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Tanking build without 1h+shield

Soul Shriven
Topic name
I am looking to start playing this game and because i have at least some experience in MMORPG game (tried this game during beta times) i am looking for class and build (tank)
Well to the question - IS THE ANY tanking build (for any classes... maybe just not templar, but still consider them) without using sword+board as his main/off/single type of weapon (Viable, not just for "lol")? I just really hate this type of weapon (DK from wow, ffxiv, and similar classes in other games there). Maybe 2handed+destr staff? or something other. Will appreciate for any advices .
  • GimpyPorcupine
    Frost Staff is a tanking weapon. Dragonknight or Warden are the best choices for class
    Edited by GimpyPorcupine on March 22, 2018 8:30PM
    8-hr/day casual gamer on Xbox NA. 20 Characters, all DC, all Level 50. +2400CP
  • Royaji
    What is your margin for "just for lols"? Veteran dungeons? Normal trials (raids)? Veteran DLC dungeons? Veteran trials? Leaderboards runs?

    You can be ok with an ice staff (the only over tanking option besides sword and shield) all the way up to the last two. You can complete vet trials with an ice staff but you will have trouble finding a group that will take you.
  • VaranisArano
    The Frost staff is the only other option for a tank build that has actual cost reduction through passives.

    Now, I have succesfully tanked normal dungeons with a normal DPS running Inner Fire as a taunt, so as long as you know what you are doing, its viable for certain difficulties. Its probably easiest on a mag sorc with those shields - I did it on stam sorc.
  • GimpyPorcupine
    1H/S isn't just about defense, it's also important for debuffing the enemy with Major Fracture (and Major Breach if Pierce Armor is taken) and Minor Maim.

    Wardens have Scorch morphed to Subterranean Assault for AOE Major Breach and Fracture. DKs have Noxious Breath morph for AOE Major Fracture. Nightblades have a single target MajorBreach and Fracture, but can only have 1 active at a time. Templars and Sorcs have no access to Fracture. Breach can be gotten with a destro staff.

    There are lots of sources of Minor Maim so that's less problematic.
    8-hr/day casual gamer on Xbox NA. 20 Characters, all DC, all Level 50. +2400CP
  • mefedoseeveb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    i see. So there is chances (question is how big are them cause as Royaji said - hard time finding party). Any advices where i can find builds for that? and what second weapon to use?
  • mefedoseeveb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    oh and forgot - how much your race affect your character being Viable in his role (Tank in our current example?)
  • VaranisArano
    oh and forgot - how much your race affect your character being Viable in his role (Tank in our current example?)

    Race probably makes less of an impact for a tank than it does for a DPS at the very top level of content. However, the general rule of thumb for stamina and magicka races still applies.

    Stamina: Redguard, Imperial, Orc, Bosmer, Khajiit, Nord (in no particular order)
    Magicka: Altmer, Dunmer, Breton

    Argonians get a really nice passive that lets them restore all resources from drinking potions, so they make excellent healers and tanks.

    So if I had to pick the best tank races, I'd go with Imperial or Argonian, but really anything will work out okay. Especially if you stick to normal and Veteran dungeons, you can tank with anything.
  • Chairo_Kuma
    Argonian master race yo.
    GM Esteemed/PS4 NA /Never Knows Best.....

    • Redguard Stam Blade - 50 - AD
    • Argonian Mag Templar - 50 - AD
    • Redguard Stam Dragon Knight - 50 - AD
    • Breton Mag Blade - 50 - AD
    • Argonian Stam Warden - 50 - AD
  • mefedoseeveb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    So if I had to pick the best tank races, I'd go with Imperial or Argonian, but really anything will work out okay. Especially if you stick to normal and Veteran dungeons, you can tank with anything.

    veteran of veteran dlc like in this post ? i just trying to understand how much i can reach without S+B
    What is your margin for "just for lols"? Veteran dungeons? Normal trials (raids)? Veteran DLC dungeons? Veteran trials? Leaderboards runs?
    Edited by mefedoseeveb17_ESO on March 23, 2018 7:37PM
  • mefedoseeveb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    no other advices? about second weapon (or both destro staff? is it possible to do viable built with staff+2handed/dw tank) and class?
  • VaranisArano
    Okay, so I'm not being very specific about the level of content you can do because it really depends on your build and your skill as a player.

    My recommendations:

    If you are a stam character, use the stam morph of Inner Fire for your taunt, and run a bow, and either Two Handed or Dual Wield and basically play like a DPS except for taunting.

    If you are a magicka character, use the Frost Staff and Inner Fire for your taunt, and run either another destro staff or a resto staff as your backbar weapon, depending on whether you need more healing or more DPS.

    You'll have to figure out a comfortable level of content for yourself.
    Start with the base game Normal Dungeons.
    When you feel comfortable with those, try the Normal DLC dungeons which are much more demanding in terms of mechanics.
    Then, you can try the easy base game Vet dungeons, working your way to harder ones. Mechanics get much more unforgiving and enemy damage hits harder, so it will have a learning curve for what your tank can survive, must block, must dodge, or simply can't handle.

    I don't think that you can do trials content, not because it can't be done, necessarily, but because you'd have to convince your group to let you tank without a one-hand and shield set, and I don't think many groups would be up for that.
  • mefedoseeveb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I don't think that you can do trials content, not because it can't be done, necessarily, but because you'd have to convince your group to let you tank without a one-hand and shield set, and I don't think many groups would be up for that.

    saaaad. but still thanks for answer
  • Royaji
    no other advices? about second weapon (or both destro staff? is it possible to do viable built with staff+2handed/dw tank) and class?

    Both ice staff. There is nothing in dw or 2h that is in any way relevant to tanking. So if you want to run it you will not be viable as a tank. They are made for damage dealers and tanking requires an entirely different setup than damage dealing. So you will be a very poor DD with limited tanking capabilities. Unlike healers tanks don't stack max resources and spell/weapon damage so they hit like wet noodles.

    Your class choice for viable tanking is somewhat limited. DK is still THE tanking class and Warden is a good alternative if you want to try something different. Warden works with ice staves really well too. Anything else is usually less effective and since you are already giving yourself a handicap I will not recommend it.

    And since you've never mentioned your viablity margin I'm judging from my position that viable means able to complete vet HMs, vet DLC, Craglorn vet Trials.
  • Sparr0w
    I've tanked most normal dungeons and a couple vet base dungeons (e.g. Fungal Grotto I) with 2H/Bow StamBlade, still hitting 20k dps. Just have to keep up shields and heal more than the enemy can damage you.

    That said when moving to harder content the tank is needed for buffs, debuffs and crowd control so not running S&B will hinder your group unless you can compensate elsewhere.
    Edited by Sparr0w on March 26, 2018 1:06PM
    @Sparr0w so I get the notification
    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH
    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS
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