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Veteran dungeon protocol

Soul Shriven

I’m a dps warden with about 240 champion points. I heard if you are above cp 160 that you can queue into veteran but I’ve had mixed results.

I’ve got kicked out of a few dungeons before they even started

I got a tank who said most people in the 200 cp brakes are pretty bad and while I did fine in the dungeon, most people suck at that cp and people have little tolerance for it

I got kicked out once where someone said the dungeon is crazy and it hey we’re sorry

When is it safe to enter pug veteran dungeons?
  • VaranisArano
    You can queue into any random dungeon at CP 160.

    The vet DLC dungeons are designed for closer to CP 300.

    If you want to make sure you have a "safe" run where you won't get kicked while you are learning to run the vet dungeons, grab a friend or guilds and queue with them.

    There's also being able to fulfill your role. For tanks, you need survivability, a taunt, and the ability to promptly bash, block, anf interrupt when needed. For healers, you need sustain for healing and some group buffs when possible. For DPS, 10 to 15k dps will let you complete most veteran dungeons (slowly). Higher DPS will make for a more comfortable clears.
    Edited by VaranisArano on February 18, 2018 6:33PM
  • SirAndy
    When is it safe to enter pug veteran dungeons?
    As soon as you hit level 50 and enter CP.

    I suggest you look for a good guild or two to join to avoid the epeen madness of random pugging.

    There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be in a vet dungeon at CP240, or CP160, or CP10.
  • redspecter23
    Pugging is dangerous activity. Ideally find a guild or group of friends to run dungeons with. It's a much friendlier environment to learn mechanics and you're far less likely to get immediately booted without the ability to learn anything at all.
  • robertosaget
    Soul Shriven
    I see what you guys are saying, the people in the guild i joined were pretty encouraging and gave me some tips on getting a better crafted gear set and were willing to help ( i have a leviathan set). I guess i didnt know the veteran pug scene was like this. Thats not to say all my groups were bad. Ive completed about 10 veteran dungeons and the people i completed them with were nice and helpful. So maybe ill ask them for a while when i feel like doing a veteran dungeon.
  • xiZeroPointix
    There are dungeons that have a 1 and 2 beside the name. All the dungeons with a 1 are relatively safe for both norm and vet. Dungeons with 2 are significantly harder because the mobs have higher health, resistances and an extra boss or 2. DLC dungeons are typically the hardest and on vet mode are very difficult and even people above 300cp get kicked from these dungeons. 1 dungeons were originally intended to be for low lvl and low cp players. #2 dungeons were for mid range players and 2 vet and dlc dungeons were meant for upper lvl and even top lvl players. Even 690cp players struggle with the current dlc dungeons and hardmode is almost impossible except for top tier min/maxed groups. Do not be discouraged as we have all been there before. Ive seen 690 players kicked from some of these dungeons. If you show up with a 2 hander sword and board set up in a dps role you can expect to be kicked regardless of cp ranking. For advise know the role you que for and adjust your build accordingly. I have tanked dungeins where 200cp players had faster clears than 500cp players. All in all everyone should have a chnace to prove there mettle in the dungeon. Most high cp players know what it takes to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time and unfortunately that is what ends up getting people kicked..the been there done that kinda thing. There should be a time limit before anyone can be kicked to even the odds and give people a far opportunity to try.
  • disintegr8
    Veteran PUGs are a nightmare.

    Too many 'elitists', calling people scrubs and kicking them, or running the dungeon their way (bringing several groups of adds together or skipping mobs without warning the group, starting boss fight while you are still mopping up adds, etc)

    Too many 'noobs' who don't have any clue (DPS with 2h /bow and no AOE skills slotted, DPS with taunt, tank/healer who werewolfs).

    I only PUG normal dungeons unless I am on my tank, even then, vet is a risk.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • SydneyGrey
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Too many 'elitists' ... running the dungeon their way (bringing several groups of adds together or skipping mobs without warning the group, starting boss fight while you are still mopping up adds, etc)
    This happened to me yesterday in a Dungeon Finder PUG, and it wasn't the first time. Some idiot "hero" feels the need to run ahead of the group. We all get stuck killing mobs while he runs ahead and gets himself killed because he's trying solo too many monsters and pulls a boss. LOL.

  • sudaki_eso
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Veteran PUGs are a nightmare.

    Too many 'elitists', calling people scrubs and kicking them, or running the dungeon their way (bringing several groups of adds together or skipping mobs without warning the group, starting boss fight while you are still mopping up adds, etc)

    ^This. Its really the best to find a guild and run with those guys at your own pace.

    Had both types of "elitists" disintegr8 is talking about onthe weekend. One tank who was running in front pulling everything while the 2nd dd obviously didnt had enough dps to burn them down quickly and another guy who kept ranting at me because i made one mistake (didnt immedatly noticed that he got pinned down and when i got aware of it it was too late), it was a "noob" mistake, apologized and went on but this guy wouldnt stop telling me how bad i am and tried to kick me even tho the rest of the dungeon went flawless.

    So feel free to enter a vet dungeon with your cp's, with a decent group you can manage quite a few of them without problems
    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • kylewwefan
    Group finder is a mess. You’ve very limited chances of completing anything you can’t basically solo.

    You learn though. If on Vet and the group takes forever to kill the beginning trash, might as well leave. They won’t finish or it will be painfully slow.

    It’s not entirely a CP thing though. I’ve seen plenty of max level toons just awful. Then there’s 230 cp guys that are really good and you know they’ll be beast at max level if they stay that long.

    A CP below 300 pet Sorc is not going to be very good. Nor would I expect much from a below 300 Tank or Healer. Or a Healer with green balls.

    Vet DLC dungeons occasionally goes well. As in gets a complete. This is not common in my experience.
  • zaria
    sudaki_eso wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Veteran PUGs are a nightmare.

    Too many 'elitists', calling people scrubs and kicking them, or running the dungeon their way (bringing several groups of adds together or skipping mobs without warning the group, starting boss fight while you are still mopping up adds, etc)

    ^This. Its really the best to find a guild and run with those guys at your own pace.

    Had both types of "elitists" disintegr8 is talking about onthe weekend. One tank who was running in front pulling everything while the 2nd dd obviously didnt had enough dps to burn them down quickly and another guy who kept ranting at me because i made one mistake (didnt immedatly noticed that he got pinned down and when i got aware of it it was too late), it was a "noob" mistake, apologized and went on but this guy wouldnt stop telling me how bad i am and tried to kick me even tho the rest of the dungeon went flawless.

    So feel free to enter a vet dungeon with your cp's, with a decent group you can manage quite a few of them without problems
    This works well if all agree, run trough mob pull them around an corner at burn, it does not work without communication at least not if not all understand the plan and you can not depend on that.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • VaranisArano
    zaria wrote: »
    sudaki_eso wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    Veteran PUGs are a nightmare.

    Too many 'elitists', calling people scrubs and kicking them, or running the dungeon their way (bringing several groups of adds together or skipping mobs without warning the group, starting boss fight while you are still mopping up adds, etc)

    ^This. Its really the best to find a guild and run with those guys at your own pace.

    Had both types of "elitists" disintegr8 is talking about onthe weekend. One tank who was running in front pulling everything while the 2nd dd obviously didnt had enough dps to burn them down quickly and another guy who kept ranting at me because i made one mistake (didnt immedatly noticed that he got pinned down and when i got aware of it it was too late), it was a "noob" mistake, apologized and went on but this guy wouldnt stop telling me how bad i am and tried to kick me even tho the rest of the dungeon went flawless.

    So feel free to enter a vet dungeon with your cp's, with a decent group you can manage quite a few of them without problems
    This works well if all agree, run trough mob pull them around an corner at burn, it does not work without communication at least not if not all understand the plan and you can not depend on that.

    Part of good tanking is learning your group even without communication. I've tanked enough that by the first mobs and definitely the first miniboss, I've got a pretty good measure of my group. If I've got spectacular DPS and a healer who's rock solid, I might go for a multiple mob pull in some dungeons because I'm confident the group can handle it. If I'm seeing that I've got squishy DPS struggling with trash mobs or that healthy is wildly fluctuating during fights, I'm going to pull mobs one at a time so my group members aren't having a rough time - and if someone wants to run ahead and go faster, they can handle whatever they pull until I get there.
  • Giraffon
    Get comfortable with the non-DLC vet dungeons first. If you have a weakness in your build, you'll probably find it doing those.

    If I'm running a vet dungeon, anything below is going to have me thinking about a vote:

    - Squishy tank
    - Low DPS (if group DPS is 15K, then we got problems)
    - Healz not healing

    So yeah, just kinda' do your job. If you are getting booted regularly, then it's time to reconsider your build and gear.
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Apache_Kid
    We kicked a Cp 188 who queued as DPS for vet COA II over the weekend.

    Some dungeons are harder than others are some like COA II are DPS checks at the final boss and we wanted to do hard mode.. We are not going to take our chances with a Cp 188. Yes we can get a 690 who is just as bad but the chances are lower. We ended up getting a 660 or so who was entirely competent.

    If the dungeon is Vet CoH 1 or Vet Fungal 1 or vet COA 1 instead of II then its different story. Not all vet dungeons are created equal in difficulty so you should take that in consideration when choosing which to do on normal and which to do on vet.
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