Starting a vampire guild in the European server ebonheart pact need someone to infect me they will be given high rank ask for invite to the guild my gamer tag is iv SHADOWSZZ zz and the guild is Dark Reclaimers
I have started a vampire guild called "The Black Church" on EP Eu. We are looking for players interested in building a serious guild from the ground up.
We will focus on both PvP and PvE.
If you're just looking for a bite PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME!
There is a waiting list currently for our members to be turned.
Once again we're on EP Eu.
If you're just looking for bites you will be wasting your time we do have a trial period.
Gamer tag is Sl0wjam the o in my name is the number Zero
hi, Do you still have a Vampire guild i can join? i am on Xbox EU server, i'm just casual player so not online all the time but am trying to level up my character so have been putting time in when i can.