I was thinking about doing some sort of armor combination as well. Can sorc be healers as well? Or can anyone be a healer with the restoration staff, and sorc just benefit the most due to them relying on mana already?
I have not played in Beta, and am trying to do some research on healing.
As a Templar, is it worthwhile to be a healer without using the restoration staff weapon? I am also wondering heavy v light armor, if the armor bonus from heavy armor outweighs the mana restoration and mana cost reduction. It seems pretty obvious that you would go light armor + staff in PVE, assuming you have a tank with you, I am more wondering about PVP.
Lazarus_Long wrote: »To answer your question, yes. I have not played a templar but I party with them and they can heal very well without a staff. If you believe in min/max you don't want a staff unless you go sorcerer. If you don't believe in it then you can pack more heals into your build by using the staff. The templar skills scale off of stamina and staff skill scale off of mana. As far as armor goes, my sorc healer wears a mix of all three armors in order to help avoid soft caps. That might change later when my alchemy skills get good enough to drop the medium for more heavy.
Can you clarify the bolded further? All the Templar healing skills cost magicka, so I'm not sure what you mean.
Dragonetti wrote: »I believe he means that you would be gimping your Templar to put a lot of points into magicka, as your other skill lines rely on Stamina. As opposed to being a Sorc healer and stacking Magicka to aid your heals as well as other skills.
All class skills cost Magicka. I'm still confused, are you saying that increasing Stamina buffs the Magicka costing abilities in classes? I realize you would be 'gimping' weapon damage but this is a thread about healing (and resto staff uses Magicka as well).