So my guild is doing vAS vitality runs for scores and I have run out of magicka characters to get scores on. I have stamina characters, however, I do not want to try playing on stamina in there for a vitality run especially as my job in group is to time the lightning so i can't really spend extra attention on staying alive with no shields or purge in melee range.
Basically I want to use a couple race change tokens I have saved up from when they were on sale and change my stamina wood elf nightblade over to a Dark elf or High elf. However, I want to be able to use another token after the weekend to change her BACK into a wood elf while keeping the looks on the character exactly the same.
TLDR: Does using a race change token affect the sliders in the character creation screen at all? Can i use one token, not touch any sliders, go from wood elf to dark elf, then use another token while also not touching any sliders to go back from dark elf to wood elf and still have the exact same appearance as I had before doing the double switch?
Apologies in advance for the poorly worded nature of my question.