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Please help me to choose my main character

So, I now I have two lvl 23 characters, Altmer Sorc and Khajiit NB. Who will go to Summerset?
- I don’t like sorc much, but I know that later I’ll be able to solo public dungeons, dolmens and even some group dungeons. I’ll also have a chance to do vMA and to be good in trials.
- I really like my Khajiit. I can successfully steal thus making money. But will I be able to do things solo as smoothly, as playing sorc? At least public dungeons and dolmens?
Please, give some hints! Alas, I don't have time for both of them...
Edited by myskyrim26 on April 19, 2018 7:49PM
  • Guarlet
    Khajiit NB is one of the best racial combinations for that class, from a min-max perspective. Yes, you'll easily be able to do dolmens and public dungeons. Also, you said you don't like playing sorc, so it seems you've answered your own question. :-D
    AKA The Goblinator, PC/EU
  • Turelus
    If you build the character well and learn the mechanics then your Khajiit NB will be able to just as well as the Sorc.

    You might need to dip into PvP to pick up Vigor for better healing, you can get it fast with Battlegrounds (7k AP even if you lose)

    I would personally say play the Khajiit because you seem to have more fun on it. Play the game for fun and don't worry too much about efficiency. All classes can do all the content they just do it in different ways, the only time you really have to super optimise or worry about perfect characters is competitive leaderboard play.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • myskyrim26
    Thank you!
    Well, as for sorc... I don't like staves and scamp... But sorc is really effective in combat. I already have one - played him while doing Cadwell's Almanach with a friend. It was a crazy speed run (because of my friend), I was unable to read quests, that's why I consider him to be "broken" and made a new during the event. But still... staves.. scamp... meh...
  • Danksta
    Public dungeons and dolmens shouldn't be a problem on any class. vMA would be easier to learn on a sorc but after that it depends on your play style. I find vMA easier on stam. For trials, both are perfectly viable and I don't think that's set to change next patch.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • Jolipinator
    Nightblade. So you can skip 99% of fights with cloak.
    PS5 EU.
  • myskyrim26
    Well, fun and efficiency often go hand-by-hand... I preffer exploring public dungeons at night, when a few people are there. Some places are challenging...


    seems to be reasonable!

    Edited by myskyrim26 on April 19, 2018 7:47PM
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    You have essentially picked two polar opposites in terms of playstyle. The question always, what's the goal here? If you are mostly going to quest and do overland PVE, then pick the one you enjoy the most. It's that simple. You have arguably the strongest stamina damage class in the Stamina NB and one of the best Ranged DPS (and perhaps easiest rotation in the game) in the magic Sorc. Both are capable of doing EVERYTHING in this game. The sorc might feel a little stronger at lower levels and low CP.

    From a PVE standpoint, a mSorc is going to be MUCH easier to break into competitive endgame. The rotation is easier, they are more survivable, etc. NBs (both magic and stam) have VERY high damage, but they are far and away the hardest class to play competitively at end game. Assuming you make your Khajiit stamina, it will be a melee playstyle using bladed weapons and bow. Assuming you make your Altmer sorc magic, it will be a ranged playstyle with destro staves and probably a pet or two.

    In PVP, it's apples and oranges. Stamblade is in a better spot than mSorc currently for most things, but I think magic sorc is a good way to explore Cyrodiil the first time. If you want to be a shield stacking ranged character with high burst, go sorc. If you want more of an elusive roguish playstyle (also with high burst), go stamblade. Stamblade is perhaps the strongest spec in cyrodiil right now, and I don't see anything that is going to dethrone them in the patch notes, but again, its a tougher learning curve.

    TLDR: Do you want to be Gandalf or Legolas?
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on April 19, 2018 8:16PM
  • myskyrim26
    Thank you for such a detailed explanation. The goal? To do all Alliances and DLC quests, but also to be able to do dolmens and public dungeons solo. Maybe some group dungeons solo (in case of a sorc).
    I don't care about PVP much now. Maybe I'll try some day.
    As for playstyle, I love melee combat. But you pointed to an important thing for me: rotation. This is always my weak point. The easier the rotation, the better is a game for me... So, it seems that I want to be Legolas, but have to be Gandalf...
    Edited by myskyrim26 on April 19, 2018 8:45PM
  • Aliyavana
    Sorcs tend to be the most consistantly good each patch so pick it if you want. You don't need to be a nightblade to thieve and have all thieving achievements including the 1 mil fenced items ones on my stam sorc
    Edited by Aliyavana on April 19, 2018 9:02PM
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Thank you for such a detailed explanation. The goal? To do all Alliances and DLC quests, but also to be able to do dolmens and public dungeons solo. Maybe some group dungeons solo (in case of a sorc).
    I don't care about PVP much now. Maybe I'll try some day.
    As for playstyle, I love melee combat. But you pointed to an important thing for me: rotation. This is always my weak point. The easier the rotation, the better is a game for me... So, it seems that I want to be Legolas, but have to be Gandalf...

    I will give you another very solid option. Re-roll or race change your Sorc to stamina (redguard is absolutely the best race, Khajiit is in second, but there is a gap). A stam sorc will not beat a Stamina NB in pure single target damage, but their AOE damage is actually better. The rotation is MUCH easier to perform. They have good resistances, the best raw stats, and if you run Crit Surge, some of the best passive heals in the game. They also have skills like Dark Deal that come in really handy when soling stuff because your resources are not an issue. There is not a better stamina solo class than Stam Sorc.

    If someone came to me and said, I want to play stamina melee in PVE and complete every piece of content at vet level, but I want the easiest possible way to do it, Stam Sorc all day by a mile. The hardest designed solo content in the game is VMA, and stam sorc is hands down the easiest stamina clear you will find.

    I love my stam sorc. I can pull a bit higher single target on my DK and NB, but I play stam sorc most of the time when I am asked to be a melee DPS in a raid. You can easily break 50k single target on static trial fights and the AOE damage is beyond nuts. I have seen 110K 6-minute parses on the Mage Hardmode. Its of course all AOE but the numbers are fun nonetheless. During the event, you can have a stam sorc up to level 23 in about 90 minutes. I leveled a backup magic nightblade last Saturday to 50 in one sitting.


    Edit: Only other thing I will note, magic is always going to feel stronger at low levels. Level 23 is nothing in this game. I would at least get a few hundred champion points under your belt before you get too concerned about soloing harder stuff.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on April 19, 2018 9:52PM
  • myskyrim26
    Seems that Stam Sorc is the best solution. I have 550+ CPs made collectively by other high level characters, so I'll be able to create some good character. Thanks again!
  • davey1107
    You got some good advice here. I wouldn’t pay to change your mag sorcs race, but I would roll and level a new stam sorc. They’re awesome! (I still like Khajiit better).

    Stamblade is my favorite class. I don’t like mag sorc as much...I don’t know, the rotation just feels so dang repetitive. Frag, curse, frag, light, curse, light, blah, blah. It gets boring to me, even if they’re powerful. And the staff skills are boring to me. I’ll play my mag sorc every once in a while, and he’s better if I’m playing with a friend, but I get bored fast.

    You will be able to solo most content with either the stamblade or mag sorc. Either (and any class, really) can solo any public dungeon or dolmen. Any can solo most normal level undaunted dungeons. I personally find my stamblade easier to solo most stuff with. Where he gets into trouble is VMA...the magic shields are just too essential. It’s hard for me to take 50k damage and maintain resources and deal damage with my Blade.

    My favorite three characters might be my stamblade, my stam sorc and my stam that order. I really love the dw and bow skills, so they all three tend to play these similarly, then bring in class skills that make them really unique to one another. Once I got each set up well and learned their strengths and weaknesses, all three just shred their way through anything. And I’m like you...I don’t want to be locked into complicated, annoying rotations. So I have all three set up so I can play them pretty versatile and get along fine. That’s probably part of why I like them...I don’t feel I have to do the same sequence five thousand times in a row.

  • jnelson1182
    if you are looking for pure fun out of a class for me personally I would have to say my mag dk is the best, sorc is fun but nit very exciting or versatile, my dk doesn't have quite as high of stats as sorc either but he is a ton of fun to play. if you want a good learning class when it comes to leveling I would definitely say go with a sorc, they have good self heals a pet that can act as healer or tank as well as one that can be dmg buff or great heal for you +1 other. it really is kind of up to your play style which class you go with since many of the skills can be used by all classes.
    * Maccb- Level 50 DragonKnight- Fire mage type build/ BSW body, Valkyn Skoria mister set, & Willpower Jewelry/Random Flame/Lightning/Reston STAFF's
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