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Help me get better dps

Hi. I'm returning player, been playing for two months now, lvled stam warden and i loved it.
Issue now is my dps is really now. I'm lucky if i get 20k dps (cp 360). My gears is (epic)
-5x hundings rage
-5x night's mothers rage
- Agility jewelry
- 2x daggers, 1x bow
Weapon damage (main bar) is 3.2k with 57% crit.
I fiund alcasts video on youtube, and just by looking at his rotation it seems like his skills are connecting faster than my. I know of animation canceling and i use it to best of my knowledge, but sometimes i feel like my skills dont trigger as fast as i'd want them. I use skills on my mouse side buttons (12 buttons). Does ping have anything to do with it? Mine's most of the times at 100.
Any help would be appreciated.
  • Loc2262
    Yes, ping does have a LOT to do with it. 100 should be okay though, I usually have 60-80.

    20k is not "really low". If you have 10 or less, that's really low. :) With 20k you can do most vet stuff except for DLC dungeons and maybe Skoria hardmode.

    How do you get two 5-piece sets AND agility? That's 13 slots. :) How is your gear distributed? I suppose one of the two 5-pieces is only active on one bar?

    With 20k DPS you can start looking into monster sets, e.g. Kra'gh or Selene. Replace the Agility then with 5xHundings, 5xSpriggan (is slightly better than Night Mother's), 2xMonster.

    Make sure to have gold weapons, next step is gold weapon damage glyphs on the jewelry. Everything else should be at least purple.

    What skills and rotation exactly do you use?

    Rotation and rhythm is key to good skill use. I personally always do a light (or heavy) attack before a skill, in a certain rhythm. Light attack - pause 0.25 seconds - skill - pause 0.75 seconds. Something like that. The GCD is 1.1 seconds, a bit higher when you weave LA and skill, so you want to do your pair of LA+skill roughly in a 1.2-1.3 seconds rhythm.

    On the frontbar you'll usually use heavy attacks as a stamina char, to regain resources. Hold the left mouse button, and as soon as the char moves the two weapons ready to strike, tap the skill key while still holding left mouse button down. Then the skill will be performed as early as possible, interrupting the HA animation at the earliest point. If you want to do another HA+skill next, keep the LMB down all the time and just hit the skill button at the right time.

    EDIT: As a retro gamer having started with gaming in the 1980s on a Commodore 64, I actually use the rhythm of the spiky sticks coming out of the ground and ceiling in "Antiriad" as my weaving rhythm. :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_irfHZ1hRYE (seek to 3:20).

    Edited by Loc2262 on January 19, 2018 5:41PM
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • yoco007
    Thank you for replying :)
    Hundings Rage 5 armor pieces, Night Mother's Gaze 2 armor pieces, daggers (legendary) and Bow are also Night Mother's Gaze.
    I have 2 heavy and 5 medium armor.
    So I should make Hundings weapons instead?
  • Loc2262
    Two armor pieces plus two weapon pieces are 4 pieces Night Mother, not five like you wrote. :)

    Nah that's fine, you can keep those until you get a monster set and Spriggan. When you use Agility (which is not bad for starters!), you can only have one 5-piece and one 4-piece. So you can have the 5-piece bonus of only one set active.

    Normally you want both 5-pieces, since Hunding's weapon damage and Night Mother/Spriggan's penetration are both very much worth it on a stamina char. But as I said, when you have 3 pieces Agility, you can't do that.

    What's your physical penetration with your setup? Also, what platform do you play on? I'm on PC-EU (also have a char on PC-NA, but just started there, so level 5 with no CP and no gold ;) ).
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • yoco007
    My physical penetration is 1474.
    I'm on PC-EU :)
  • Loc2262
    1474? Seriously? No wonder your DPS is too low. ;) Where did you look that up, please double-check if that's correct. Maybe take a screenshot.

    General rule is: You want to reach 18.2k penetration cumulative from all sources, i.e. debuffs on the target, buffs to yourself, and your gear penetration value. Target resistance is deducted from your damage done after all other calculations are made, so getting close to penetration cap is the most important way to increase damage done.

    You usually have a tank (or a skill of your own) to apply Major Fracture to the target, which reduces resistance by 5.2k. If you have a tank, they use the Crusher enchant and other skills that further reduce the resistance. Templar healer can apply Minor Fracture. I usually go for 11-12k penetration since I mostly don't play in highly optimized raid groups where you need much less.

    So try to get to 11k with gear and champion points. Spriggan is a very good start, Kra'gh one-piece also helps.

    Also contact me in-game if you like, @Loc2262. :)
    Edited by Loc2262 on January 20, 2018 11:24AM
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • yoco007

    Someone recommended an addon "Harven's Extended Stats" to look for physical penetration.
  • Loc2262
    Yes, that addon shows it properly and I use it too. So yeah, my previous suggestion applies, you need much much more penetration. :)

    Get the Lover mundus stone and have as many Divines armor pieces as possible.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • Loc2262
    Also, as a Warden, you have a means of applying Major Fracture yourself: Make sure to use Subterranean Assault regularly in your rotation. This is important especially on target dummy parses. Major Fracture reduces the target's resistance by 5200, which results in about 12% more damage done.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • yoco007
    I do use Sub. Assault twice when I'm on my front bar.
    I have Warrior mundus and all my armor is Divines.
  • Loc2262
    Okay, try the Lover. How many CP do you have in Piercing (The Ritual)? You might want to put enough points there to get ~4k penetration.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • yoco007
    I've put 49 points into Piercing, and gonna try Lower!
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