"Veteran" armor

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I'm wondering does the "Veteran" armor on the creation page really look like the set we will have at end game? Or, is that more of just a example of level of detail that is to come?

I have been considering weather to keep rolling with my Breton or give in to my High Elf leaning. BUT.... When it comes to veteran light armor Breton armor just smokes the crap out of the High Elf. I would never want to wear the elf armor, the Breton armor to me looks way cooler imo. Thing is it don't matter what your character looks like as a Breton with that mask on, every time I see that veteran Breton Armor on the creation page I'm thinking "Damn that looks freaking sweet"
  • Noxxys
    You can play any race you want, and still craft armors in the style of another race. You need to either find the corresponding style book and craft the items yourself, or order them from a crafter who is able to craft in this style.
  • RElapse
    Any MMO worth its salt will have MANY different options for the look of armor and weapons. To have ONE veteran armor look for your character seems to me a touch silly, and in fact we see that "handmade jerkin" and "________ jerkin" do look different. Secondly, one of the great things about MMO's is chase gear and the ability to distinguish yourself by your armor. i.e. fire mage from a frost mage ect. Lastly I think the intention of having those options in the character creation screen, is for you to make the best possible character for you, for example if you are making a 10 foot tall badass Nord who is always going to wear max heavy armor maybe you wont care about body marking or tattoos. If the veteran armor shown on the character creation screen is the best we can currently get then I have to say I am disappointed, because they really don't look that great. At its core you want high level characters to look badass and lowbies to look like peasants, so you have something to work up to. I hate to say it but WOW/blizzard does an incredible job of this. All that being said I would hope and assume that there will be great looking armor and weapons later in the game, or added at a later date, after all we are only one day into the early access.

    TLDR; armor shown in Character creation, may just show an example so you can make a build to your liking, we are only 1 day into early access, maybe there is better looking stuff in late game, I personally hope there is a Nightingale looking armor hidden somewhere.
    Fight the good fight, and die with the enemies heart in you hand
  • Rotherhans
    I´m pretty sure the vet armor is it.

    The reason for this seems to be so that PvP can have a functioning war experience and not turn into a ridiculous lag fest, like GW2 still experiences unless one dials graphics down to potato level.

    Noticed that the armor turns different shades though the levels but the overall design stays.
    I guess if you want more personalized armor, then you have to mix and match with different racial styles. And I also heard rumors of other non-player race styles.
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    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
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