I just felt terrible yesterday for the fate of the purples we were fighting when they succumbed to the lack of a friendly fire toggle in PVP. It seemed so senseless. If only there was a friendly fire toggle they would not have died and I thought ZOS should really add one so that reds and blues could be sure not to kill each other with AOE's and proc sets when fighting yellows.
My story starts when our guild became engaged with some blues who had lit a keep deep on our backfield. It was just bait. Of course, since ZOS was so good as to make sure blue and red are always in our backfield and never have to fight each other to be so by putting two enemy cities deep in our backfield (as opposed to none in either blue or red as the only northern one is directly between and not in either's back field) we really have little choice about these things. Blue retreated from the keep when engaged to set up a tower farm at ... the farm. This did not go as planned for them though. While their group had numbers on ours we had a lot of pugs so looked like we had numbers on them. The fight quickly became something of a standstill with us lobbing siege in and them occasionally pushing out to kill some pugs and loose some players to us. Neither we nor they were either getting much AP or had the ability to wipe the other and we were just about to leave when they decided to remedy this by calling in the reds who I expect had been in comms coordinating with them all night (and most nights for that matter.) The smaller red group came in and coordinated an attack at us from the rear as the blues gushed out from the front. We had seen it coming (sheer luck on that one) and were too quick turning and wiping the reds before the blues, distracted by a growing PUG army of meat shields, got to us. Reds camped up and blue and red tried again which is when they got their calls crossed (hazard of being in the same comms with another alliance I suppose) and both finished their sweep at the tower. The thing is that their sweep picked up only pugs and we immediately identified the problem..... Stupid ZOS does not have a friendly fire toggle for the purple alliance. Both running into the tower they would be unable to attack us without hitting each other as well. They tried to separate to first and second floors, tried not to aoe each other, and tried to heal thought it but chaos reigned and blue and half of red perished (most of red got to second floor and bugged out.) Of course, blue camped up, but we had had enough distraction and left, wiping red again on our way out.
It's a fun story isn't it? It would have had a nice purple ending if it wasn't for the shortsightedness of ZOS in failing to allow players to toggle off damage for one or another alliance.
I am currently worried for the future of ESO. Population seems like it is in free fall and the cancellation of the North America in-person gathering feels very much like pulling the plug. Kudos on fixing the in-game economy though. Clearly whatever gold shenanigans were happening the last couple years are fixed.