PC EU. LvL50 and trait 6/6. But what do you mean with ready to sell?
Only a few buying white jew now.
On EU:
upgrade mats price for purple: ~400k in total
upgrade mats price for golden: ~1,6mio in total
So yeah, get ready to sell white or maybe green jews... no market for crafted jewellery set items in the moment. Just sell traits, more profit!
I agree that leveling is not the issue. It's the same old, tired, worn-out idiocy of the grinding/deconstruction paradigm. What is truly absurd is the insane grind to acquire mats to improve quality. I'm at Level 44, been farming nodes until I'm beyond sick of it, and I have a whole 6 Chromium Grains. It will take 80 of these to improve a single piece of jewelry to gold. I'm mean REALLY? No...REALLY? I find it hard to fathom the logic behind taking a highly anticipated feature and completely annihilating the slightest iota of enjoyment one might expect. Sorry, but this is just dumb beyond words.