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New player (Warden), Struggling with Stam build.

I just started the game last week and hit lvl 17 last night. Upon reaching 15 and getting a 2nd bar this has blown up my world and confusing the crap out of me and could use some help.

First off Builds- I want to PvP mostly, I have done a few BGs and they are a blast. Who is good for finding viable Stam Waren builds? I see a lot of people recommend Alcast but Since I'm new I want to know where is good resources besides him and Dottz. Trying t understand if I want 2h/bow or 2h/dw. i see both and wondering which 1 is overall better for the class.

Now for the 2 bar situation, this confuses me on how your skills level up. I have read some guides and they say "you want 1 from each tree on both bars. I assume this mean my main 3 skills? with only getting 5 this seems hard. For my 2h I have 3 abilities I use but then I dont have room for my main 3. and same with Bow. How do I properly do this?

Any tips of builds/bar set up would be appreciated. I'm digging the game but I got wrecked in pvp and I think it was because I didn't have proper skills lined up on my bars, I like the warden but still struggling if I want to play this or maybe try out something else. Sucks because DK/NB/Temp all appeal to me as well :smile:


  • Madrax573
    Welcome to the Warden fold! They aren't getting much love atm but Stam warden can be a beast in PvP.

    as for the bar stuff I understand it to be all skill line on the 'active' bar (i.e the one you have running at the current time) will get a share of the exp of any kill/event etc. So if you have a spread of skill lines on both bars they will all level up accordingly.

    With yours having 3 2h skills and a couple of other skills then your 2h skill will receive 3/5ths of the exp and the last will be split between the other two skill lines (If my understanding is correct).
    I'm a bomb technician. If you see me running, try to keep up!
  • Cyngar
    Madrax573 wrote: »
    Welcome to the Warden fold! They aren't getting much love atm but Stam warden can be a beast in PvP.

    as for the bar stuff I understand it to be all skill line on the 'active' bar (i.e the one you have running at the current time) will get a share of the exp of any kill/event etc. So if you have a spread of skill lines on both bars they will all level up accordingly.

    With yours having 3 2h skills and a couple of other skills then your 2h skill will receive 3/5ths of the exp and the last will be split between the other two skill lines (If my understanding is correct).

    honestly, I got him to 22 and not sure if I like the class. when Im just killing mobs. Im like cool! do dung or pvp and meh to me.
  • davey1107
    Welcome to the game, and wardens. A stam warden can be a tanky death dealing machine with super heals...lets get you on the right path. I love my stam warden.

    Game basics

    In regard to the skills issue...your class and weapon abilities (the attacks) level as you earn xp while they are slotted. Let’s use the bow attack snipe as an example. If it’s on my bar when the little green xp icon shows up in the lower left screen, the ability is getting some of the Xp to level. If however it’s on my back bar when I earn the so, it does NOT get any Xp.

    The skill lines themselves (animal companions, dual wield, etc) level somewhat similarly. They get xp as you earn if for each ability from that line that is slotted. If I kill an enemy with only snipe slotted from the bow line, bow gets a little leveling. If I have three bow skills slotted, bow gets three times as much leveling.

    Leveling Tips

    - don’t stress too much about it. When you get to vet your xp earning shoots way up, and it’s easy to level anything that fell behind.
    - People are saying to slot at least one ability from each class skill line. This keeps them all working up so that you’re able to unlock the powerful abilities up in the tree. Ultimate abilities count for this as well. Try to do this, but again don’t feel like you have to. If a line falls behind (like if for some reason animal companions is five levels behind the others), just slot like 3-4 abilities from that line when you turn in quests and it will catch up.
    - You can try a different bar setup for grinding than you do playing. What I mean is that maybe when you’re l,aching you use the setup you really like, but maybe it doesn’t have skills from all the lines. Then when you go run in a dolmen circle for an hour you use a bar that you don’t necessarily love, but which helps level skill lines you need.

    Wardens and classes

    Your warden is getting to a level where you can get a pretty good idea how they play, but realize that any class isn’t going to come fully into their class until they’re vet. This is because some of the best abilities unlock well down the road.

    But you’re right that you might enjoy other classes. It’s why you have eight character slots. Feel free to roll another class and give it a go. It might take 2-3 characters before you find which class you want to use as your main. And if you stick with the game, you might end up playing several characters. I main a stamblade, but I also heavily play my magplar, stam sorc, stam warden and magblade.


    A stam warden is great with weapon flexibility because they get their buffs from class skills. You can (should) learn and level dual wield, bow and 2h. You can play with 1h & shield if you like, but it’s less important.

    You can succeed in PvP and PvE with any combo of the first three weapons on that list. Play what you like for now, level them all a bit, and as vet you’ll likely use all of them from situation to situation.


    You’ll want to level medium and heavy, so wear a bit of both for now. Medium is for increasing damage, and heav tanks you up. Most vets wear a combination, and want both lines fully leveled with most passives unlocked.

    Bar setups

    Alcast does make solid builds. As a new player, it might be more helpful to discuss why he selects the skills he does...or why any build maker does.

    Your back bar is generally for buffs, shields and heals. Alcast is using shimmering shield as a...duh...shield. Lotus is an amazing heal. Cloak is a good shield with a bit of dps. And bird of prey...when you get this, read each buff and look them up to understand what it’s offering.

    Your front bar is for dps, generally. That’s pretty straightforward.

    Important buffs: the most important buffs for any stam character is major brutality and major savagery. These increase your damage significantly. You’re getting to a level where you are unlocking abilities that offer these...learn how they work, and how to keep the buffs up.


    You’re probably getting wrecked because you’re a newbie. We’ve all been there. You’ll get slaughtered in PvP a lot, but over time you’ll get better abilities, and learn the ropes. You can definitely contend and have fun in PvP...just also understand that you’ll be five times as tough one day when you’re a vet character with 300+ champion points. (It won’t take as long to get there as it might sound).

    In the meantime, my recommendation is to play Cyrodiil in your server’s busy campaign in a group. Put out an LFG zone chat and find a fun, chatty group. You’ll learn a ton in a good group, and earn good AP. Use the opportunity to start learning how much damage you put out and take. Make sure your combat text is on, so you can see what attacks work best and which flop. When you die, look over the recap and see why. Some time in Cyrodiil let’s you learn the PvP basics in a larger team, so they can pick up some of the slack (and Rez you, lol). This is good experience for later battlegrounds and sewers.

    And if you get really frustrated in PvP with a warden, try a nightblade. The cloak can be invaluable for newbies. Or if not a nightblade, at least carry some invisibility pots so you aren’t always getting chased down. Blessed thistle, blue enteloma, namiras rot. Lifesaver, lol.

    Have fun. If you have question, when you reply make sure to use @davey1107 in the reply so the system flags me. That’s a good rule any time you ask follow up questions in these forums...a quote or @player reference gives us an alert so we know to come back to the thread.
  • Cyngar
    @davey1107 Thanks for all the info. I'm on xb sadly. Finding groups here I have nonidea how yet.
    Trying to getvit on pc maybe as well.

    Warren I'm not sure if it's for me. Got to lvl 25 and if I'm not solo killing mobs. Imo so far I don't like the class. Sucks cause I don't have alot of time to play as it is. So trying to figure it out.

  • davey1107
    On any platform, when in Cyrodiil put out a zone chat. Go to social...text chat...then type /z LFG.

    You’ll probably always get an invite. if you want, feel,free to elaborate - LFG. Stam Warden noobie, learning PvP. Then anyone inviting you knows to give a little extra instruction.
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