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Beginner wanting to start well in order to PvP.

Hello all. I made a post over in the PvP section, but I think it may be more beneficial to post here. I will also try and be more specific about my goals and preferred playstyle so that you might be able to offer the advice I'm seeking.

So I don't know very much. My knowledge that I do have comes from Youtube videos and reading the forums so far. My goal is PvP. That's pretty much what I'm interested in. I have nothing against PvE and I am very willing to do whatever grinding and farming and dungeons/grouping with other players to get required gear, but PvE will be means to an end and not the end itself.

From what I've read, it is not possible to have a class that can have ALL THREE of the following: High Survivability, High Sustained DPS, High Burst. The info I've seen states you must choose two to focus on, or you will end up being a very below average to average jack of all trades. If this is wrong, please correct me.

In the past I have played ranged characters as well as Melee characters. I guess if I was forced to describe what appeals to me the most right now, it would be a character that can engage in close, survive well but also burst down the enemy. From what I've read and listened to on youtube, the best way to kill people is to overlap damage with abilities that are timed so you can have everything land at once for great damage. If this is wrong, please correct me.

I don't necessarily HAVE to play a melee character. Indeed, I have seen videos of Magicka Sorcs and they are very powerful and impressive. As are Stamina Wardens. I have also seen some sweet DK videos from within the past 4 months that are very interesting. What I do know is that I don't want to play a Nightblade. I feel like Stealth will be a crutch and hinder my growth as a new player. I have nothing against Nightblades and their players, I just don't want to try one until later in my career.

I will focus on solo as much as I can. I understand it wil be a rough road to begin with, but I am willing to walk it.

With all this in mind, please give me your recommendations for a class to decide on and why you picked that class.

Thank you .
  • Thogard
    Stam Warden.

    Strong solo and in a group. Only real weakness is in PvE
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • Sillyfish
    Thogard wrote: »
    Stam Warden.

    Strong solo and in a group. Only real weakness is in PvE

    They certainly look like a fun class.

    Regarding their weakness in PvE, would I still be good enough of a group mate to get a spot in groups in order to grind the gear I would need for PvP?
  • r3turn2s3nd3r
    Sillyfish wrote: »
    Regarding their weakness in PvE, would I still be good enough of a group mate to get a spot in groups in order to grind the gear I would need for PvP?

    Depends on the group you get to grind with. Stamden is more than capable to clear any of the dungeons on vet . However, if you get a trash group that believes you have to be meta or 'bust' prepare to be kicked. If you go with friends / guildies it will be no problem. All bets are off with group finder though.
  • davey1107
    Based on your add’l info, I think you’re honing in on a stam warden.

    - can do heavy or medium, so can be tankier or kill-ier
    - Two awesome stam based heals for huge survivability
    - decent class shields.
    - can get most buffs via class skills, so you have more flexibility with weapon choices.
    - When you line up their attacks right, insane burst damage.

    In PvP you have several play styles you could go for.

    - heavy armor brawler.
    - Medium armor dps fighter
    - Bow build

    In PvE, they’re still very strong. (I’m not sure what thogard meant...maybe vet trials, not sure. But they perform well in PvE).

    The hardest PvE is trials. Stam wardens can compete in trials, BUT I really don’t think you’ll be grinding trials based on your preferences. The sets that drop in trials tend to be for PvE, and the meta PvP builds are using sets that thankfully drop in much easier content. You might decide to play vet 4 person dungeons for monster sets...and you would be fine in these.

    I also think this makes a strong first character because they’re easy and fun to play through some of the content / grinding you might need to do. There’s a good chance you’ll want to grind your champion points up a bit, and I think stam wardens are better suited than mag sorcs for this. (When you get to this point, make another forum post and we can talk about methods of earning CPs faster for a PvP player. There are ways to do this that are less PvE intensive than others).

    With PvP you just have to jump in and do it - on ANYTHING, with ANY setup. You will die a lot but everyone does. You will see how fast your opponents are and pretty much all the ideas you had previously will be changed.

    When you try it out and find out the class concept isn't for you - retire them to PvE and crafting writs. Who knows? they might be fun later. For example, my first toon was an Altmer Sorc and I thought sorcs were weak because I kept dying. Then I learned to play a bit and Sorcs seemed too easy and not very interesting (for me). Also at the time Pet Sorcs were kind of a joke. Then Necropotence came out and Pet Sorcs were everywhere and really OP. Then Necropotence was nerfed. and on and on. Every class has gone through similar ups and downs.

    One class that DOES have all the three you mentioned is Mag Sorc. But you do have to constantly refresh those shields, lol.
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