PS4 NA login issues

can’t seem to log into my characters since Summerset update. I get as far as the character load in screen and I lose connection to server (error 303) sometimes I get to the point where I actual log in but am immediately put into the “about to get booted” phase where none of my skills work or can’t use any items and...boom. Disconnected from server.
  • ZOS_Bill

    If you experience Error 303 when logging in, you should forward certain ports to ensure that your console is able to reach our servers.

    PlayStation 4 Ports:
    • TCP Ports 10040 through 10060
    • UDP Ports 50000 through 60000
    • UDP Ports 12000 through 32000
    • UDP Port 6250
    • UDP Port 5060
    • UDP Port 5062
    • UDP Port 3478 through 3479
    • TCP Port 80
    • TCP Port 433

    In addition to the above, deleting your ESO saved data file can help resolve this error. Please be aware that deleting the save data will only reset your Options settings, and that no character data or game progress will be affected.

    To delete save data on the PlayStation 4:
    1. From the PlayStation Dynamic Menu, navigate to Settings.
    2. Go to Application Saved Data.
    3. Click on Saved Data in System Storage
    4. Select "Delete"
    5. Select The Elder Scrolls Online.
    6. Place ticks next to the data you wish to delete on the ESO Save Data.
    7. Select [Delete] and then select [OK] to confirm your decision.

    After you have cleared your game save data, restart your console and try logging back into the game.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Akira-DarkShadows
    i am having login issues with the summerset update.
    PSN: AkiraNightWish
    PC: @Akira-NightWish
  • Akira-DarkShadows
    says i was booted from the server and i can't login.
    PSN: AkiraNightWish
    PC: @Akira-NightWish
  • ZOS_Bill

    Are you getting the same Error 303 when logging in?

    If not, please let us know the exact login error you are receiving. Sometimes simply waiting 15 to 20 minutes before logging in again can help resolve the issue.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Akira-DarkShadows
    yes there is an error 303 but the update summerset messed up my characters or something. there is too many new players on the server or something else is going on.
    PSN: AkiraNightWish
    PC: @Akira-NightWish
  • Akira-DarkShadows
    its working now
    PSN: AkiraNightWish
    PC: @Akira-NightWish
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