especially if I don't get spiked armor up).

Should I just give up on light armor and give in to heavy. Should I meet half-way and go with medium armor?

Another thing to this decision is I really don't like the look of heavy armor. I like the way medium armor looks best with light as a close second but there is nothing in medium armor perks that supports my build. I figure light armor supports the mage side of my build without looking terrible but that brings me back to being squishy.

Best Answer

  • Plodder
    I am most definately not an expert on the mechanics etc of ESO, but I am running an almost identical build and have found medium armour to be the best option. The two main reasons are that it gives the higher armour rating, but more importantly, it gives me more stamina due to the medium armour tree bonus options.

    To begin with, like you I was going for magicka as a priority, so light armour was the obvious choice. Unfortunately I found myself constantly near death and struggling with the tougher mobs. I briefly switched to heavy armour but found it made little difference.

    Eventually I realised I needed to start making better use of my dodge and block skills which of course required more stamina, especially if I also wanted to use the dual wield abilities (which I do). Medium armour has pretty much proven the best for my playstyle by a long way, but I suspect your own play style will also play an important role in what armour type you go for.
    Answer ✓
  • kankel101b16_ESO
    On beta tests I has a dunmer duald/fire like you and grow him to lvl25, I focused the build on melee damage with fire support and it works very good wearing medium armor because I start with bleed and burning habilities and then hit with criticals on melee combat, it works really good, and dunmer medium armor looks awesome :)
  • Hencz
    Why don't you just try out yourself, and see if it's good? It seems like a cool combo and you will definitely get a very special character.

    If I were you I would try the build out. If you can't decide which armor you're going with, why not try a hybrid? On my character I'm going to go with 50 % medium armor and 50 % heavy armor. Maybe you could try going with a mix with all of the three, like heavy armor on the upper body, medium armor on legs and feet and light armor on hands and head?

    I hope it helped!
    Add me in-game @DrHencz. [EU]
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