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Sick of being kicked by Elitists

Soul Shriven
Twice this week I've been kicked. I got bored of healing, so made a mag sorc and have been doing well. Good numbers, putting together good gear, etc. I'm only about 350 CP, but doing Vets hasn't been a problem.

First time, I admit, I think I made a mechanics error during COA 2 and the other 3 apparently had no patience to give me a 2nd chance, but the 2nd time I was kicked it happened everyone just rushed the final boss in Vet Volenfell and nobody said "Hey, lets do the Scroll of G.B." So I didn't read the scroll and I guess that makes everyone else wipe? Weird, because both wipes I was not the first one down either, but I guess they singled me out for some reason. When one guy typed, "read the scroll", I had already been removed from group! Seriously, if these guys are just so freaking good, why are they Pugging? Or at the very least, communicate to the group your plan. I don't mind that so many of you want to complete these dungeons in 10 minutes, but won't you have better success at doing so with guildmates? Not everyone plays this game religiously and just 'knows' what's up.
  • VaranisArano
    Not all bad communicators are elitists.
    Not all elitists are bad communicators.

    Sorry that happened, but it's not exactly unusual for PUGs to have issues. If you get tired of PUGs failing to communicate, you might also look to your guildmates for more successful runs.
  • Didgerion
    Some dungeons require a strong DPS in order to complete it (COA2 is a good example of it).
    Your DPS is the problem - it has nothing to do with elites.
    Just don't queue as a DPS for hard content - until you get a better build.
    Edited by Didgerion on February 14, 2018 12:00AM
  • beetleklee
    What is your DPS? COA2 is very hard with low DPS, with some of the bosses being big DPS checks.
    PC NA
    CP 690

    EP Dunmer MagDK Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Dunmer MagSorc Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Argonian DK Tank Level 50, Boethiah's Scythe
    EP Breton Templar Healer Level 50
    EP Khajiit StamDK Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Dunmer Magblade Level 50, Assistant Alienist
    EP Argonian Stamden Level 50, Lady of Misrule (pvp)
    EP Dunmer Stamblade Level 50
    DC Redguard Stamplar
    AD Altmer Magwarden Healer

    vMA, vDSA, vSO HM, vHRC HM, vAA, vAS+1, vMoL
  • Myshapyn
    Soul Shriven
    To be honest, I couldn't give you a number. I have never really gone at it with a target dummy or anything. I can only honestly tell you that killing bosses isn't a problem as long as I'm paying attention to mechanics. I have my rotation, I just switched to Mechanical Acuity (which is a great set) and always have food and potions. I like ESO, but I'm just not into enough to start watching decimal points. It seriously has never mattered before.

    After looking at what Didgerion wrote I'm wondering if its just a matter of 'We're dying, get rid of the CP 350 guy' since he's not healing/tanking. I have never been kicked while on my healer in vets, even when people sometimes die. But maybe DPS just takes a different mindset since its a different reality from tanking/healing...I am more expendable and quickly replaceable. So maybe Didgerion is right and I just have to grind until I'm 690.
  • Vaoh
    Myshapyn wrote: »
    To be honest, I couldn't give you a number. I have never really gone at it with a target dummy or anything. I can only honestly tell you that killing bosses isn't a problem as long as I'm paying attention to mechanics. I have my rotation, I just switched to Mechanical Acuity (which is a great set) and always have food and potions. I like ESO, but I'm just not into enough to start watching decimal points. It seriously has never mattered before.

    After looking at what Didgerion wrote I'm wondering if its just a matter of 'We're dying, get rid of the CP 350 guy' since he's not healing/tanking. I have never been kicked while on my healer in vets, even when people sometimes die. But maybe DPS just takes a different mindset since its a different reality from tanking/healing...I am more expendable and quickly replaceable. So maybe Didgerion is right and I just have to grind until I'm 690.

    Having more CP definitely helps. It shouldn’t be a CP issue though.

    Hearing you say that you pull “Good numbers” and then followed in a later comment by “couldn't give you a number” referring to your DPS is worrying. Maybe you feel like you are pulling high DPS but in reality are not? Idk why else you would get kicked consistently. In those cases it is usually the person getting kicked who is at fault rather than the group.

    Remember that people using group finder aren’t your longtime friends who are okay with wiping for 3hrs straight. They want to win and move on. If you want to take time to learn mechanics I highly recommend playing with friends and/or joining a friendly guild to do that.

    I also recommend you try to test your DPS on a target skeleton to know for sure. Aim for like 20-30K DPS against the 3mil Health target skeleton. If you can’t afford a home with a target skeleton, travel to someone’s home who does have one (I did this for awhile).

    In the end, don’t worry about it and just try to improve yourself. @Alcast has lots of videos up on Youtube that should help a lot with understanding generally what to do gear-wise, skill-wise, and even rotation-wise.

    Also when it comes to gold-quality gear, remember that if it’s too pricey to upgrade then use purple gear and *if possible* gold weapons. Hitting CP400 should help a lot with ppl who unfortunately look strictly at your CP to determine skill.
  • Nestor
    OK, City of Ash II is one of the hardest dungeons in the game. I won't do that one as a PUG on Vet, and I have to be in a really good mood to do it on Normal with a Pug. I am even leary of doing it with a group of people I know.

    So, the last thing you want to do is use that as a Yardstick. A goal post maybe, but not something to say your good or bad at the game at this point. It's kind of like vMA, you know it's there, but you know you need to be on your game in all facets to accomplish it when you do go there.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Myshapyn
    Soul Shriven
    All I can say to the replies is: fair enough. I'll test that dps at some point and see what happens. Also, its just that Normal dungeons are so easy and not a challenge for me anymore. I'm tempted to buy some xp scrolls to help with the cp grind as well. Good to know that CoA 2 is considered that tough. I never really thought about what Vet ratings are in terms of hardest to easiest. I guess I'll avoid the harder ones for now so as not to be disappointed.
  • beetleklee
    Yeah I'd say Vet COA2 is the hardest non-DLC vet dungeon. I could not complete it when I was 160 CP with low DPS, but I could complete it at CP 300 and after getting better gear and practicing a rotation.

    I've tried PUGing the dungeon before on vet a few times and only once had success but that was still with a few wipes on the final boss. With guildmates and voice communication I can HM no death speed run it easily. So yeah I never PUG it anymore.

    What gear are you running? At CP 350 you should be able to pull 20k deeps with a good rotation, and that will be enough to do COA2 as long as your other DPS is pulling similar numbers.
    PC NA
    CP 690

    EP Dunmer MagDK Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Dunmer MagSorc Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Argonian DK Tank Level 50, Boethiah's Scythe
    EP Breton Templar Healer Level 50
    EP Khajiit StamDK Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Dunmer Magblade Level 50, Assistant Alienist
    EP Argonian Stamden Level 50, Lady of Misrule (pvp)
    EP Dunmer Stamblade Level 50
    DC Redguard Stamplar
    AD Altmer Magwarden Healer

    vMA, vDSA, vSO HM, vHRC HM, vAA, vAS+1, vMoL
  • ValkynSketha
    I will say it for the 100th time, the so called elitists don't kick peoble, they carry peoble and don't give instructions but when needed or they will just leave after a few tries specially if peoble keep making same mistakes that cause other deaths specially in dlc dungeons, the ones you encountered are a wannabe that want to get carried.
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    I highly recommend trying to find a Guild that has a huge pool of players for activities like vet dungeons. That will make the game more fun and less frustrating, plus you might meet new friends :)
    https://alcasthq.com - Alcasthq.com Builds & Guides
    https://eso-hub.com - ESO-Hub.com Sets, Skills, Guides & News
    https://dwemerautomaton.com - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • Harrdarrzarr
    Yup, finding a guild is always good. If you're sociable ingame, it should not be difficult to start conversations. People might give you advise
  • zaria
    Myshapyn wrote: »
    All I can say to the replies is: fair enough. I'll test that dps at some point and see what happens. Also, its just that Normal dungeons are so easy and not a challenge for me anymore. I'm tempted to buy some xp scrolls to help with the cp grind as well. Good to know that CoA 2 is considered that tough. I never really thought about what Vet ratings are in terms of hardest to easiest. I guess I'll avoid the harder ones for now so as not to be disappointed.
    Normal dungeons has level requirements, and get harder as you go down the list, the two dungeons are the original veteran dungeons and has harder mechanics. This mostly copies over to vet dungeons with some exceptions like vet banish cell 1 is pretty hard because of a one shot while vCoA1 is easy, vet wayrest 2 is easy for an 2 dungeon.

    vCoA2 is up there with the vet dlc dungeons.
    On the other hand if you pug it or vet dlc and expect hard mode you are very optimistic.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Turelus
    The issue seems to be not the actual good players (elite players) in ESO but the people who follow them and think they're the elite.

    Sadly all games have these kind of players, just ESO some how makes them more emboldened to be jerks when it comes to pick up groups.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • zaria
    Turelus wrote: »
    The issue seems to be not the actual good players (elite players) in ESO but the people who follow them and think they're the elite.

    Sadly all games have these kind of players, just ESO some how makes them more emboldened to be jerks when it comes to pick up groups.
    i think pug groups in WOW was worse, however it had an 1 kick in dungeon limit, you get an bonus kick if none in group had kicked any for some time. That made it an calculation, should they kick an week player and hope the next was better or not.

    ESO has an extra problem in that the dungeons is very different in difficulty, players also have different goals, one just try to get an monster helm while others want an smooth hard mode run.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Shantu
    I'm not sure if I would call these guys elitists, but they sure can suck the fun out of a game. I've been cussed at, accused of various BS, kicked without a word, and abandoned in dungeons. Now I'll say upfront that I'm at best an average player. I have a trio of 700+CP toons. While I can trash mobs at about 50k, run dolmens and some Craglorn group content solo, I can stand there firing everything I have at a 3 ml test dummy and the best I can pull is about 12K, let alone having to run around figuring out a bosses mechanics just to stay alive. How these demi-gods get to 40K I'll never know. Hell, I don't even try most vet content. I don't foresee I'll ever get to vet trials or HM on anything. It's just not worth it to get into a dungeon with these guys. Even us mediocre players who are trying our best deserve at least a little respect and the common decency of a little communication. I've pretty much given up on PUGS, even in normal mode. These guys have pretty much nulled the fun factor.
  • RavenSworn
    Shantu wrote: »
    I'm not sure if I would call these guys elitists, but they sure can suck the fun out of a game. I've been cussed at, accused of various BS, kicked without a word, and abandoned in dungeons. Now I'll say upfront that I'm at best an average player. I have a trio of 700+CP toons. While I can trash mobs at about 50k, run dolmens and some Craglorn group content solo, I can stand there firing everything I have at a 3 ml test dummy and the best I can pull is about 12K, let alone having to run around figuring out a bosses mechanics just to stay alive. How these demi-gods get to 40K I'll never know. Hell, I don't even try most vet content. I don't foresee I'll ever get to vet trials or HM on anything. It's just not worth it to get into a dungeon with these guys. Even us mediocre players who are trying our best deserve at least a little respect and the common decency of a little communication. I've pretty much given up on PUGS, even in normal mode. These guys have pretty much nulled the fun factor.

    Im sorry you feel that way. The game is full of people who just nice decent players but somehow when it comes to dungeons, people forgot they were noobs once. Cps shouldn't matter, it helps but it shouldn't be the end all.
    Myshapyn wrote: »
    Twice this week I've been kicked. I got bored of healing, so made a mag sorc and have been doing well. Good numbers, putting together good gear, etc. I'm only about 350 CP, but doing Vets hasn't been a problem.

    First time, I admit, I think I made a mechanics error during COA 2 and the other 3 apparently had no patience to give me a 2nd chance, but the 2nd time I was kicked it happened everyone just rushed the final boss in Vet Volenfell and nobody said "Hey, lets do the Scroll of G.B." So I didn't read the scroll and I guess that makes everyone else wipe? Weird, because both wipes I was not the first one down either, but I guess they singled me out for some reason. When one guy typed, "read the scroll", I had already been removed from group! Seriously, if these guys are just so freaking good, why are they Pugging? Or at the very least, communicate to the group your plan. I don't mind that so many of you want to complete these dungeons in 10 minutes, but won't you have better success at doing so with guildmates? Not everyone plays this game religiously and just 'knows' what's up.

    I have to agree, group finder are for those who are unable to find a suitable guild, it's meant to help out those who solo enjoy group content. It's a tool meant for inclusivity, not exclusivity.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    You have to read the scroll to get 2 keys from the undaunted, if you pulled twice without reading the scroll, you are in the wrong. Really in all but the dlc dungeons, there is no real reason not to real the scroll, even if there is no pledge, you get an achievement for it.
  • MrsPink
    You have to read the scroll to get 2 keys from the undaunted, if you pulled twice without reading the scroll, you are in the wrong. Really in all but the dlc dungeons, there is no real reason not to real the scroll, even if there is no pledge, you get an achievement for it.

    Also, if it is a pledge - if I wanted just one key I would have done it on normal. If the group cant do it on scroll, fine, but you at least always try.
    GM of Dark Royalty
    PS4 EU
    Karma's just sharpening her nails and finishing her drink. She says she'll be with you shortly.
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