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Stam Sorc or Mag NB

I am a returning player looking for some class advice. I am a solo completionist by nature. I usually enjoy stealth classes. My favorite way to play single player elder scrolls is usually as a stealth based archer. I have narrowed it down to Stam Sorc or Maj NB.
  • Templar (both): I played this class until the mid 20s. I found the lack of skill selection boring (jab jab jab).
  • Warden (both): I haven't got into the teens on this class. I loved playing a druid in EQ and I often play the diverse multi-skilled classes in other MMOs. But this one just didn't click.
  • DK (both): I heard great things about mag DK when I started it. Got one to the late teens. Overall I appreciate the class. The main class skills just weren't for me though.
  • NB (Stam): I have one of these guys in the 40s. Like the class and normally it is exactly my cup of tea. But as a guy who likes to complete most content solo I found this class difficult. Also, coming back I don't want to start a class in the 40s.
  • Sorc (Mag): I played with one a little bit. I think there was just too much redundancy between the staff skills and the class skills to really like the class.

So now I am trying two classes that are a little counter intuitive (NB shouts stam while Sorc shouts mag) but that I have heard great things about.
  • Sorc (Stam): I started with this one since I love stealth based bow classes. I still haven't hit 15 but I am enjoying the synergy between the class and weapon skills so far. It is a little redundant with my Stam NB that I played until 48 and I miss decent stealth. I have also heard this is a very boring (but powerful) class at higher levels. As a completionist that doesn't want to play a magic Templar is this the class for me?
  • NB (Mag): I have just started one (barely played). I love the idea of perm stealth and rocking the TG and DB. I have heard this is a MUCH more varied and flexible class compared to the Stam Sorc but hard to play correctly. It this a good (and fun) solo completionist class?

I LOVE this game but I really need to find a class that clicks. My time is getting more and more limited to just playing classes into the 30s to see if I love them isn't a great option. Any opinions from the forums?
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Stam Sorc at higher levels is very powerful but a little boring because there are only a few ways to play it and be good. Mag NB is a lot of fun to play at higher levels because there is more of a variety of ways to play, but they are not as powerful as a Stam Sorc. I like playing both but I'd get bored just playing one or the other exclusively.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Danksta
    They both have great survivability through self healing, but I would suggest you try mag NB because of your fondness of playing stealth characters. It's an easy class to play but has a very high skill cap so if you're the type of player that enjoys mastering a class there's a lot of room to improve.

    Stam Sorc at higher levels is very powerful but a little boring because there are only a few ways to play it and be good. Mag NB is a lot of fun to play at higher levels because there is more of a variety of ways to play, but they are not as powerful as a Stam Sorc. I like playing both but I'd get bored just playing one or the other exclusively.

    I'd strongly disagree that mag NB is weaker in terms of solo play than stam sorc. I got a buddy that hits 44k solo on his mag NB which is unheard of on a stam sorc.

    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • davey1107
    I have all classes in all resources, and maybe can help. It’s a tough choice...I love both Stam Sorc and magblade. My main is a stamblade, though, and that’s my favorite.

    General tips

    By all means roll a new character. But I’d also mention that under the new One Tamriel system, the 40’s are the hardest levels in the game. You get handicaps the lower level you are. These slowly come off as you level, and you’re expected to replace the power with gear and abilities. This might be where you’re seeing some issues with squishiness / dullness on your toons.

    What I can say is that playing as a vet with champion points slowly adding up is a TOTALLY different experience. And because you get those CPs on your lower level toons too, it changes the game for new characters. My advice would be to take your stamblade, use the New Life 2x xp buff, maybe use some psijic for more xp, and grind him to vet. Then play with him a little each day and use your enlightenment xp to start accumulating CPs. In a few weeks as a vet playing a few dailies each day, you’ll have enough CPs to boost damage by 10%, resistance by 10%, and recovery by 10% on EVERY character on your account.

    The grind to vet will only take a couple of hours at 250% xp. Go close dolmens you haven’t got yet, maybe public dungeons you’re missing, find some dailies you like. Or for total easy mode, run with the Alikr dolmen Zerg. Equip shrouded daggers and/or power extract and hit everything. Trust me...a few hours grinding then investing in your vet will save you hundreds of hours playing low level toons without CPs.

    Also, there’s a really tedious learning curve from level 20 to c160 on characters now. You’re playing this over and over, which is probably part of the problem. If you get a toon to level 20-25 and know you like the class, the game is way more fun to push them to vet, get them in c160 gear, then go quest and solo play. They play better, skills level 20x faster, it’s just more fun.

    Stam Sorc vs Magblade

    Like I said, I love both. If I only had four characters, I’d have one of each. (With a stamblade and Magplar.) It’s New Life xp time...maybe roll one of each and see which fits.

    The magblade will play a lot like your stamblade. It’ll have more aoe, and more heals. But it’d be a little less powerful and squishier than your stamblade. You still need to stealth and pick your battles, but there are a couple of skills that can make up for the issues you’re probably having with your stamblade. For me personally, the weapon skills are a drawback to magblade. This is just because I absolutely love the physical weapon skills, and find the staves a bit lackluster.

    Magblades are FAST. Cloak plus concealed weapon plus retreating maneuvers, and you will FLY through areas. A magblade can do an entire delve and never pick a fight. Of your two choices, the magblade has more range options. It’s also more versatile...there are 3-4 approaches one can viably use on Them.

    Stam Sorc is one of the last classes I rolled, and I’m sad about that because I love my Stam Sorc and wish I’d had him earlier, lol. This is a really interesting class. You only have 3-4 class abilities that work on them...but man are they good abilities. Hurricane is obviously their killer skill...the aoe dps is off the charts. But here’s something a lot of people miss at first - stam sorcs have power surge, which is better than the 2h rally. This means they can get major brutality and heals off any weapon type...they can run dw and bow and not suffer like other stam classes. As if that’s not enough, dark exchange endlessly converts magic to stam and health...WOW. (To be honest, all sorcs are a little OP, lol)

    Stam sorcs put out great dps and play up close and personal. You can open with bow, but they shine when you proc hurricane and maybe blade cloak and move in to slice up enemies with dual wield insanity. In choosing this over magblade, you’re getting a little less dps, way less stealth, and less speed in exchange for way more tankiness, way better resource management, and better survivability.

    Note - Redguard is usually recommended for Stam Sorc because of the resource return on melee attacks. HOWEVER, I prefer Khajiit by a mile. Why? Stam sorcs have amazing resource management already. Where they need a bit of help is dps, and the Khajiit bring so much more crit. Plus I play stealthy, and I like the reduce detect radius and sneak damage.

    Good luck choosing. Let us know what you pick!
  • kehatchb16_ESO
    Thanks Davey. That is a really complete answer. I really appreciate the information. I will level up my Stam NB to CP 160 and go from there. Thanks again.
  • kehatchb16_ESO
    Wow, its hard to come back in the 40s (unfortunately I was 45, not 48 like I though)! I am not sure if it is a lack of gear, me getting back up to speed, or the level scaling (likely a combination of all) but I was getting my butt handed to me early even from trash mobs. I started questing in a new alliance zone and is is more manageable. But it is weird that I am feeling weaker then a freshly made character in the same zone. Almost to 47 though and it is getting a bit easier.
  • Morvane
    he played templar until mids 20...
    first I thought its about year or century. Now I understood he told about LEVEL ...
    DC Dunmer Sorcerer since 2014
    @morvayn54, PC/EU
  • kehatchb16_ESO
    Managed to get my NB to level 50 and I am almost to 60cp. MUCH easier now. She can run around public dungeons and even kill the occasional public dungeon boss solo. Going to power her to 160cp before spending too much time on my alt.

    As for which one I picked? I went Mag Sorc :smiley: . The Stam Sorc and magblade were too similar to my stamblade. I didn't love the magblade, but I really enjoyed the Stam Sorc. It will probably be my next class.
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