Do any of the creatures summoned with the Sorcerer's Daedric Summoning skill line have any skills that taunt or generate extra threat? I notice that the Clanfear morph says something about a charge and tail swipe which sounds vaguely tankish.
Clannfear is a very good tank. He can take a surprising amount of punishment, and compared to the beta, they seemed to have significantly buffed his melee damage.
As for taunting, I don't think so. He can draw aggro, but depending on the enemy you are fighting, even from range, they can switch their attention at you.[the summoner] But 75% of the time, the Clannfear will draw most of the aggro. For ex: if fighting a trio of enemies, the Clannfear will draw the aggro of two of them. The third will often ignore him and pursue you.
Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame PC NA
My main is a healer that uses summons in solo PvE. While not that great at "taunting" they will draw agro if you pause your attacks for a second or two. I like to have two pets for soloing so I can keep them between me and mobs. In PvP I drop them both but still use summoning ultimate. You'd be surprised how many people will run into live fire just to activate it.