The Coven - Aldmeri Dominion - A LGBT friendly guild

The Coven - Proud Member of the Aldmeri Dominion

We are a laid back, casual, socially active guild with about 20 members thus far with a goal of 75 or so. Our main goals are to create a friendly atmosphere where our members strive to get along, and do what we can to help one another out. But more important, we just wanna have fun!

The guild focuses on the following areas:
- PvE and PvP
- Guild Event Nights
- Social Interaction
- Questing
- Dungeon Crawling
- Advanced Dungeons and RAIDs
- Adventuring Together

Guild Event Nights will include:
- RP Events
- Tournaments
- Hunting Parties
- Skyshard Hunts
- PvP Groups
- Dungeons

So if you're interested in joining a great group of folks or have any questions, reply here, or send a tell to Maarek on the North American Server.
You can also check out our website below.

The Coven

You don't need to travel the world of Tamriel alone.
  • Maarek
    We're up to about 40 members. Welcome to everyone who has joined us the past couple days!
  • zaeriak
    Hey, I think I have joined a guild under you in another game,, My in game name is Ephrym, I would like to join your guild..
  • jpolivaresb14_ESO
    I am thinking about making a character under this alliance. If I do Ill send ya a message!
  • Maarek
    I am thinking about making a character under this alliance. If I do Ill send ya a message!

    It's a nice area to explore and we would love to show you around.

  • HalloweenWeed
    Oops, wrong thread.
    Edited by HalloweenWeed on April 2, 2014 6:07PM
  • Maarek
    Oops, wrong thread.

    Nah... You were in the right place ;)

  • Rantham
    How can I snag an invite? I can't seem to /tell maarek :(
  • Maarek
    Hi there. I've been at work today... Downloading the patch now, so I should be in this evening, and if guilds are back up, should be able to get you taken care of. Otherwise, if you register on the guild website, ensuring you leave us your character name or @username we can get you added so that you have the invitation next time you log in.

    To register, please follow the link below.
    Edited by Maarek on April 3, 2014 12:36AM
  • jpolivaresb14_ESO
    Maarek wrote: »

    It's a nice area to explore and we would love to show you around.

    What time are you normally on. what time zone ?
  • Maarek

    What time are you normally on. what time zone ?

    Normally on in the evenings 6pm - 10pm mst or 8pm-12pm est. YOu can also friend me so we can see when one another is on.
  • Maarek
    We've surpassed 50 members. We actually have about 65 members now so the Guild Store has been unlocked for use.
  • Maarek
    With 80 members now, you will always find someone on to chat with. Welcome to all our newest members!
  • aseperateb14_ESO
    @Aseperate here :)
  • toddzila03b14_ESO
    @garborn03 i would love to join
  • shadowz081
    @shadowz081‌ I would join as well. But just a question, what if I start a new character in another faction? Do you have people that play in other factions as well?
  • Maarek
    shadowz081 wrote: »
    @shadowz081‌ I would join as well. But just a question, what if I start a new character in another faction? Do you have people that play in other factions as well?

    We have several people with characters in all the factions, so that is not an issue at all.
  • shadowz081
    Maarek wrote: »

    We have several people with characters in all the factions, so that is not an issue at all.
    Cool sign me up, I need some people to do instance dungeons and hunt the remaining sky shards in cyrodil with.
  • Babyspice
    Soul Shriven
    Are you still recruiting? if so i'd love to join, my game name is Lexa Semble and my @ name is Lexa-semble.
    Edited by Babyspice on April 8, 2014 2:53PM
  • Maarek
    Babyspice wrote: »
    Are you still recruiting? if so i'd love to join, my game name is Lexa Semble and my @ name is Lexa-semble.

    We are fast approaching 100 members and still recruiting and always will as long as someone needs a place to call home.

  • Makarion
    Shoot me a line please, I'd like an invite as well. This is why multiple guilds is a good idea :). @makarion
  • Maarek
    Makarion wrote: »
    Shoot me a line please, I'd like an invite as well. This is why multiple guilds is a good idea :). @makarion

    Please also register on the website. In addition to getting to know your guild mates, we also use it as our hub to announce upcoming events, tips for the game, and keeping in touch when we're not gaming.

  • Makarion
    Done and done :)
  • WyeVxndzz
    Oh wow, hurra!
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • Kaynlor
    NA or EU?
  • Maarek
    Kaynlor wrote: »
    NA or EU?

    We're on the NA server....

  • Kaynlor
    Great! Can you shoot me an invite? I also will register on your site. in game handle is @sneaks911
  • Maarek
    Kaynlor wrote: »
    Great! Can you shoot me an invite? I also will register on your site. in game handle is @sneaks911

    Welcome to The Coven!

  • Kenjermin
    I would like to join if you are still recruiting... Character name is Kendrich and my @name is Kenjermin. Look forward to joining you!

    In the meantime I will check out your site since yeah...maintenance
  • Kenjermin
    I would like to join if you are still recruiting... Character name is Kendrich and my @name is Kenjermin. Look forward to joining you!

    In the meantime I will check out your site since yeah...maintenance
  • Maarek
    Kenjermin wrote: »
    I would like to join if you are still recruiting... Character name is Kendrich and my @name is Kenjermin. Look forward to joining you!

    In the meantime I will check out your site since yeah...maintenance

    We look forward to having you join us once this maintenance is through. Welcome to the Coven!
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