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Controller support?

Has anyone tried a USB controller yet and just mapped it themselves with a program like Xpadder? If so is it working decently? My arm is about to fall off from playing for 35 hours with a mouse and keyboard would be sooo nice to use a controller right now.
  • dotGAME
    I am currently using a controller. Ill have a post put up about it soon.
  • Fexelea
    There's a guide to using PS3 controller by @Nebthet78

    Eagerly awaiting dot's xbox one.
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  • greens99
    Soul Shriven
    Same here.. need a good setup for xbox controller.. Dot, which 3rd party are you using?
  • dotGAME
    im using GamepadTV right now, but im about to give xpadder a shot because it looks more promising. Seems as if you can do a bit more with it.
  • Miths
    I tried an XPadder profile but it was just too complex for my taste with modifier buttons that needed to be held down for various tasks, and even just during combat.
    Granted I didn't give it very long so I might decide to have another go at it the next time my fingers and wrist start screaming at me after too many hours with a mouse in hand :).

    Without the same UI as they'll use for the console versions (similar in looks I assume, but no doubt a bit different in navigation), I guess it's going to be difficult to keep a gamepad profile simple. Also in large part of course because you have to memorize it as there are obviously no relevant button tips on the screen.
  • Nebthet78
    Cosmiq wrote: »
    Has anyone tried a USB controller yet and just mapped it themselves with a program like Xpadder? If so is it working decently? My arm is about to fall off from playing for 35 hours with a mouse and keyboard would be sooo nice to use a controller right now.

    If you are familiar with Xpadder, some people might have profiles that are already public for ESO up on there.

    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • Fexelea
    @dotGame's 360 controller configuration is available for download here:
    Join the fan-powered community wiki for Elder Scrolls Online. All Eso Sets
    or check out the Dark Souls Wiki. We also have a Sekiro Wiki Bloodborne Wiki, Elden Ring Wiki and Dark Souls 3 Wiki

  • dotGAME
    I bought xpadder and tried it out. So far out of the 4 ive used. Xpadder seems to be the most fluid. You do have to use a modifier to get all your abilities in, but an hour of playing and you wont even notice it anymore.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    For those who are looking. Xpadder works very well and I found a setup for the X3660 controller that works pretty good.

    Don't be cheap and go ahead and buy Xpadder if you've bought it in the past see the forums on how to re-download for free.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • OutcastVP
    I just don't understand why this game does not have native controller support. What where they thinking? Almost all PC games have controller support these days (if they are not RTS). Even Skyrim had it so what is the deal. I really hope they will implement it soon, have there been any word on it?
  • software_goddess
    I just downloaded Pinnacle Game Profiler. This is my first time trying to set up a controller for the computer so I’m having difficulty setting it up the way I like, but I have to tell you, for movement the controller is so much better than the keyboard. I think I will still reach for the keyboard when I’m going through inventory and maps, but for moving around the world it is great. I’m on the fence about how well it is working for battles.
  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    lets not just lie down and accept this we need controller support we can't toggle through our bag or anything for that mater we need to use analog as a mouse that is far two hard we need back bummer support to toggle through weapons armor junk and so on the fact that they are releasing this game for the xbox one and are not going to implement controller support on pc is a joke!!!

    Why Was There Controller support on Skyrim But Not On Its predecessor! ??

    I Can't Play This Game On My Tv Because my Keyboard And Mouse Wont Reach And The distance is two far for Wireless One to Work Properly

    So My Question Is Why Have Eso Released A Pc Game In 2014 With No Controller Support Its Not 2000 Its 2014 All Pc Games Now days Have Controller Support Skyrim Had It Why Why WHY You Are Killing This Game For People That Like To Play Away From There Desk And Something Needs Doing About This
  • Pallmor
    lets not just lie down and accept this we need controller support we can't toggle through our bag or anything for that mater we need to use analog as a mouse that is far two hard we need back bummer support to toggle through weapons armor junk and so on the fact that they are releasing this game for the xbox one and are not going to implement controller support on pc is a joke!!!

    At this point, I actually almost hope they don't release controller support (or allow the option to turn it off). I've gotten so used to my Xpadder heavily-tweaked custom configuration that I'm pretty sure the "official" version would be garbage next to mine (at least for me). And considering Zen's record so far with regards to design and thinking things through, I think that is a legitimate fear.

    A lot of games in the past have released official controller support that was far inferior to the custom Xpadder profiles out there, and that didn't allow you the option to turn it off. It really PO's the controller folks like me who have learned to make our controllers do almost anything.

  • rotiferuk
    Cosmiq wrote: »
    Has anyone tried a USB controller yet and just mapped it themselves with a program like Xpadder? If so is it working decently? My arm is about to fall off from playing for 35 hours with a mouse and keyboard would be sooo nice to use a controller right now.

    I'm using an XBOX 360 clone, wired controller with Xpadder. I have only mapped it to the combat functions, for everything else I use the KB/M. If you try to map everything to it things get complicated.
    EU Server.
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