[BUG] The tooltips of most AoE damage abilities show wrong damage

on the PTS forums we had an argument about whether AoE damage (like Wall of Elements and such) is Damage over Time or Direct Damage. while doing some testing to prove my point i found that the damage of abilites with ongoing AoE damage seem to mix up the damage shown in their tooltips and the actual damage they inflict.

(PC-EU) when i put 75 CP into Master-at-Arms (increases Direct Damage) the tooltip of Liquid Lightning for example would tell me its damage is now 3594, but the actual damage on a target dummy would show only 3057 damage. but when i took all those CP and put them into Thaumaturge (increases Damage over Time) it was the complete opposite, the tooltip would show only 3057 damage, but then the actual damage on the targte dummy would be 3594. and it was the same for all other ongoing AoE damage abilites i tested (on 3 different classes), including Ultimates.

so those abilites seem to have some sort of identity crisis as the following seems to be true
  • abilities with ongoing AoE damage have their damage shown as white (direct) damage in the Combat Text
  • abilities with ongoing AoE damage behave like direct damage abilites in that they inflict recurring damage (a technical inevitability since Damage over Time would not wear off when leaving the area), a distinct difference to Damage over Time effects [X damage each Y seconds vs. X damage over Z seconds]
  • abilities with ongoing AoE damage proc set(s) that proc from Damage over Time (afaik it's only Valkyn Skoria) and do not proc sets that proc from Direct Damage
  • abilities with ongoing AoE damage do not scale with the Master-at-Arms CP passive but with the Thaumaturge CP passive, even though their tooltips will have you believe otherwise

the tooltip "bug" should definitively be addressed by the Devs, but ZOS should also make a decission about whether they want these abilities to be Direct Damage abilities, Damage over Time abilities or a mix of both (or maybe introduced a new damage type like recurring/ongoing damage, which is pretty unlikely i guess). in any event, it should be made clear.

Edited by Jerkling on July 2, 2018 12:56PM
  • Jerkling
    alot has been fixed in todays 4.0.9 patch, not this though @ZOS_GinaBruno :(
  • Jerkling
    patch 4.0.10 and now 4.0.11 and still nothing has been done about it. will you even acknowledge this bug @ZOS_GinaBruno?

    Edited by Jerkling on July 2, 2018 12:56PM
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