I'm currently running
5 shacklebreaker
3 will power
2 torugs dw swords
2 skoria
thinking about using 5 soulshine and 5 warmaiden
2 skoria. has anybody tried this or is running this.
need Advice please.
I like to run heavy as my primary set in pvp/ imperial city/battle grounds. so much easier to survive/sustain in PvP and il choose sustain over light passivs any day.in light it's just a matter of time untill I get wrecked by a stamblade out of no where.in heavy they hardly scratch me
I'm just really not a fan of light in pvp.
what I really need to know..is warmaiden worth using over willpower/torugs set up before I commit to it.
shacklebreaker/soulshine (my heavy sets will be staying)
UppGRAYxDD wrote: »Wizards reposte (SnB backbar)/shacklebreaker monster set if choice, SnB willpower or duel wield( main hand nirnhoned)5/1/1 light 2 dmg 1 recovery enchants.
I'm now using 5 heavy shackle and 5 warmaiden (dw) with 2 trans on back bar (s/b) I sustain just fine to be fair
I do like the added stam from shackle could that work in light?