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How many people actually care to help new ESO Players?

Soul Shriven
Edited by TrueHeavyHD on January 3, 2018 1:53PM

How many people actually care to help new ESO Players? 28 votes

hesobadCustos91AdamskiAldersPC0523LakeMorgul667MajesticHarukiSydneyGreyApache_KidTrueHeavyHD 10 votes
czarSlick_007Dakmor_Kavu 3 votes
Iruil_ESOTurelusIdinuseEasily_LostVaohgepe87BretonAltmerNordhellgirl 8 votes
SlurgArobainEventidejlboozerSweetrollBunnyduendology 6 votes
mamitou 1 vote
  • TrueHeavyHD
    Soul Shriven
    Please Comment below why you fell what % you have chosen.
  • duendology
    I usually play solo but when I see low level players fighting mobs and being very low on health I engage to help or heal them (when I am currently roaming Tamriel with my healer toon), or craft training gear for them, or group with them (when seeing a call for help in a chat) to finish a dolmen (or overland boss) in less popular locations. It depends really.
    And why? Hmm I do it often (and it's fun) so I estimate it's about 75%
    Edited by duendology on January 3, 2018 3:49PM
    - Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
    - Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
    - Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
    - High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

    I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • Earthewen
    @TrueHeavyHD - I did not complete the survey for the simple reason that I don't know. Not for sure anyway. I think there are a lot of people who genuinely want to help other players learn the aspects of the game and train them up to be successful. Some people teach others. However, I also think there are groups and guilds out there that will only accept fully trained, highly skilled, and proficient players. I would call those types the elitist mentality. Usually, the elitist mentality isn't very conducive to a good gaming experience because of the many egos that get wounded as they compare themselves to each other and debate who is the better player or has the best build. It can be destructive.

    I recommend you find a group/guild that encourages better teamwork and a group that actually enjoy each other's company. Even if you don't become "elite", you will enjoy your gaming experience with far less drama and have a feeling of accomplishment as you work and grow together. Learn from the veteran players who have been in the game awhile but love to teach others. Avoid the elitist types who use you as cannon fodder and you'll be glad you did.
  • Turelus
    I would say it's probably down the middle.

    There are a lot of people who help others via the forums, guilds or zone chat. Not all help is actively doing things for people but you can see helpful things happening often enough.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Apache_Kid
    I really have no idea but even after i clicked 25% I think I picked the wrong option. I hope its more than 25%.
    Edited by Apache_Kid on January 3, 2018 4:06PM
  • Slurg
    I think most people will help new players if they happen along a new player struggling to kill things in overland zones and/or respond to zone chat asking for help with dolmens or world bosses.

    Now if by “help” you mean spending a lot of playing time teaching new players game mechanics, crafting them gear, giving them gold, etc., I think most people wouldn’t do that.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • JKorr
    I really can't answer for anyone but myself.

    I do make gear for guildies under cp160 for free, every 10 levels. I'll make food, drinks, alchemy potions, and enchants for guildies as well. I'll do crafting for cp160 guildies for free, but they need to give me the mats. One of my guilds is/has been for helping people new to the game get an understanding of how it works.

    Depending on what quests I have, or what I'm planning on doing in the game, I will ask in the starter zones if there are new/newish players around. If I get an answer, I'll whisper and ask if they'd like a new set of gear, what they are [dk, sorc, nb,temp] and make the "default" gear for them, improved to green. I can find EP's Hunding's and Night Mother's stations with my eyes closed at this point.

    This morning someone who replied to "Anyone making a crafter?" got 4 mails of cp160 items, some intricates, to decon to help with the leveling, and a full set of infused trait light armor and staves for research. I'll reply to questions about crafting when I can. Generally I try to help out new players so they don't find the game overwhelming. If new players don't stick around long enough to be "old" players the outlook for the game continuing is rather um...not good.
  • Loc2262
    @TrueHeavyHD, can you elaborate "help"? Like the other people here said, it depends on whether you mean just helping to kill things at a dolmen, make a build for them and get them vet raid ready, or something in between. :)
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • Merlin13KAGL
    1. Where is the "Other" option.
    2. Context? World boss, build help, basic question, please can I mooch 25k from you??
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Magdalina
    Help is too variable of a term. There're some people who won't even wait for new players to finish their dungeon quests, some who will do only that, and some who will offer advice, free food, soulgems and purple training gear. The last category is much smaller than even the first option of your poll but it's very real. When I made a baby alt on EU, I simply asked in zonechat for help and someone made me training purple armor, even in the set and style of my choice, for free, some 20 minutes later :) That's also something I will do for new players myself on NA.
  • zaria
    Slurg wrote: »
    I think most people will help new players if they happen along a new player struggling to kill things in overland zones and/or respond to zone chat asking for help with dolmens or world bosses.

    Now if by “help” you mean spending a lot of playing time teaching new players game mechanics, crafting them gear, giving them gold, etc., I think most people wouldn’t do that.
    Yes, you help players struggling, i also tend to invite players into group then doing public dungeons at low pop hours and we go the same way. +10% xp and they soak up some damage as an minimum.

    Have helped players with gear. Tips in an group dungeon and an higher cp player need quest stay around and talk a bit about builds and gear or just the weather, an decent chance you get stuff like hurdling or julianos sets.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • JKorr
    1. Where is the "Other" option.
    2. Context? World boss, build help, basic question, please can I mooch 25k from you??

    I wouldn't give you 25k outright. However I have given a random new player in the starting zone 10k to buy a horse. :P Not every time, and not if I'm hunting a rarer motif, but I have in the past and will again. My characters will never have millions in gold, but I'm having fun.

  • kitsune_beth
    I didn't vote, it's impossible to say.
    I'm generally reluctant to jump in because you never know if the "mobbing" is deliberate, so they can level up.
    I pull mobs quite a bit when I'm trying to level quicker than normal.
    Besides.. you might *** them off jumping in.

    If someone asked for help, I definitely would.
  • Eventide
    Guild Leader
    UserID: RPer
    [PC-NA] Eventide Dynasty

    Eventide Dynasty strives to maintain a harmonious atmosphere while earning in-game wealth.
  • SweetrollBunny
    I guess it depends on perception. If you'r a solo player and hardly interact with others you might think there are not many helpful players out there. But if you join various "social" guilds there are always nice and helpful people. :) I personally find the majority of ESO players do care to help.
    Edited by SweetrollBunny on January 4, 2018 7:10PM
    "Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone!" - Sheogorath
  • davey1107
    In the sense that I murder newbies in pvp, thereby assisting them in honing their skills, I would say that I’m VERY helpful. Lol.

    I think the game makes it harder to be helpful now. Fewer players on zone chat...new players congregate away from where vets hang out...less trading...

    But I also think there are a lot of vet players who are so rich in gold and mats that people will be more helpful in that regard. There was a kid in zone chat in Vivek the other day who was sooooooo excited to have got the game for Xmas and was a brand new player. He didn’t ask for anything, he was just jabbering about how excited he was to explore the map and how huge it seemed. So I threw him $25k and some starter mats via mail. I would NEVER have done that in 2015, lol, but now in the game’s life what do I care? I can replace that in 20 minutes, but figure it’d save him quite a bit of grinding. I told him to buy a horse.
  • hesobad
    Sometimes it's better to learn on your own. Can't expect people to teach you everything. Go to YouTube, subscribe to a few people, and learn as you go. Download some add-ons if your on pc
    Edited by hesobad on January 6, 2018 5:13PM
    Ad Victoriam!
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