Skill change

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
So, newbie question here for the high levels / beta testers

When you pick an incorrect skill, or evolution of a skill, these are semi permanent. I am aware that there is a shrine somewhere to unlearn these skills and allow you to re-assign the points. Apparently the nearest shrine for players starting on the AD alliance is in Grahtwood.

Currently were in Auridon.. so how exactly do we go about getting from here to Grahtwood to change these skills?

  • Usstan
    If I remember correctly then go to the large town on the right hand side of the Auridon map, with an island just off the coast (can't remember name and at work atm). In the harbor there is a ship that you can take to the next zone.
  • Moyana
    Thanks Usstan, that worked like a charm!
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