Dragon Knight PvE Build Help

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So Im not the best when it comes to builds (actually this is really my first main character) and I could use some help.
I am going for a magicka damage dealer DK, I am currently lvl 31 with Ardent at 40, Droconic at 31, and Earthen at 31. I use 2 destro staffs, destro is 34. I just cant seem to find a good rhythm. I get frustrated because my hp just depletes so fast in combat.

My race is dunmer and im lvl 7 in vampire.
  • Nephimana
    Don't worry too much about builds till you're cp160, then worry about gear and your skills. Right now just try level up all your class skill lines.
    But for now, if you're struggling and you can make gear or you have a buddy, ask them to craft you light fortified brass, it will give you heaps of resistance while also still levelling your light armor. Make sure you have your dragon spikes always up to increase your resistances, and use flameclaw, it gives you tons of healing, in dealing with adds, swipe 3 or 4 of them every now and then, wait for the huge heals. Make sure you have food.

    Build wise, good abilities are elemental blockade, flame breath, flame claw, burning talons, and whip for the win. Ultimates, standard of might is really good or dragon leap.
    Gear, the meta is Julianos, grothar/valkyn skoria with the rest moondancer. But silks of the sun and inate axiom are really good. While levelling, I'd say seducer just to help sustain.
  • Lynx7386
    Make sure you're using engulfing flames to buff fire damage and searing strike. Stack damage over time on enemies then use a flammable like power lash or heavy fire staff attacks.

    If you get low on health, reapplying searing strike before it runs out also heals you. Keep dragon blood on one of your bars as an emergency heal. You can also use obsidian shard as a self heal when nobody is around.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • ryanborror
    Use harness magic morph of annulment from light armor tree. Also get a decent heal from burning embers and from one of the morphs of inhale for aoe. If you really can't help but take damage, look into leveling Resto for healing ward. You also get health and resources back from using an ultimate with the battle roar passive. Combine that with devouring swarm and you should at least stay alive while leveling. Spiked armor gives you resistances and you can use elusive mist from vampire for sticky situations. And of course, coagulating blood. But to give you an idea of what you can run right now-

    Destro- engulfing flames, blockade of fire, burning embers, molten whip, inner light, standard of might.
    Destro- harness magicka, igneous weapons, coagulating blood, volatile armor, talons, devouring swarm.

    Craft or have someone craft you a set for leveling like julianos or seducer or Magnus. Kagrenacs hope was helpful for me. Do daily random dungeons to get willpower jewelry. Hope this helps
    templars, nightblades
    PC/XB1 NA
  • Narvuntien
    Each tree provides healing.
    In ardent flame the burning embers skill is a very powerful heal will be your main self heal

    Draconic has dragonblood and i think that is where spiked armor is. Armor gives you ward and resolve to reduce the damage you take. There is also inhale that heals compared to the number of enemies hit.

    Earthen heart has a shield that also increases your healing.

    If you are in 5 pieces of light armor you can use the shield in the armor skill line its a big shield.

    As for sets i used a set of seducers armor to level but the julianos set will do more damage. They are crafted sets. For more survibility you can get a heavy chest piece crafted and/or add a couple of health enchantments. You'll want to use any silks of the sun and mothers sorrow you pick up until you are cp160 (max gear level)
  • Kel
    Here is a great magdk build.


    This build will be getting a update for Dragonbones soon, so if you like this build and set up, keep an eye out for the update.
    Hope this helps!
  • AstralSaiyan
    Thanks. I am in a guild and a guild mate kindly made me training armor with a set that improves magicka and magicka regen. I should have gotten flame lash instead of the other morph. Oh i also have molten armaments, should i drop or keep? I use inner light for the passive. Really want destro ult.
  • Cybercore_Death
    I no longer play as a MagDK now, i changed to a Stam recently (not through choice).

    My bars and rotations looked like this (note that i labelled buttons for skills as i'm an xbox player):

    Bar 1:

    X - Flame Lash
    Y - Engulfing Flames
    B - Burning Embers
    LB - Inner Light (passives only)
    RB - Elemental Blockade
    Ult - Shooting Star (purely for passives, though i do swap out for warhorn sometimes if its needed in trials etc)

    Bar 2:

    X - Harness Magicka (sometimes swapped for Elemental Drain or Volatile Armour depending)
    Y - Eruption
    B - Flames of Oblivion (swapped out for Draw Essence for trash mobs)
    LB - Inner Light (passives only)
    RB - Molten Armaments
    Ult - Elemental Rage

    Start on back bar - Molten Arms > LA > Eruption > LA > Inner Light > Elemental Rage > LA > Flames > Bar Swap
    Engulfing > LA > Embers > LA > Blockade > Lash then LA (x 5/6) > LA > Engulfing > LA > Embers > LA > Blockade > LA then Lash (x2/3) > Bar Swap and repeat

    What i would advice for you to do is keep Molten Whip and instead of going "LA > Whip" you would instead do "HA > Whip" and reduce the amount down to 2 or 3 before reapplying DoTs again.

    LA - Light Attack
    HA - Heavy Attack

    This is just food for thought more than anything as like others have said at the moment its more about levelling and learning the game and your character.

    EDIT - The gear i used and the stats it gave are below, forgot to add these in a long with CPs.

    Staves - Shock Staff of Martial Knowledge (Nirn back with weapon damage glyph and charged front with shock glyph)

    Head and Shoulders - Ilambris (both heavy and divines with mag glyph)

    Chest, Legs, Feet - Martial Knowledge (all divines with mag glyph)

    Hands, Wait - BSW (both divines with mag glyph)

    Jewellery - BSW (arcane with spell damage glyph)

    My stats were as follows:

    Health - 17.1kk
    Stamina - 10.5k

    Mag Recovery - 750
    Health Recovery - 180
    Stamina Recovery - 580

    Spell Damage 4396
    (With BSW and Weapon Damage glyph proc. 3979 with just BSW proc)
    Spell Crit - 45.7%
    Weapon Damage - 1977
    Weapon Crit - 32%

    Spell Resist - 19.9k
    Physical Resist - 12.7kk
    (Note that these will be higher if you have Volatile Armour on and active)

    Tower - 2 Warlord
    Lover - 11 Mooncalf / 75 Arcanist / 65 Tenacity
    Shadow - 37 Tumbling / 40 Shadow Ward

    Apprentice - 37 Elfborn / 34 Spell Erosion / 49 Elemental Expert
    Attronach - 35 Staff Expert
    Ritual - 75 Thaumaturge

    Steed - 34 Ironclad / 54 Spell Shield
    Lady - 23 Light Armour Focus / 27 Hardy / 23 Thick Skinned / 49 Elemental Defender
    Lord - 20 Bastion

    I hope this helps a little for you :-)
    Edited by Cybercore_Death on April 6, 2018 7:34AM
    I'm a Dunmer DK Damage Dealer - My that's a lot of D's
  • jnelson1182
    is that a typo or is your spell resistance really that high? reason I'm asking is because I play a mag DK and am currently in the process of trying to figure out where my resistances should be.
    * Maccb- Level 50 DragonKnight- Fire mage type build/ BSW body, Valkyn Skoria mister set, & Willpower Jewelry/Random Flame/Lightning/Reston STAFF's
  • Illurian
    is that a typo or is your spell resistance really that high? reason I'm asking is because I play a mag DK and am currently in the process of trying to figure out where my resistances should be.

    It's most certainly a typo. No one has 119k resistances.

    33k resistance is the cap at which you stop reducing damage taken with any more resistance (50% damage reduction).
    Kiss the chaos.
  • Cybercore_Death
    is that a typo or is your spell resistance really that high? reason I'm asking is because I play a mag DK and am currently in the process of trying to figure out where my resistances should be.

    It was indeed a typo on my part. Amended now, apologies.
    I'm a Dunmer DK Damage Dealer - My that's a lot of D's
  • jnelson1182
    ok I thought so but just wanted to be sure lol, so on a mag DK I'm sitting at around 18k spell and 14-15k physical resistance due to running mundus stone for added resistance, do u think it'd be better to take up bar slot to run volatile armor and change mundus to max mag, regent, or even frit over the resistance or just run want I have now then I can still always slot armor in Dungeon or something if I find I'm dying to quickly or whatever.
    * Maccb- Level 50 DragonKnight- Fire mage type build/ BSW body, Valkyn Skoria mister set, & Willpower Jewelry/Random Flame/Lightning/Reston STAFF's
  • Cybercore_Death
    ok I thought so but just wanted to be sure lol, so on a mag DK I'm sitting at around 18k spell and 14-15k physical resistance due to running mundus stone for added resistance, do u think it'd be better to take up bar slot to run volatile armor and change mundus to max mag, regent, or even frit over the resistance or just run want I have now then I can still always slot armor in Dungeon or something if I find I'm dying to quickly or whatever.

    With your resists you’ll find as you start to get gear sets on that they increase somewhat and also as you level higher and allocate more CPs. Volatile is a good option. You could also level up the light armour shield and more it to harness Magicka for that extra 6 seconds of protection
    I'm a Dunmer DK Damage Dealer - My that's a lot of D's
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