Does Nord Two-Hand Weapon Expertise affect bows?

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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
They are a two-handed weapon after all.
  • tengri
    No they are not. At least not as far as ESO is concerned.
  • Empty_Emotions
    Just as all squares are rectangles but rectangles are not squares; all weapons wielded with two hands are not two-handed weapons.
  • avenstar
    There could be some clarification to that fact in game, seeing as how there is currently zero descriptive difference between the two. Both the Iron Maul and the Maple Bow are given the descriptive addition of (Two-Handed)
  • Northman
    There's a seperate expertise for Bows. Bosmers get it.

    Just as there is Bow, Two handed, One handed, and Dual Wield skill lines, so is there for each expertise skill.
    Edited by Northman on March 31, 2014 7:03PM
  • avenstar
    I realize that Northman, I was just stating that the item descriptions could use an update to bring them in line with the racial descriptions, i.e. a bow should just read "Bow", not "Bow(Two-Handed)". And, as a side note, a game should never require you have outside knowledge of another race's skills to adequately explain how your own race's skills might work.

    This is all coming from someone who has been playing Rift and Guild Wars 2, where simple keywords in skill and item descriptions go a long way in determining whether or not something else will affect its use.
  • Inversus
    No. Weapon passives only affect the weapon specified in the skill line.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Shimond
    The two handed on bows is because they take up two slots (i.e. you cannot equip an offhand), not because they have anything to do with the Two Handed skill tree.
  • avenstar
    Yes, I got it. I was simply trying to point out the logical fallacy in seeing a skill that reads "this ability increases experience gained when using Two-handed weapons" and then seeing the weapon descriptions: "Bow(Two-handed)", "Staff(Two-Handed)", "Maul(Two-handed)". Given that information in the game, it isn't unreasonable for people to wonder.
  • Shimond
    You're the first person I've ever seen make this mistake. I don't think one case warrants a change.
  • Inversus
    No, it's only for two handed swords.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • tallenn
    The perk is for the two hand weapon skill line, not for 2 handed weapons.
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