Hi all. This is still an area that completely boggles me, as yo uhear one thing off one person and something esle from another person. But, long story short(ish) what is the best DW combination for:
Stam builds
Magicka builds
Also, could someone explain in laymans, nontechy-speak, the best combo of weapons/traits and glyphs - what makes them successful but also what is the semi-secretive info about the off-hand that people usually overlook?
Finally, a personal request, I'd like to DW axes as I hear that "Bl;eed" is one of the "status effects"? If so, does that make running charged traits an option? If yes, recommendations for glyphs. If no - what traits would be best then?
Yes, at 800CP I probably should know this but mental/memory issues means I tend to hold such information for a very short period unless I have it written down. AND I'm positive new players will find it awesome to know also.
I think it will make for some good discussion. Respectfully ask fpor people to keep their replies clear and understandable so people new to the game can understqnd and digest the info
Cheers, Bara.
Joined January 2014
PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (
Grand Master Crafter
Lims Kragm'a
Bam Bam Bara