My buddy and I ran off to explore some part of the map we hadn't gotten to yet. Did a few similarly leveled quests, and swung back by about 30-45 minutes later. She was working again, we got completion, done.
That said, I put in a bug report about this particular priestess and got the "We know about it and we're trying to fix it" response. My guess is it will stop breaking so hard when there aren't bajillions of people trying to do it at once.
Though, the launch-day blues aren't so bad when there's so much to do. I'd say hold off and swing back by a little later.
northern priestess isn't doing anything and quest cant be finished? is this a known issue?
I had to log out and back in 3 times, but it eventually worked. You need to find one, it seems without a bunch of people camping in the middle of the quest area. That's just the way it seemed.
Finished it today by logging off and coming back on with someone else fighting off angry souls....then completed. Wondering if something was out of sequence.