I like to take my time and I tend to level slowly, but I'm curious at what point do u're extra magicka or stamina points stop counting for as much. They do start getting nerfed right when u're magicka and stamina start to get really high?
On their respective pools, to my knowledge they are worth the same on the first point and the 50th. But that might change if you figure in what else they have an effect on like damage and whatnot.
Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%
I don't know how much of a balance they need to put on these as stacking 1 resource type will leave you vulnerable due to a lack of the other 2. Worst case, you can always reset your points at a shrine.
Holgrum put some pants on. Holgrum heal me I'm dying. Nag... Nag... Nag...
On their respective pools, to my knowledge they are worth the same on the first point and the 50th. But that might change if you figure in what else they have an effect on like damage and whatnot.
Oh, okay, so the value amount of each magicka and stamina point doesn't ever get nerfed, but your damage and regen do? At what point does this happen?