The PC community has done an amazing job of coming together to organize GvG events. I would like to do the same on Xbox. I am sure a lot of us are tired with the status quo in PVP and would like to challenge ourselves in a more formal, organized environment. I am trying to gauge the level of interest for such an event. If you are interested please post here and let me know a little about yourself and your team. You can also message me in game GT - montiferus.
Here are my initial thoughts (completely open to change based on feedback).
We will do this in a campaign that does NOT have emp so location/campaign is going to be subject to change.
Round Robin
- No drama. The only way this will work is if we are all respectful of one another. I can't emphasize this enough
- No continuous attack buff
- No resurrections
- No poisons
- No guard
- Maximum of one of each defensive Ult set (Trees, Remembrance, Restoration Ult)
- No Meridia's Blessed, Shieldbreaker, Earthgore, or Vaguard's Challenge
- All players dump ults at the start of each match
As much as I would love to have people attend to spectate the server impact will most likely be too much so we will have to keep attendees only to people participating. My hope is groups from each faction will attend and police unwanted interference.
Unfortunately my availability is very limited/sporadic so I will definitely need help in organizing this. Anyone willing to assist would be greatly appreciated. I would like to offer prizes for the top finishers but my funds are limited so I am not sure how we would go about awarding money. Any thoughts on this matter would be appreciated. I am willing to contribute 200k of my own money to the prize pool.