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Is it meant to be this hard?

I am a new player and have been trying to level several characters. I have 3 that are stuck at level 6 as i cant kill any bosses and just die all the time, and i have one level 12 who only got there because of self heals, however i have died more times than is enjoyable.
The trouble is i have no money to buy gear as its soo hard to find gold..i have no recipies to make gear as they never seem to drop and i have no soul stones so i keep having to reserect at wayshrines. This game is clearly not made to be user friendly for new players. For example the early quest lines for produce and alchemy etc..you cant complete them as you need to either wait till recipies drop or buy them for silly money you just dont have and would take months to gather...hence catch 22..cant make money without first having money..and no money means no armour or weapons or soul stones.
Can anyone give me advice on how to progress? Why do i see players doing the early zones with uber hot armour and weapons? Where do they get it or how do they afford it?
Im on the xbox1x format if that makes any difference. I know that pc's have apps that make life easier. But there must be some way of progressing this game that i am missing?...my sorceror just needs to look at a boss and is dead in one hit..
Any advice much appreciated :)
  • antimawkish
    The well-geared players you see are probably alts who got shiny stuff from their max-level characters on the same account. Don't worry about them for now. You can do this.

    Probably the easiest thing you can do is to follow content in order and pay attention to the tutorial. If you just follow the quests from the tutorial/starter zone, they will lead you through content that is generally easier to start and ramp up from there. That said, you may still struggle on some encounters. Use it as an opportunity to learn rather than just throw yourself at it repeatedly. Read your skills to decide what's going to give you the best mix of survivability and damage. Watch enemies you are fighting and learn what animations signal that you should block or bash (sorry, I'm PC so I don't know what buttons those are bound to on xbox, but the tutorial teaches you). For example, if I'm fighting a named monster and I see it start to sparkle or glow, there's pretty good odds I need to bash it to prevent it from getting a big hit on me. If it drops a red circle, fire, bile, or other not-glowy gold animation below me, I'm going to move out of it. Learn and adapt.
  • Beardimus
    @CoopstheCat Which region are you EU or NA? EU I can craft you some basic stuff which will help you along. Gear, weopon, food, enchants

    Honestly the the game is very straightforward from the off if you play it as intended. It is a huge game, and can be very confusing, but doing the wrong thing at the wrong time you will get wrecked. I've played from launch on Xbox EU and laugh looking back at how I and my mates struggled early on. Now by helping new people.you can streamline and remove so much pain.

    I started a toon on NA with nothing and have to say found progression quite straightforward BUT I know what I'm doing and had some help getting gear.

    I do this from the start - traditional tutorial (whailing prison) then follow the alliance questline l I'm Pact so that's bleakrock. Just using gear I can pick up or run around and farm enough wood/metal to make your weopon and enough silk/hide to make clothing. Of you can research traits then you can start to make.set gear which is ace, correct traits etc really help. Ideally if you get in with a guild pr someone on this forum.someone can make you L6 training gear of say Hundings (stamina) or magnus/seducer (magika) to get you going. Leaving bleakrock I was L8/9

    You mention bosses. Don't start taking on World Bosses they are group events really now!! Try this

    Alliance questline
    Main Questline (prophet)
    Collect skyshards
    Start fighters guild and mages guild questlines
    Collect lorebooks (if magika)
    If you can join in with others to clear dolmens as it's good XP first time.

    In.terms of crafting, try to get in with a guild to help you. You need to farm mats to do writs. Refining mats might give you gold tempers you can sell if you have a guild with trader. Thieving is also a good way to get gold early on. On crafting maim.thing is decom trash gear to level the skill, and RESEARCH all the traits you can. Getting gear to 2/4 traits means you open sets and that will.help you

    You mention provisioning writs, chefs sell the recipes you need and brewers drink recipes now. It used to be as you describe but now they sell the level you require..

    Typed in a rush on my phone sorry - if you are Xbox EU gimme your GT and if you need Stam or Magika gear and ill hook you up. If NA I might know a guild that can help
    Edited by Beardimus on February 18, 2018 3:25PM
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • naga.

    I play on PC, so not sure how relevant my advice will be to you, but hopefully it will help. I've broken up your post to address specific issues.
    I have 3 that are stuck at level 6 as i cant kill any bosses and just die all the time, and i have one level 12 who only got there because of self heals, however i have died more times than is enjoyable.
    While there are early zones in terms of story, there are no early zones in terms of level. All overland zones have the same level. Instead, all your gear is bolstered. Nonetheless, at a low level you can't really steam roll through stuff since the number of skill points you have and abilities you have unlocked is determined by your level. You should be able to handle trash mobs, but probably not too many at the same time. This makes it exceptionally important to learn to interrupt, block and/or roll dodge attacks from quest and delve bosses. If you see sort of 'red sparks' coming out of a mob/boss, interrupt him/her. If you see him/her charge up but there is no 'red spark' animation, that's an indication that the ability can't be interrupted. What you have to do is roll dodge to avoid all damage or block to avoid some of it. Learning these mechanics is exceptionally important for squishy classes such as Nightblades or Sorcerers (until you get a shield ability). Don't even try having a go at world bosses on your own.
    The trouble is i have no money to buy gear as its soo hard to find gold..i have no recipies to make gear as they never seem to drop and i have no soul stones so i keep having to reserect at wayshrines.
    You don't actually need recipes as you level up. It is entirely possible to level up your character using dropped gear, food/drink and potions. What you should be aiming for is having as many pieces of gear with a training trait on them as possible as you level up. Also, make sure to have all three types of armour equipped to level them up. Naturally, you want the most pieces from the type of armour you will be using in endgame.

    If you want to make your life a little bit easier, join a guild that is welcoming to new players and ask people to craft you some scalable food/drink. Since this food scales with your level, you will be able to use it until you reach CP160. They shouldn't ask for anything in return since the ingredients for it are quite common.

    Don't waste money on vendor gear. Either use what you pick up or join a guild that is welcoming to new players and ask people to craft you levelling up gear. Unless you request it to be in a rare style, they shouldn't ask for anything in return.
    For example the early quest lines for produce and alchemy etc..you cant complete them as you need to either wait till recipies drop or buy them for silly money you just dont have and would take months to gather
    Levelling up crafting skills can be a drag so you want to buy those recipes and complete crafting missions. Since loot scales with your level, buying these won't be a problem in the longer-term.
    Edited by naga. on February 18, 2018 3:14PM
  • Gargath
    First, read about skills you need and what you don't. You should pick at least single aoe and single spammable and single healing. On low levels it's recommended using restoration staff. If your choice was stamina you can change to magicka just for quicker and easier levelling with more healing and shielding. Then you can respec to stamina when you have enough skill points and experience.

    If you need gold find yourself another player, more or less experienced, and grind some human mobs, they will give you gold and stuff. Invest gold in your inventory first, you will have more space for more grinding :). Such best places to grind is e.g. the camp east of Riften, mobs are spawning very fast and usually occupied by other grinders.

    Deconstruct everything that you don't use, invest skill points into Keen Eyes first as you need to harvest raw materials that you will sell later for gold in guild stores. Join a social guild - there you can ask for better gears and if there are guild crafters you may count for free gears - low level materials cost nothing and the only factor that costs the crafter is their time. Join trading guild without sales restrictions, sell raw materials - first ask guildies for average price so it would sell fast. Play more and more in the wilds where the raw mats are likely to be in greater number, due to less peaple scounting area. if you can play out of peak times - teleport to a guildie that is in Coldharbour Hollow City - there is a route for harvesting herbs that can make you a rich fast if you gather herbs with limited competition.

    After you deconstruct everything, the crafting skill tree goes up, all the time do research on items you play to use, i.e. medium armor if you run stamina, heavy if you plan to tank, light if you play magicka. Once you researched 2-3 traits you will be able to craft a basic set gears. If you lack the trait items for research - again ask guild crafters for free trait items, cheaper than searching via guild traders. If you find a bad guild with players not willing to help, quit and look for another.

    Play and be patient, it's uneasy to progress from zero gold but it can't be too easy, because then it would be boring. Good luck.
    Edited by Gargath on February 18, 2018 3:23PM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • FrancisCrawford
    https://tamrielfoundry.com/articles/general-tips-for-new-or-returning-players/ is old but still applicable.

    Also, you can get some decent gear by just playing for a while in a single zone and using the dropped sets you get from there.

    And decent food -- or recipes to make same -- are NOT expensive.

    You can always make enough gold to get by by farming resource nodes and selling the more basic results (iron ore/rough maple/raw jute at your levels). Zone chat would work fine for that; you don't need to be part of a trading guild. Just understand that the prices you see in guild stores are a little high, for two reasons:
    • What you see is the stuff that wasn't the cheapest, and hence DIDN'T sell quickly. Possible exceptions: Stuff that's listed as having 30 days to go and hence was just very recently put up for sale.
    • The seller only gets ~90% of the listed price.

    Edited by FrancisCrawford on February 18, 2018 3:24PM
  • Cêltic421
    Its hard at first on your very first character but its very do able. Do quests to level up. Main story line quests will grant skill points. Quests are an easy way to level up and experience the game. I solo all the quests in the game besides dungeons and craglorn on my way up to vet 14.

    Once you hit 50 and start earning Champion Points you will notice the game getting easier and easier...to easy and boring in overland zones. I suggest getting a crafter and make crafted armor sets every 10 levels. Having crafted sets is easy to obtain and will boost your dps/survivabilty.

    Edited by Cêltic421 on February 18, 2018 3:30PM
  • TheNuminous1
    if you are on xbox na i can make you some food and some starter gear. gamertag is my name on here
  • TheNuminous1
    hell ill throw you some gold too
  • TheNuminous1
    also loot every urn backpack crate everything for chances at rare blue or purple quality recipes that can sell for alot.

    u get a purple one u may have a pontential 10-100k gold to be made. u can link and sell in zanechats if you dont have a trade guild. easy way to make money at low level.

    abd stealing is an excellent way to make money. steal stuff. fence it. make moniez.
  • Anotherone773
    This game isnt that hard, your just doing it wrong. Some tips:

    * Nothing has to be done in order. You can level ANYWHERE in the game and for the most part quest chains dont have to be done in a certain order. So you can skip around. Mobs are all the same level, everywhere you go no matter what level you go there. To put it simply they are scaled to you or you to them.

    * Tougher mobs are denoted by "bars" on either side of their health bare. The more bars the harder. Elite mobs have 1 bar and are tougher than regular mobs for example. You dont need to do certain things to level. You can do whatever you want. The quests you are doing now, scale with you. So if you leave them and come back later, they will be leveled to your level. This allows you to literally do anything in any order to level.

    * Treasure chests are a good way to get starter gear. Learn the lockpicking minigame. Basically you have to push down each tumbler until it locks. It makes a distinct sound and starts to shake when you have it right. Thats when you let go. If you go to far it will pop back up. Treasure chests will contain mostly green items at your level. they also contain gold( around 20 gold i think at your level) and sometimes soul gems and other odds and ins.

    * Loot everything, and pick every node. I highly recommend ESO+( subscription) if you can. The benefits are well worth it. If you dont have ESO plus, you will find inventory management to be a nightmare if you want to do any kind of crafting.

    * Learn to steal. Containers that have "steal from" sometimes contain treasures. These can be sold at fences located in outlaw refuges. Their is an outlaw refuge is every zone but the starter zones(AFAIK). White treasure is what you will get most at first. These are worth 40 gold each when fenced. Greens are 100 gold, blues 250, and purple are 1500 each. When you fence an item you will get the skill line( under world) legerdemain. As you level this skill line you with increase your chances to find higher level treasures. Recipes are also a lot more common in containers you steal from than they are in open world containers. With one point in the legerdemain skill of traffiking you can fence about 5k ( average) worth of items per day with the skill being low. When leveled you can do 15-20k a day pretty easily. Any character class can steal and level this skill ( or any other skills except class skills)

    *If any of your characters have a heal ability train it. It is often a morph benefit. You can redo any attributes, skills, etc later for gold.

    *Try to aggro only one mob at a time. If you find a boss or area challenging, wait for other players to show up to do it and jump in on fighting their mobs. You need to do like 3% of the damage to get credit. XP and loot is not shared in ESO. You get your own loot exclusive to you from mobs you help on and so do they. Your not taking anything from them by helping. Following other players through harder content and just helping the best you can is a great way to help get you going. When i new i use to do it through delves( solo dungeons which are not instanced to a player meaning you may find other players in them killing the same stuff) because i couldnt kill the bosses myself and i struggled against two mobs and 3 almost for sure would kill me.

    * If worse comes to worse roll a magikca sorcerer ( high elf would be my choice). Get you a staff( anything but restoration) ASAP, they are common drops as far as gear. Train the skill crystal shard i think it is and a pet. Summon the pet( a scamp) and it will tank some of the mobs for you as well as help with damage. You can light attack, heavy attack( Hold attack button down until you attack), and use crystal shard and pretty much kill everything but the hardest mobs. Use heavy attack to recover your magicka. As soon as you can morph your scamp into a clanfear.

    * Make sure you always have a food buff running . Health is the best at low levels. You want to try to get up to blue food by level 20 or 30. blue food boosts health and either magikca or stamina.

    *Also you should be putting points in either stamina or magikca, not both depending on what abilities you use costs. Put points in health too. For your first character i recommend half your points in health and the other half in stam or magikca, or slightly more in health if your struggling with dying.

    * If you make it out of the starting zones( you dont need to complete the zone just find a boat or you may have unlocked wayshrines on the mainland if you look on your map). You can try to do dolmens in a dolmen group ( i recommend Auridon if you can get their as the dolmen right outside of vulkhel guard is really active with players). Dolmens are a decent way to level and get gear as part of a larger group

    * You can search for a guild tailored to newbies( use forums or ask in zone chat). They can help you with questions and content. You can be in up to 5 player guilds at the same time.
  • CoopstheCat
    Beardimus wrote: »
    @CoopstheCat Which region are you EU or NA? EU I can craft you some basic stuff which will help you along. Gear, weopon, food, enchants

    Honestly the the game is very straightforward from the off if you play it as intended. It is a huge game, and can be very confusing, but doing the wrong thing at the wrong time you will get wrecked. I've played from launch on Xbox EU and laugh looking back at how I and my mates struggled early on. Now by helping new people.you can streamline and remove so much pain.

    I started a toon on NA with nothing and have to say found progression quite straightforward BUT I know what I'm doing and had some help getting gear.

    I do this from the start - traditional tutorial (whailing prison) then follow the alliance questline l I'm Pact so that's bleakrock. Just using gear I can pick up or run around and farm enough wood/metal to make your weopon and enough silk/hide to make clothing. Of you can research traits then you can start to make.set gear which is ace, correct traits etc really help. Ideally if you get in with a guild pr someone on this forum.someone can make you L6 training gear of say Hundings (stamina) or magnus/seducer (magika) to get you going. Leaving bleakrock I was L8/9

    You mention bosses. Don't start taking on World Bosses they are group events really now!! Try this

    Alliance questline
    Main Questline (prophet)
    Collect skyshards
    Start fighters guild and mages guild questlines
    Collect lorebooks (if magika)
    If you can join in with others to clear dolmens as it's good XP first time.

    In.terms of crafting, try to get in with a guild to help you. You need to farm mats to do writs. Refining mats might give you gold tempers you can sell if you have a guild with trader. Thieving is also a good way to get gold early on. On crafting maim.thing is decom trash gear to level the skill, and RESEARCH all the traits you can. Getting gear to 2/4 traits means you open sets and that will.help you

    You mention provisioning writs, chefs sell the recipes you need and brewers drink recipes now. It used to be as you describe but now they sell the level you require..

    Typed in a rush on my phone sorry - if you are Xbox EU gimme your GT and if you need Stam or Magika gear and ill hook you up. If NA I might know a guild that can help

    That's great thanks. I could do with some guild help as I do seem to spend most of my time dead..I'm level 12 and a lot of my gear is still 4 to 8 and I only have 1k gold and that took a lot of work lol. When I say bosses it just the end quest guys on low level quests...no danger I'm taking on world bosses lol.
    I am on euro and gamer tag is same as here Coopsthecat.

    Thanks for the advice and help.
  • CoopstheCat
    The well-geared players you see are probably alts who got shiny stuff from their max-level characters on the same account. Don't worry about them for now. You can do this.

    Probably the easiest thing you can do is to follow content in order and pay attention to the tutorial. If you just follow the quests from the tutorial/starter zone, they will lead you through content that is generally easier to start and ramp up from there. That said, you may still struggle on some encounters. Use it as an opportunity to learn rather than just throw yourself at it repeatedly. Read your skills to decide what's going to give you the best mix of survivability and damage. Watch enemies you are fighting and learn what animations signal that you should block or bash (sorry, I'm PC so I don't know what buttons those are bound to on xbox, but the tutorial teaches you). For example, if I'm fighting a named monster and I see it start to sparkle or glow, there's pretty good odds I need to bash it to prevent it from getting a big hit on me. If it drops a red circle, fire, bile, or other not-glowy gold animation below me, I'm going to move out of it. Learn and adapt.

    Good advice..don't think I am paying enough attention to opponents. I'm used to just blasting hell out of them from afar on skyrim lol. Cheers.
  • CoopstheCat
    naga. wrote: »

    I play on PC, so not sure how relevant my advice will be to you, but hopefully it will help. I've broken up your post to address specific issues.
    I have 3 that are stuck at level 6 as i cant kill any bosses and just die all the time, and i have one level 12 who only got there because of self heals, however i have died more times than is enjoyable.
    While there are early zones in terms of story, there are no early zones in terms of level. All overland zones have the same level. Instead, all your gear is bolstered. Nonetheless, at a low level you can't really steam roll through stuff since the number of skill points you have and abilities you have unlocked is determined by your level. You should be able to handle trash mobs, but probably not too many at the same time. This makes it exceptionally important to learn to interrupt, block and/or roll dodge attacks from quest and delve bosses. If you see sort of 'red sparks' coming out of a mob/boss, interrupt him/her. If you see him/her charge up but there is no 'red spark' animation, that's an indication that the ability can't be interrupted. What you have to do is roll dodge to avoid all damage or block to avoid some of it. Learning these mechanics is exceptionally important for squishy classes such as Nightblades or Sorcerers (until you get a shield ability). Don't even try having a go at world bosses on your own.
    The trouble is i have no money to buy gear as its soo hard to find gold..i have no recipies to make gear as they never seem to drop and i have no soul stones so i keep having to reserect at wayshrines.
    You don't actually need recipes as you level up. It is entirely possible to level up your character using dropped gear, food/drink and potions. What you should be aiming for is having as many pieces of gear with a training trait on them as possible as you level up. Also, make sure to have all three types of armour equipped to level them up. Naturally, you want the most pieces from the type of armour you will be using in endgame.

    If you want to make your life a little bit easier, join a guild that is welcoming to new players and ask people to craft you some scalable food/drink. Since this food scales with your level, you will be able to use it until you reach CP160. They shouldn't ask for anything in return since the ingredients for it are quite common.

    Don't waste money on vendor gear. Either use what you pick up or join a guild that is welcoming to new players and ask people to craft you levelling up gear. Unless you request it to be in a rare style, they shouldn't ask for anything in return.
    For example the early quest lines for produce and alchemy etc..you cant complete them as you need to either wait till recipies drop or buy them for silly money you just dont have and would take months to gather
    Levelling up crafting skills can be a drag so you want to buy those recipes and complete crafting missions. Since loot scales with your level, buying these won't be a problem in the longer-term.

    Thanks for a great response..really helpful. What do you mean by training traits on gear? Do you mean I should spend points on gear before skills?
  • SydneyGrey
    There are people on this forum who keep shouting that the game is too easy and they need harder content, but those are people who have played for well over a year and have mastered the game. They don't remember how hard it is for a new player just starting out.

    If you want a good place to farm for recipes, do the Bahraha's Gloom delve in Hew's Bane, from the Thieves Guild DLC if you have it. Tons of containers to loot.
  • CoopstheCat
    Gargath wrote: »
    First, read about skills you need and what you don't. You should pick at least single aoe and single spammable and single healing. On low levels it's recommended using restoration staff. If your choice was stamina you can change to magicka just for quicker and easier levelling with more healing and shielding. Then you can respec to stamina when you have enough skill points and experience.

    If you need gold find yourself another player, more or less experienced, and grind some human mobs, they will give you gold and stuff. Invest gold in your inventory first, you will have more space for more grinding :). Such best places to grind is e.g. the camp east of Riften, mobs are spawning very fast and usually occupied by other grinders.

    Deconstruct everything that you don't use, invest skill points into Keen Eyes first as you need to harvest raw materials that you will sell later for gold in guild stores. Join a social guild - there you can ask for better gears and if there are guild crafters you may count for free gears - low level materials cost nothing and the only factor that costs the crafter is their time. Join trading guild without sales restrictions, sell raw materials - first ask guildies for average price so it would sell fast. Play more and more in the wilds where the raw mats are likely to be in greater number, due to less peaple scounting area. if you can play out of peak times - teleport to a guildie that is in Coldharbour Hollow City - there is a route for harvesting herbs that can make you a rich fast if you gather herbs with limited competition.

    After you deconstruct everything, the crafting skill tree goes up, all the time do research on items you play to use, i.e. medium armor if you run stamina, heavy if you plan to tank, light if you play magicka. Once you researched 2-3 traits you will be able to craft a basic set gears. If you lack the trait items for research - again ask guild crafters for free trait items, cheaper than searching via guild traders. If you find a bad guild with players not willing to help, quit and look for another.

    Play and be patient, it's uneasy to progress from zero gold but it can't be too easy, because then it would be boring. Good luck.

    Many thanks. I hadn't noticed the keen eyes, so that is helping already. Cheers.
  • CoopstheCat
    also loot every urn backpack crate everything for chances at rare blue or purple quality recipes that can sell for alot.

    u get a purple one u may have a pontential 10-100k gold to be made. u can link and sell in zanechats if you dont have a trade guild. easy way to make money at low level.

    abd stealing is an excellent way to make money. steal stuff. fence it. make moniez.

    That's great, thanks for the help !!
  • SydneyGrey
    Also, I forgot to mention that you can do all the "starter islands" first, to build up your character's skills. Those are Stros M'Kai, Khenarthi's Roost and Bleakrock. There are wayshrines on each of these that are already opened up for you to use. Those three islands are the easiest content in the game, and great for new players who want to build up their characters a bit and get some skyshards. (Three skyshards equals one skill point.)

    The next easiest are Bal Foyen, Betnikh, and then Auridon, Glenumbra and Stonefalls.
  • CoopstheCat
    This game isnt that hard, your just doing it wrong. Some tips:

    * Nothing has to be done in order. You can level ANYWHERE in the game and for the most part quest chains dont have to be done in a certain order. So you can skip around. Mobs are all the same level, everywhere you go no matter what level you go there. To put it simply they are scaled to you or you to them.

    * Tougher mobs are denoted by "bars" on either side of their health bare. The more bars the harder. Elite mobs have 1 bar and are tougher than regular mobs for example. You dont need to do certain things to level. You can do whatever you want. The quests you are doing now, scale with you. So if you leave them and come back later, they will be leveled to your level. This allows you to literally do anything in any order to level.

    * Treasure chests are a good way to get starter gear. Learn the lockpicking minigame. Basically you have to push down each tumbler until it locks. It makes a distinct sound and starts to shake when you have it right. Thats when you let go. If you go to far it will pop back up. Treasure chests will contain mostly green items at your level. they also contain gold( around 20 gold i think at your level) and sometimes soul gems and other odds and ins.

    * Loot everything, and pick every node. I highly recommend ESO+( subscription) if you can. The benefits are well worth it. If you dont have ESO plus, you will find inventory management to be a nightmare if you want to do any kind of crafting.

    * Learn to steal. Containers that have "steal from" sometimes contain treasures. These can be sold at fences located in outlaw refuges. Their is an outlaw refuge is every zone but the starter zones(AFAIK). White treasure is what you will get most at first. These are worth 40 gold each when fenced. Greens are 100 gold, blues 250, and purple are 1500 each. When you fence an item you will get the skill line( under world) legerdemain. As you level this skill line you with increase your chances to find higher level treasures. Recipes are also a lot more common in containers you steal from than they are in open world containers. With one point in the legerdemain skill of traffiking you can fence about 5k ( average) worth of items per day with the skill being low. When leveled you can do 15-20k a day pretty easily. Any character class can steal and level this skill ( or any other skills except class skills)

    *If any of your characters have a heal ability train it. It is often a morph benefit. You can redo any attributes, skills, etc later for gold.

    *Try to aggro only one mob at a time. If you find a boss or area challenging, wait for other players to show up to do it and jump in on fighting their mobs. You need to do like 3% of the damage to get credit. XP and loot is not shared in ESO. You get your own loot exclusive to you from mobs you help on and so do they. Your not taking anything from them by helping. Following other players through harder content and just helping the best you can is a great way to help get you going. When i new i use to do it through delves( solo dungeons which are not instanced to a player meaning you may find other players in them killing the same stuff) because i couldnt kill the bosses myself and i struggled against two mobs and 3 almost for sure would kill me.

    * If worse comes to worse roll a magikca sorcerer ( high elf would be my choice). Get you a staff( anything but restoration) ASAP, they are common drops as far as gear. Train the skill crystal shard i think it is and a pet. Summon the pet( a scamp) and it will tank some of the mobs for you as well as help with damage. You can light attack, heavy attack( Hold attack button down until you attack), and use crystal shard and pretty much kill everything but the hardest mobs. Use heavy attack to recover your magicka. As soon as you can morph your scamp into a clanfear.

    * Make sure you always have a food buff running . Health is the best at low levels. You want to try to get up to blue food by level 20 or 30. blue food boosts health and either magikca or stamina.

    *Also you should be putting points in either stamina or magikca, not both depending on what abilities you use costs. Put points in health too. For your first character i recommend half your points in health and the other half in stam or magikca, or slightly more in health if your struggling with dying.

    * If you make it out of the starting zones( you dont need to complete the zone just find a boat or you may have unlocked wayshrines on the mainland if you look on your map). You can try to do dolmens in a dolmen group ( i recommend Auridon if you can get their as the dolmen right outside of vulkhel guard is really active with players). Dolmens are a decent way to level and get gear as part of a larger group

    * You can search for a guild tailored to newbies( use forums or ask in zone chat). They can help you with questions and content. You can be in up to 5 player guilds at the same time.

    Thanks for taking the time to give me all that advice. .very helpful. Thanks.
  • CoopstheCat
    Assume support. Thanks all for taking time to help!!!
  • Vapirko
    IF you’re having trouble group up. It’s an MMO after all. Other good steps to take are joining a good beginners friendly guild and asking advice from high level players who can help you through random normals and Sichuan
  • JKorr
    naga. wrote: »

    I play on PC, so not sure how relevant my advice will be to you, but hopefully it will help. I've broken up your post to address specific issues.
    I have 3 that are stuck at level 6 as i cant kill any bosses and just die all the time, and i have one level 12 who only got there because of self heals, however i have died more times than is enjoyable.
    While there are early zones in terms of story, there are no early zones in terms of level. All overland zones have the same level. Instead, all your gear is bolstered. Nonetheless, at a low level you can't really steam roll through stuff since the number of skill points you have and abilities you have unlocked is determined by your level. You should be able to handle trash mobs, but probably not too many at the same time. This makes it exceptionally important to learn to interrupt, block and/or roll dodge attacks from quest and delve bosses. If you see sort of 'red sparks' coming out of a mob/boss, interrupt him/her. If you see him/her charge up but there is no 'red spark' animation, that's an indication that the ability can't be interrupted. What you have to do is roll dodge to avoid all damage or block to avoid some of it. Learning these mechanics is exceptionally important for squishy classes such as Nightblades or Sorcerers (until you get a shield ability). Don't even try having a go at world bosses on your own.
    The trouble is i have no money to buy gear as its soo hard to find gold..i have no recipies to make gear as they never seem to drop and i have no soul stones so i keep having to reserect at wayshrines.
    You don't actually need recipes as you level up. It is entirely possible to level up your character using dropped gear, food/drink and potions. What you should be aiming for is having as many pieces of gear with a training trait on them as possible as you level up. Also, make sure to have all three types of armour equipped to level them up. Naturally, you want the most pieces from the type of armour you will be using in endgame.

    If you want to make your life a little bit easier, join a guild that is welcoming to new players and ask people to craft you some scalable food/drink. Since this food scales with your level, you will be able to use it until you reach CP160. They shouldn't ask for anything in return since the ingredients for it are quite common.

    Don't waste money on vendor gear. Either use what you pick up or join a guild that is welcoming to new players and ask people to craft you levelling up gear. Unless you request it to be in a rare style, they shouldn't ask for anything in return.
    For example the early quest lines for produce and alchemy etc..you cant complete them as you need to either wait till recipies drop or buy them for silly money you just dont have and would take months to gather
    Levelling up crafting skills can be a drag so you want to buy those recipes and complete crafting missions. Since loot scales with your level, buying these won't be a problem in the longer-term.

    Thanks for a great response..really helpful. What do you mean by training traits on gear? Do you mean I should spend points on gear before skills?

    No; some dropped gear have traits that increase different things; usually rng applies to which trait if any is on the gear. Crafted gear can be made with the trait you want. The training trait increases the experience you get. If you find a good guild you can probably find a crafter to make you gear. I know for the guilds I belong to I'll make gear for new players under cp160 every 10 levels, improved to green, for free. [sorry; pc/na or I'd be happy to help]

  • altemriel
    yes, bosses are hard, definitely not for soloing them if you are low-level character
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    ...that's what she said. o:)
  • CoopstheCat
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    Also, I forgot to mention that you can do all the "starter islands" first, to build up your character's skills. Those are Stros M'Kai, Khenarthi's Roost and Bleakrock. There are wayshrines on each of these that are already opened up for you to use. Those three islands are the easiest content in the game, and great for new players who want to build up their characters a bit and get some skyshards. (Three skyshards equals one skill point.)

    The next easiest are Bal Foyen, Betnikh, and then Auridon, Glenumbra and Stonefalls.

    Great advice thanks!!
  • Nestor
    Combat in this game comes down to Skill Rotations, with Light or Heavy Attacks interspersed. So, it's more like 1,2,3,4,1,2,3 dead. Pick your skill rotations so that one skill will set up or buff another skill. For example, use a skill that Snares, then a skill that gives Damage over Time to an area so the snared mobs spend longer in pain, then use a spam damage skill. This is just one example.

    Once you learn a good rotation, then you can weave in light or heavy attacks between the skills to extend the resource pool you play from. So it's more like 1, LMB, 2, LMB,3, LMB, 4, LMB, 1 Dead. Then once you learn how to weave attacks, then you can start animation canceling to up your DPS.

    So, attacks are not just a spam of the Left Mouse Button, but an application of your skills and weapon attacks.

    You add in Blocking (reduce damage), Bashing (interrupting a caster or heavy attack wind up), Dodge Rolling (double click on a WASD key to avoid damage and get out of red quickly). Throw in some terrain advantage, and your basically a Mobile, Agile and Hostile wrecking machine.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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