Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Ebonheart Guild of Shadow - EGoS

Welcome to EGoS: Ebonheart Guild of Shadow!

The guild has been set up by myself and my lovely girlfriend in order to recruit like-minded people who play like-minded characters :smile:

We are looking for anyone who fits any of the below preferences and requirements.

  1. Ebonheart Pact only
  2. 16+ years of age. This is not for any other reason than we seek to adventure with adults (and mature young adults), no offence to the youngsters.
  3. You need to be an easy-going and friendly person, we do this because we love it not because it's a competition (Except PvP haha). We also love the social aspect and that part of it is very important to us.

PREFERENCES - Not Mandatory
  1. "Regular" working folk - We both work full time and aren't online 24/7, it would be nice to have other working folks in the guild.
  2. "Casual" gamers. We just love to game so having people who don't take it too seriously would be awesome.
  3. "Couples" - We are a couple and it would be awesome to meet other gaming couples out there!

I have experience with online communities (I run a global group for casual online car racing) so I am well placed to run a guild, I happen to love this sort of thing :)

So what do we offer? Here's a few things:
  • A safe and friendly group that will be managed fairly but firmly when it comes to any inappropriate behaviour, you can count on any inappropriateness to be dealt with swiftly. I simply won't tolerate the enjoyment of members being compromised.
  • A private community! Whilst I intend on there being numerous members I will not just add anyone, the idea is that new members are referred by existing members based on their own experience. Your referrals will reflect on you as well so quality member referrals are more likely.
  • Trading! We all have items that we either have and don't need, or items that we want and don't have. I intend on our guild being a high quality, and trustworthy, place to conduct your business in Tamriel :smile:
  • Adventuring! It's what we all do best, so why not do it together sometime!
  • Comradeship! Whilst it is online we like to think that our members will become, over time, like a big international family :)

So there we have it, that is our recruitment spiel, we hope that EGoS appeals to you and that you join!

Anyone who has read the above, and meets the mandatory requirements, and would like to join please either post here or send a PSN Friend Request to my PSN ID: Heathenpride - Please make sure you type in "EGoS" into the message so I know that you have come from here B)
Edited by Heathenpride on June 27, 2015 4:25AM
Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Heathenpride
    EGoS would like to welcome new member Ax, if you think our guild looks like your cup of tea then don't hesitate to join!!

    Myself and your Guild Mistress Ms Doom will be travelling interstate from tonight through to Monday so we won't be in-game but will be checking the thread here for any new members. We leave in around 15 hours so any new members after that will be added upon our return on Monday or Sun evening NA time.

    Cheers :)

    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Heathenpride
    We are nearly home! After 2,300km since Friday 1am we only have 900km to go!

    Both Ms Doom and I will be online in around 10 or so hours and all day tomorrow and we hope to see some (or all!) of our members online!

    We were away as we were touring with the band Blind Guardian so if there's any fans out there you'll appreciate exactly how awesome a weekend we've had :)
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Heathenpride
    EGoS are still seeking 4 players in order to open up the guild bank, please send a PSN FR to the PSN ID Heathenpride and I will add you.

    The guild bank will work in a specific way and I am still working on some ideas for it, happy to hear any ideas from our members as well!

    One thing to note: When it opens I expect everyone to contribute to it and also that everyone will not abuse it. In order to function properly it will need everyone to play by the rules and not simply raid it for items without depositing.

    More on that soon but for now we need 4 members, check out the OP and if you think you will fit in let us know!

    Australians are most welcome!!


    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • aldiablo
    Hi guys EGoS sounds great my psn is Slink-83 from Australia hope to hear from you soon
  • Heathenpride
    aldiablo wrote: »
    Hi guys EGoS sounds great my psn is Slink-83 from Australia hope to hear from you soon

    Awesome! Will add you to the guild when the maintenance is done :)
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Heathenpride
    We now have 8 members with Slink and Chay being added when the server maintenance is done.

    That means we need two more for the bank!

    I have added a new rank as well, it's "Master of Coin" (MoC) and the person chosen will be in charge of EGoS gold. Myself and Ms Doom will oversee the role but I would like the person, as yet to be chosen, to be able to run it without any management from us but, instead, with our assistance when required.

    What I am thinking, and this is not yet final so input is welcome, is to have each member pay guild fees at a nominated interval and then those banked fees get used, by the Master of Coin, for EGoS members and any other relevant guild business.

    The MoC would need to be trustworthy in the extreme so I won't be putting just anyone in the role and I am not seeking solicitations so please do not ask to be given the position.

    Feedback on this would be great because it won't work unless all members are happy with it!

    One way it could work is for members to 'borrow' gold from the guild bank when the need arises, one loan at a time per member, and paid back as agreed. No interest would apply but the amount to be repaid would be the borrowed amount plus X amount which is agreed at time of borrowing. Obviously we would need sufficient capital but that would not take too long to build up and when there's enough we can put the loan system in place.

    Another potential use for guild gold is to reward members for their various contributions, a member off the week or similar, with the winning member receiving gold and valuable items in return for service, quality member referrals or other reasons.

    Also a 'cash for items' scheme where users get paid in gold for certain items they deposit into the bank. This would also need capital but, again, I think it would work a treat once the gold starts piling up. This would allow us to get a healthy supply of sought after items that we can then provide for our members either at a low cost or no cost at all!

    That's it for now, has anyone got any feedback on that or any other suggestions? Also, note that the role of Master of Coin will absolutely be scrutinised and there will be a zero tolerance for mismanagement of guild gold, in short: pilfering = perma-ban!


    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Heathenpride
    Bank is now available, details coming soon on the expectations of members using it :)
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Heathenpride
    Well, EGoS had our first foray in to Cyrodiil yesterday!!

    It was awesome, truly awesome.

    Having gone down the PvP path I now have clarity on the path the guild will go down.

    EGoS will have our own organised army that will be in addition to the PvE aspect of the game and any EGoS member will be welcome to join us! The idea is to have a well organised killing machine that strikes from the shadows, rains death upon our foes, and then disappears with nary a sight of us by the enemy!!

    I won't go into it too much here because it's a public forum but here's a brief outline of how EGoS will look going forward:
    • PVE to remain unchanged but a guild fee structure is being worked on which will be for the benefit of all members. We will also be organising playing sessions so that guild members can quest/trade with other members if they choose.
    • PvP will be structured so that we are the single most organised army out there. This includes a command structure that will be announced when we have enough members.
    • Ideally I would like to create our own private PvP forum/online area so we can communicate (and strategise) freely without worrying about prying eyes!

    If anyone has any comments or suggestions, fire away!
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • aldiablo
    Hi everyone just a quick update the guild heraldry is now available from the guild store (located at the bank) costs 2000g but it looks great. I am online a lot and more than willing to help answer questions, get through hard levels or just level up. Just send me a message my psn is Slink-83 make sure you identify yourself as an EGoS member or if you are interested in joining. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Heathenpride
    Great stuff @aldiablo, that's what it's all about!

    Also, a note for everyone!

    I am currently building a modest forum for the guild and it should be available within 48hrs max.

    On the new site we will have everything that you need in a guild! The reason I am doing it is due to the massively reduced functionality of the comms in-game but also because it simply is not possible to have all information in one thread on this forum. There is a mobile app for the forum software but it is not really necessary as the mobile version is very user-friendly so don't feel like you need the app, I don't use it myself and I run forums from my phone.

    The forum is free and you have an experienced forum admin creating it so I know what I am doing. it will be 'vanilla' to begin with as I don't have the spare time to devote 2-3 days to get it looking mint but I will be making improvements bit by bit so within a month or two (at most) it will look like I want it to look.

    Expect private comms in-game for further details :)
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • aldiablo
    Hi guys had a great pvp session (even though we did get over run by blue belly scum) picked up a few new members welcome to all
  • Heathenpride
    That was a good session but we got hammered :(

    Need moar soldiers!
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Azrael01
    You guys realize that there is already a Guild of Shadows on ESO EP Right? they are one of the elite guilds from PC, @vortexman11 , wonder what your thoughts on this are? :lol:
    Story Writer - English not first Language

  • Heathenpride
    Azrael01 wrote: »
    You guys realize that there is already a Guild of Shadows on ESO EP Right? they are one of the elite guilds from PC, @vortexman11 , wonder what your thoughts on this are? :lol:

    Err, no I had no idea of an elite group...

    The name was taken in-game but so were 10 other variants so I simply put Ebonheart in front of it.

    Not sure if I can change the guild name either?
    Edited by Heathenpride on July 3, 2015 6:13AM
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Azrael01
    Azrael01 wrote: »
    You guys realize that there is already a Guild of Shadows on ESO EP Right? they are one of the elite guilds from PC, @vortexman11 , wonder what your thoughts on this are? :lol:

    Err, no I had no idea of an elite group...

    The name was taken in-game but so were 10 other variants so I simply put Ebonheart in front of it.

    Not sure if I can change the guild name either?

    I'm Sure Zazeer (GoS Guild Master) wouldn't mind, i believe they went to console as well? so may be them that took the name there, just found it quite funny cause read this thread thinking it was posted by them, good luck to you though~! If you can become as good as those guys then i will have to watch my back for you on the field ;p
    Story Writer - English not first Language

  • vortexman11
    Well. This is awkward.
    Guild of Shadows ~Elite~
    Învictus ~Council~

    EP | Vortexman | Dunmer DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 50 | Former Emperor of Haderus & Chillrend |
    EP | Phobos | Altmer Nightblade | LvL 50 | Rank 26 |
    EP | Cheezus Sliced | Argonian Templar | LvL 50 | Rank 30 |
    EP | Eterno Tempesta | Altmer Sorcerer | LvL 50 | Rank 33 |
    DC | Vortexman | Dunmer DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 12 |
    DC | Divine Storm | Altmer Sorcerer | LvL 50 | Rank 04 |
    EP | Pocket Vortex | Bosmer Templar | LvL 50 | Rank 24 |
    EP | Vortexman | Redguard DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 28 |
    EP | Fungal Growth | Argonian Warden | LvL 50 | Rank 26 |
    EP | Eternal Guardian | Bosmer Warden | LvL 50 | Rank 13 |
    and a few other random toons

    Teaching by example > https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/5479085#Comment_5479085
  • aldiablo
    Hi guys 40 odd members and growing welcome to all new recruits!
  • stewie_801
    Azrael01 wrote: »
    Azrael01 wrote: »
    You guys realize that there is already a Guild of Shadows on ESO EP Right? they are one of the elite guilds from PC, @vortexman11 , wonder what your thoughts on this are? :lol:

    Err, no I had no idea of an elite group...

    The name was taken in-game but so were 10 other variants so I simply put Ebonheart in front of it.

    Not sure if I can change the guild name either?

    I'm Sure Zazeer (GoS Guild Master) wouldn't mind, i believe they went to console as well? so may be them that took the name there, just found it quite funny cause read this thread thinking it was posted by them, good luck to you though~! If you can become as good as those guys then i will have to watch my back for you on the field ;p

    Yes we took the GoS name to PS4 so no one could abuse our name and get us mixed up.
    PC/NA Ebonheart Pact
    Invictus , Teut Spindle Your Brindle Officer
    Stewie the Destroyer Imperial Templar Former Emperor of Haderus
    Stewie's Big Ole Johnson Khajiit Nightblade
    Ser Arthur Dayne Dark Elf Dragonknight Former Emperor of Chillrend and Haderus
    Stewie's Bank Slot High Elf Sorcerer

  • Heathenpride
    You guys are in luck then because we won't abuse anything :)
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Finnbar85
    Soul Shriven
    Keen to join the guild. PSN Finnbar85, Currently lvl 37 temaplar.

    I'll let you be in my dreams, if I can be in yours - Dylan
  • Knarfappaz
    Soul Shriven
    Invite please. 33yo male newb to ESO. Eastern time zone working 50-60hrs week but still trying to play evenings for2-3 hours on weekedays and longer on the weekends.

  • Heathenpride
    Knarfappaz wrote: »
    Invite please. 33yo male newb to ESO. Eastern time zone working 50-60hrs week but still trying to play evenings for2-3 hours on weekedays and longer on the weekends.

    Hi mate , welcome! I will invite when I get home this evening :)
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
  • Heathenpride
    FYI: This guild has been disbanded and I have left ESO for some time. I’d lock the thread if I could but I cannot. Please do not reply here.
    Looking for a good NA PS4 guild that offers a bit of everything? New to the game and lost? Need some guidance and help?
    Look no further, Ebonheart Guild of Shadow has been here since launch and we got you!
    PSN message Heathenpride for an invite.
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