Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Queueing into already half complete dungeons

There needs to be an option you can tick before queueing, so you won't get chucked into a already started dunegon.
Couple reasons. 1 being, i will still have to redo that dungeon afterwards to get all the bosses killed for the pledges, it's so annoying, espically if you had already been sitting in queue as dps for a long time to get into that dungeon in the first place.
And 2, this just happened to me. Queue in at the last boss, when eveyone else in the group left right as I got into the dunegon (they all must of sucked, and couldn't complete) resulting in me getting kicked out of the dunegon, and ofcourse I have to wait 15 min before I can requeue again. SO STUPID.
  • SupremeRissole
    As much as I agree, it would be horrible for the game as most would opt out and if you kicked somebody or someone left group it would be near imposdible to drag someone from group finder in to finish it.

    It does suck though, whenever I queue a quick random vet on my tank or healer and I get two cp200 dps and no third person, I think. "Hmm doubt they kicked both of their support roles, so those suppirts probably left because theses guys are,probably trash" *20min later a 4th member arrives* *start boss fight* *both dps are sniping from 25m* "yup that confirms my suspicions" hahaha
  • Merlin13KAGL
    If they disband, you should absolutely get reimbursed for the queue time. That part is absurd.

    If it's simple previous bosses you need, for pledge, for instance, do the last boss on hard mode. You can then go queue the same dungeon on norm for the prior bosses and you'll still get HM credit on pledge turn in.

    I think they figure if you could make it to and complete Hard Mode, pretty good odds you can clear the trash before then.

    The side effect of this is sometimes you get the easiest random in the world, as the previous work has been done for you and you may be doing the group a huge favor by finally letting them get the clear.

    When you are helpful, you can often ask if they'd be willing to run your through the previous bosses on norm for your turn in. Most groups are willing to do this, especially if they've been beating their head against the wall for 45 minutes, but you show up and they're done in 10.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Peekachu99
    There should simply be a checkmarked option “instance already in progress” as with FFXIV. Whole Activity Finder interface needs an overhaul and I’m hoping that’s on the slate for 2018. It’s archaic and counterintuitive. I understand if they want to keep player trading in the Dark Ages because ‘muh immerzions’, but there’s no reason to not update the social tools.
  • Denyiir
    I actually like when I get invited for a last boss.
    It's usually some poor guys who wiped a few times already, with low morale. I always ask them what's the problem and then explain mechanic/tactics if needed.
    After this I just melt the boss and they're happy they finally did it. You can feel like you saved the day a little :)
  • elantaura
    They should simple take from random cue if any boss is dead. Random gets reward even if it's just the final boss. And you feel good about helping its win win.
    PS4 EU 1200+ cp - I enjoy RP, Housing, PVE and PVP

  • Apache_Kid
    Peekachu99 wrote: »
    There should simply be a checkmarked option “instance already in progress” as with FFXIV. Whole Activity Finder interface needs an overhaul and I’m hoping that’s on the slate for 2018. It’s archaic and counterintuitive. I understand if they want to keep player trading in the Dark Ages because ‘muh immerzions’, but there’s no reason to not update the social tools.

    Seeing as how we still don't have a simple check-box to filter between known and unknown motifs at traders it seems that any sort of interface update that includes such a thing is light-years away.

    "No ETA"
  • Reverb
    If I'm doing a random, I don't mind getting in-progress dungeons. It's really lousy when pledging though, because you don't credit for bosses killed before you joined the group, don't get credit for pledge completion, and have to go back to queue.

    I usually drop the group and play a different toon when that happens.
    Edited by Reverb on December 18, 2017 2:49PM
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Eyesinthedrk
    I don’t queue up for wgt when it’s a pledge because I know I’ll get queued into the planor inhibitor at least 6 times before I get to run it from the start.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    You just have to judge the group - give them a chance - but see if you can beat it, and drop the quest if you want to do it all at once instead.

    Leave the dungeon if you don't want to get half of a daily complete or don't want to run it twice.

    It is what it is. I'm not having the worst difficulty getting a dps low or high level into dungeons. Finder is okay/good for now imo.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • zaria
    Reverb wrote: »
    If I'm doing a random, I don't mind getting in-progress dungeons. It's really lousy when pledging though, because you don't credit for bosses killed before you joined the group, don't get credit for pledge completion, and have to go back to queue.

    I usually drop the group and play a different toon when that happens.
    This, and its also the solution, if you queue for an specific dungeon you are there for pledge or quest so you should primary get dungeon for start even if you have to wait a bit longer. If you queue for random then its random :)
    Still you should get pledge if you join late by the finder.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Bladerunner1
    A toggle might even make grinding gear easier for those who just want set weapons or a monster helmet.
  • kylewwefan
    I love getting into a group stuck at last boss. It goes faster. I don’t often do pledges for doing pledges though.
  • DarkLylith
    Getting the group at the last boss wasn't the biggest problem, it was that the other three left as soon as i got in. They were jerks for clicking 'find replacement" to just leave as soon as i got in, resulting in me getting kicked, and having to wait 15 mins to try get my pledge done.
  • zaria
    DarkLylith wrote: »
    Getting the group at the last boss wasn't the biggest problem, it was that the other three left as soon as i got in. They were jerks for clicking 'find replacement" to just leave as soon as i got in, resulting in me getting kicked, and having to wait 15 mins to try get my pledge done.
    It might be the finder who was bugged, this was an issue during the dungeon event.
    They asked for an replacement with finder, waited 5 minutes without getting any but got an guildmate helping them finish.
    Then they finish and one leaves the finder finally catches up and put you in.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • POps75p
    i'll do daily random into a dungon with only the last boss for 100k plus my 100k boost!!!!!!!!!
  • LiquidPony
    I'd say the simple solution is just to have pledges, like the random daily, only require the final boss kill.

    If I'm trying to do pledges and get queued into a dungeon that's already in progress with a boss already dead, I just drop group and eat my 15 minute penalty. I'm not slogging through a PUG dungeon for no reward.
  • Jarryzzt
    Off the top of my head, I can't think of a (sizeable) MMO where the players queuing up get the option not to join a raid already in progress.

    For one, this would essentially disadvantage groups that lose players due to DC or some other issue. Then one would expect to see megatons of forum complaints from people unable to finish a given run and clamoring for reform...

    I do agree that if a player joins a group and said group then immediately disbands, for whatever reason - I once experienced that myself - then said player ought not be penalized with extra waiting time. I can see, however, how this can be somewhat not straightforward to actually implement. And a relatively low priority item on the list of to-do things for developers, not the least as there is no direct monetary impact (unlike with, say, new DLCs or Crown Store content).

    All in all, I suspect that we will not see any meaningful changes in the visible future and will just have to live with the occasional bit of PUG nonsense.

    P.S. Personally, the easiest queuing system I've experienced in recent years (Marvel Heroes) wasn't a queuing system at all - that is, no-one actually used the raid queue and instead group leads would just post into the LFG chat channel and directly invite people. Of course, this worked, in part, because there weren't many players on much of the time in the first place...
  • Armatesz
    I've gotten some where they completed the dungeon already and I got in the que. I was so mad at them, buncha trolls do that. Eventually caught one that was doing it and there was one offline, eventually got someone else to join to kick the other guy doing it.
    Xbox NA
    Guildless (by choice)
  • Carthalion
    Experiencing a pattern of pug shenanigans where I'll get invited into a random dungeon, it'll be one I haven't completed the quest for (mostly do to said shenanigans), we'll cruise through deaths. Then right before the last boss fight, KICK. So now I have about 5-6 incomplete quest dungeons where all I need to do is kill the last boss and talk to an NPC.

    I understand if I'm not pulling my weight but this is starting to become a trend. I actually don't expect to complete any veteran dungeons now because of how often it happens.
  • SupremeRissole
    Carthalion wrote: »
    Experiencing a pattern of pug shenanigans where I'll get invited into a random dungeon, it'll be one I haven't completed the quest for (mostly do to said shenanigans), we'll cruise through deaths. Then right before the last boss fight, KICK. So now I have about 5-6 incomplete quest dungeons where all I need to do is kill the last boss and talk to an NPC.

    I understand if I'm not pulling my weight but this is starting to become a trend. I actually don't expect to complete any veteran dungeons now because of how often it happens.

    Simple solution, start pulling your weight.
  • Carthalion

    Simple solution, start pulling your weight.

    Thanks for the constructive insight.
  • adeptusminor
    I love it when it's my daily random, I hate it when it's a daily pledge.
  • Bevik
    Can we do something about this please @ZOS_GinaBruno. I'm really sick of this everytime I try to level up undaunted on my toon I got a damn half done dungeon and then I have to leave and get a 15 mins penalty. I beg you, fix this somehow please.
  • VaranisArano
    Bevik wrote: »
    Can we do something about this please. I'm really sick of this everytime I try to level up undaunted on my toon I got a damn half done dungeon and then I have to leave and get a 15 mins penalty. I beg you, fix this somehow please.

    You don't have to leave. You could finish the dungeon with the group. Then you wouldn't have to wait out the fifteen minutes.

    The fifteen minute queue penalty is in place to give players a reason to stick with what dungeon/group they got from using the groupfinder. Seems to me like its working as intended.
  • MajesticHaruki
    I am totally in favor of an option to include already-in-progress dungeons when queueing. You uncheck it when you do pledges and check it when you want to do a random or farm in veteran 2piece helmets that drop from the last boss.
    PC/EU @MajThorax Sorcerer and Housing Decorator prodigy
    In my spare time I collect materials and run away from mudcrabs
  • Bevik
    Bevik wrote: »
    Can we do something about this please. I'm really sick of this everytime I try to level up undaunted on my toon I got a damn half done dungeon and then I have to leave and get a 15 mins penalty. I beg you, fix this somehow please.

    You don't have to leave. You could finish the dungeon with the group. Then you wouldn't have to wait out the fifteen minutes.

    The fifteen minute queue penalty is in place to give players a reason to stick with what dungeon/group they got from using the groupfinder. Seems to me like its working as intended.

    Why would I stay if I can do something else and I will still need to do the dungeon from the beginning because they have already killed 1 or 2 bosses I needed for the pledge. And when I ask how far they have gone, all I get is russian writing and I can't understand anything. And this was vICP, you really think I want to do vICP twice? They have already failed it in a way, so I'm as a replacement don't really want to waste time there, twice...
  • VaranisArano
    Bevik wrote: »
    Bevik wrote: »
    Can we do something about this please. I'm really sick of this everytime I try to level up undaunted on my toon I got a damn half done dungeon and then I have to leave and get a 15 mins penalty. I beg you, fix this somehow please.

    You don't have to leave. You could finish the dungeon with the group. Then you wouldn't have to wait out the fifteen minutes.

    The fifteen minute queue penalty is in place to give players a reason to stick with what dungeon/group they got from using the groupfinder. Seems to me like its working as intended.

    Why would I stay if I can do something else and I will still need to do the dungeon from the beginning because they have already killed 1 or 2 bosses I needed for the pledge. And when I ask how far they have gone, all I get is russian writing and I can't understand anything. And this was vICP, you really think I want to do vICP twice? They have already failed it in a way, so I'm as a replacement don't really want to waste time there, twice...

    I understand your situation perfectly well. Nevertheless, the group finder penalty is used to give players a reason to not leave dungeons that they don;t like, whether that's dungeons that are too hard, random group members that are not up to snuff, or in this case, taking one look at a partially completed dungeon and noping on out of there.

    The 15 minute penalty is working exactly as designed here. You have a choice - work with the group to complete and run your pledge later or take your 15 minute penalty for abandoning that group and run your pledge later.
  • Bevik
    And as a DD wait another 30 mins so it makes 30+15+30+the dungeon time. So I have to waste 2h aprox to level my Undaunted on my 8th toon. Well I will pass.
  • Kiara
    Now imagine DD queues without this feature, you would die of age in dungeon finder. :D
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