Hi! My name is Lucas and I'm new to The Elder Scrolls: Online
I'm looking for the best solo builds for beginners. The problem is, that I can't really decide whether I should pick an "easy-to-learn" build like Magicka Sorcerer/Magicka Templar or a build which playstyle I enjoy the most (which is stealth assassin/archer thief, so probably Stamina Nightblade DW+Bow Thief). I read that NB is not beginner-friendly and I need to understand game and class mechanics first before doing one. Also, if I remember correctly, Magicka Templars are probably the best to clear almost all content of the game while playing solo.
I have TESO Gold Edition (Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild and Orsinium DLCs). I'm not ESO+ Member... yet (?)
Let me ask some questions to be more clear:
1. Is Nightblade DW/Bow Thief build good for beginners?
1a. (if yes): Can I clear almost all of the content of the game by playing this build?
1b. (if no): Which build should I play as beginner to understand game mechanics?
2. Can I utilize thief skills while playing other classes than Nightblade?
3. What kind of builds are most "valuable" for other players while doing dungeons?
4. Should I focus on my build since beginning or not? I heard that people are playing "like they want" until they hit level 50, then they respec and get cp points for end-game (?)
That's pretty all I want to ask. Hopefully you can understand me well (let's be honest, my English is pretty bad). My ESO is waiting like 2 days now for me to start it, I can't wait!