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PS4 NA New Player Looking for Partner/Guild

Soul Shriven
New player, only level 35 and looking for a grind partner or guild. I've learned that it's much more fun going through this game with a partner than alone, plus, it's faster with two people dealing damage then one. I know the ins and outs of this game from reading posts and guides, but I wouldn't mind learning more, just not interested in a full Veteran guild because, let's be honest, no one really enjoys helping newbies 24/7.. They all have their own activities to do and sometimes it's a bit overwhelming to be with people who know and have completed activities you've never even heard of. So it'll be nice to find someone who's semi new to this game or in the same shoes I'm in. EST player, usually at nights for a couple hours. More on the weekends. Thanks!
  • Schultzy0490
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Echi,

    I am pretty new as well, a lot lower level (6) but if your looking to pair up let me know. Never hurts to have extra friends.
  • echi1992
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds good what's ur psn?
  • havok3371
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a new player as well. My psn is Havok3371, add me if you'd like I'm level 20 and could really use the help.
  • UncannyLinderman
    I've played for a solid stretch now, since the console release. Switched from Xbox to PS4 last March though and have done a heck of a lot more. My times on are kind of infrequent (almost married, teenage step daughter, start work at 6am eastern time during the week) but I also don't mind helping out other players.

    For example I'm good about trying to help with gear when I can, my crafting research while not done, is far enough along to where I can do many traits and sets to help anyone along (such as training to give a bigger exp boost), and I'm known for teaming up on random excursions (while I also enjoy my solo time as well).

    I have an in game guild, but it's not really an active thing at this time. It only has ten members in it, and most have fallen inactive. However, it does make it easier to communicate (guild text chat is my best mode of contact) and there's currently access to a guild bank.

    @echi1992 @havok3371 @Schultzy0490 if any of you are interested send me a message on PS and I'll add you and help with what I can when I can. My PSN is UncannyLinderman

    Otherwise enjoy all that tamriel has to offer in this truly massive world.
  • HotShotHiggs
    Soul Shriven
    My psn is HotShotHiggs I am pretty new to the game. I've been playing solo so far. I have a LVL 33 Nord and mainly use sword and shield with Heavey armor. No magic other than to trap souls. I am looking for people like yourself to enjoy the game with I'll help you or you can help my I'm just really looking for friends on the game. Shoot me a msg I play most nights.
    Edited by HotShotHiggs on January 3, 2018 3:31PM
  • Sanguivar
    Soul Shriven
    I'm level 10 boomer assassin. Can duel or bow. Been doing solo, can't find groups
  • echi1992
    Soul Shriven
    @HotShotHiggs @Sanguivar Sounds good, I'll add y'all on PSN. My PSN is ericdidi2000. I also recently joined a guild, there's a lot of newbs and veterans and it's a great community. If either of y'all want to join, let me know or head over to their forum.

  • KnightfallZX2
    @echi1992 @schultzy0490 @havok3371 @HotShotHiggs @Sanguivar

    I just discovered this thread. If any of you would like another newbie to join in on the fun, I have a Magicka Templar in the works, currently around level 16. PSN: KnightfallZX2
    PSN: KnightfallZX2 | Server: NA
  • echi1992
    Soul Shriven
    @KnightfallZX2 I see you've already joined the guild. Get the discord. There's a lot of people there and it's a lot of fun to group up. I'm still new but met a lot of ppl!
  • KnightfallZX2
    echi1992 wrote: »
    @KnightfallZX2 I see you've already joined the guild. Get the discord. There's a lot of people there and it's a lot of fun to group up. I'm still new but met a lot of ppl!

    I won't lie - I've joined two guilds within the past two days since discovering this forum. Which are you referring to? :D

    Also, I'll certainly join the Discord chat if I haven't already. I joined one last night. The guild I joined today; I don't know the Discord code yet because it's in the Message of the Day apparently, and I'm at work.
    PSN: KnightfallZX2 | Server: NA
  • echi1992
    Soul Shriven
    echi1992 wrote: »
    @KnightfallZX2 I see you've already joined the guild. Get the discord. There's a lot of people there and it's a lot of fun to group up. I'm still new but met a lot of ppl!

    I won't lie - I've joined two guilds within the past two days since discovering this forum. Which are you referring to? :D

    Also, I'll certainly join the Discord chat if I haven't already. I joined one last night. The guild I joined today; I don't know the Discord code yet because it's in the Message of the Day apparently, and I'm at work.

    Yeah it's probably the one you joined today. New Scrolls Order. Lol yeah I discovered the forums and it's been a blessing. So hard to meet people in game even though this is an mmo
  • KnightfallZX2
    echi1992 wrote: »
    echi1992 wrote: »
    @KnightfallZX2 I see you've already joined the guild. Get the discord. There's a lot of people there and it's a lot of fun to group up. I'm still new but met a lot of ppl!

    I won't lie - I've joined two guilds within the past two days since discovering this forum. Which are you referring to? :D

    Also, I'll certainly join the Discord chat if I haven't already. I joined one last night. The guild I joined today; I don't know the Discord code yet because it's in the Message of the Day apparently, and I'm at work.

    Yeah it's probably the one you joined today. New Scrolls Order. Lol yeah I discovered the forums and it's been a blessing. So hard to meet people in game even though this is an mmo

    Yeah, New Scrolls Order is the one I joined today. So when I hop online tonight (I hope around 9pm CST) I'll look for that Discord code and join in.
    PSN: KnightfallZX2 | Server: NA
  • echi1992
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds good!!! Yeah I'm usually online around yourtime if u need help or anything
  • thegreatmeatpie
    Soul Shriven
    I’m in the same boat, I have a level 26 stamsorc and a level 8 magplar I’m looking to level. would love to adventure and get better gear (like training gear) psn: djreid1239
  • raleighsl6296
    Soul Shriven
    I've been playing for a good while, I've been working on completing a good amount of quests solo but some definitely require some help to make it easier. I've been playing as a dark elf and I've been mainly using magical abilities along with wielding two-handed weapons. My psn is raleighsl6296 if anyone wants to add me
  • echi1992
    Soul Shriven
    @thegreatmeatpie and @raleighsl6296

    I recommend the both of you to join New Scrolls Order, I have included the link above. Just ask to join and you'll get an invite in a few hours. Then join the discord. Whether you like playing as a lonewolf or want to find people to join you, join that guild. I joined and I'm thoroughly enjoying my time. I've learned so much and people there are so helpful!!! Plus, the discord app really is better than in game chat.

  • Dirtydirt
    The NightsWatch guild is a social pve pvp always looking for new players. Please feel free to message me for a invite dirtydirt81
    Edited by Dirtydirt on January 15, 2018 3:16AM
  • Eiks_Dew
    Soul Shriven
    I'm super new. A few coworkers turned me onto the Scrolls. Love it so far. Lvl 10. Need some help and someone to roll with in general. I feel the game would be even better with a partner! I'll add the above. Add me if you like. Thanks for all the useful tips.

  • Dirtydirt
    Eiks_Dew wrote: »
    I'm super new. A few coworkers turned me onto the Scrolls. Love it so far. Lvl 10. Need some help and someone to roll with in general. I feel the game would be even better with a partner! I'll add the above. Add me if you like. Thanks for all the useful tips.


    I'll send you a guild invite tomorrow when I get home from work. As long as you get all those coworkers to come to the guild as well!!!! Lol
  • Jethrow_214
    Soul Shriven
    Hello all! I've been playing since release and have made at least 15 toons and maxed each of them lol love this game! I love helping people I can help you level, get gear, get gold, dungeons whatever it is I can help lol my psn is jethrow_214 so just shoot me a request or a message and I'll add you and we can go from there :smile:
  • ACrowKnows
    Soul Shriven
    Totally throwing my hat into the ring. I’m at a point now where my quests are getting tough to knock out solo. I’m definitely down for some backup/teamwork if any of you are ever online. I’m PSN ACrowKnows, also my ESO name. I’ll try adding some of you later today. Cheers!
  • Sawzallz
    You can add me too realsawzallz I just hit cp 160,
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