Anvil - The Daggerfall Covenant (Casual)

Anvil is a casual guild. We are not a PvE, PvP nor RP guild. Casual here is a view of other players. With in the tradition context of D&D we are a good aligned guild. Good here being the common good. That would be a warm and friendly world rather than a cold and cruel one. That as opposed to your selfish desires no matter the cost to others. You don't have to make some vow of poverty and sacrifice everything for others, you can certainly help yourself, but not at the expense of others.

The hope is of the guild to be, primarily, a crafting guild. It isn't that we won't do other things, but that crafting is the real incentive. There wouldn't be a lot of point to a guild of crafters so, hopefully, we'll also be a merchant guild. That would be a guild people join for access to the guild store. Hopefully we also attract people that are altaholics and, generally, just like to help people. One advantage for such people should be access to goods they might have trouble finding elsewhere due to the craftsmen. We'll do PvE, PvP and RP, all crafting and no adventuring makes Igor a dull Orc. We'll see where the membership takes the guild with only part truly non-negotiable being the good part.

You can contact me in game as @LilBudyWizer and our guild site is currently Anvil. It's a trial account so the name and location may change.
My Guild - Anvil
  • LilBudyWizerub17_ESO
    Since I seem to have nothing better to do what better time to get specific in what I need. I need four people. I'm a crafter, that's what I am. I can handle the people that like to run in circles all day gathering nodes and looting chests. I do adventure so I can help people with how to complete quests though the game makes it hard to actually help them run the quest. Mobs? What mobs? I don't see no stinking mobs.

    Rather what I need are people willing and able to help people with other aspects of the game. I need a recruiter or there is no one to help. I also need people for roleplaying, PvE and PvP. Overall the drive should be to help people discover and enjoy those aspects of the game. Presumable, like me, you do a bit of everything, but take a particular interest in some part. Below I try to detail a bit of what I want in each.

    The recruit isn't someone spamming chat channels and issuing unsolicited invites. I could do that fine on my own. I need someone that engages in chat. They talk to people. They follow and engage in zone and guild chat. Someone that might occasionally not get much done because they got distracted by zone chat. A person that readily offers help when they see questions in the chat channels. It isn't all about getting someone to accept an invite. It's also getting them situated once in the guild. It's being an ambassador to other guilds. Someone that's hard to shut up but engaging enough you don't actually want them to. You aren't in it alone, you got a whole guild to help you help people.

    With PvE it isn't about being the first to clear an instance. It's about getting people to go on their first instance run. It's about coaching people in group dynamics while accepting it may not be what they live for. It's also about helping those for which it is their primary focus learn what they need to know to be good at it. You don't have to be good at it, it's a new game. You just need to be good at getting people to give it a try so you can learn as well. I need someone that when they want to engage in a group PvE activity has no problem finding people to do so with them. It is, to me, the best way to see what a person is made out of. How do they handle a wipe? Are they blinded by all that glitters?

    With PvP it isn't about topping the leaderboards. Just like PvE it's about getting people engaged, helping them find their way. I need someone that's a good sportsman. Someone that recognizes that simply being respected can make you seem a whole lot better than you are and being reviled can make you look a whole lot worse. I have no objection to someone that engages in bravado like a pro wrestler as long as they keep it in the proper venue. Overall someone that can bring order to chaos and recognizes the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

    Finally with RP I don't want an RP ***. We are not an RP guild. I want a storyteller. Ideally someone that enjoys writing short stories. Somone that understands it is about getting people to believe the character, rather than getting them to humor you. It's about sucking them in, sweeping them away, getting them lost in the story. This game presents particular challenges since it identifies players by account, not character, so writing is critical to me. I also need a lore master. Someone that actually reads the books. A person that understands the events in the context of the world of Tamriel, but doesn't get upset others don't.

    Most importantly I need help. I can delegate authority, but not responsibility. The responsibility for all these things lies with me. You aren't going to be on your own with these things. I'll be dungeon delving with you, helping batter down the front gates, setting around the tavern swapping stories and trying to recruit new members. I'm not asking you to start a guild for me, but, rather, just to help me with that. Ideally it would be people willing to lead those parts of the guild once there's enough with a primary interest in a particular area, but just willing to help get the ball rolling is good enough.
    My Guild - Anvil
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