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Another returning player question

When I first bought ESO I played a Khajit (not that that is relevant) up to level 50. At that time you then ended up playing from level 1 again with a different alliance (but all opponents upleveled). This became tedious and I left. Then I came back for a while and started some new characters. Then for various reasons I left again.

I am now thinking of returning and I find I have 6 characters including one champion and I have 60 champion points to distribute. I think I understand how that works. Unfortunately it is so long that I have more or less forgotten the game so I thought I would start over with a new character.

If I start a new character and invest the 60 CP will I be overlevelled to the extent that the early content will be unchallenging?
If I delete my existing characters will I lose the 60 CP?
Is it a good idea to buy Morrowind immediately and try the warden class (I've played all the other classes to some extent)? I don't actually need the new Morrowind content immediately as there is other new content which has arrived since I last played.
Would I do better to give up the whole idea and replay Skyrim ... or minecraft?

Helpful comments will be received with gratitude, but if you wish to mock feel free - I have a thick coat of fur to deflect such barbs (see, I'm already RPing my Khajit).

Best Answers

  • Ashtaris
    To answer some of your questions, depending on how good of a player you are, you might find reallocating your CP’s on a new character will probably make it over powered. I usually avoid giving it any CP’s until after it’s reached level 50. And I believe CP’s are account bound, so deleting characters should have no effect on keeping them.

    The Warden class is definitely fun. I have a Magicka based warden that does pretty well but it’s not as good as the Stamden (Stamina Warden). Those can do some massive damage.
    Answer ✓
  • Ashtaris
    There are a couple of good build sites I frequent. One is Deltia’s gaming site where Gilliamtherogue has his builds:

    Another is Alcast:

    Both of these guys are excellent players and I enjoy watching their videos and reading their guides.

    Answer ✓
  • Tantala
    Thanks, I wasn't sure if I would have to allocate the CPs as soon as I created a new character. I'm leaning towards buying Morrowind and starting a warden simply because it will make the game feel far newer than replaying a class I have tried before even if I don't use the actual content for some time.

    Is there a good repository of builds where I can eyeball the sort of setup a warden brings to the table?
  • Tantala
    Thanks again. I don't need handholding or cookie cutter builds but those sites have reminded me a lot of the mechanics of the game.
  • davey1107

    A problem with buying Morrowind is that you’ve played the game before and dropped it. I’m not sure that Wardens are so different that we can suggest it’s a good investment for you. My gut feeling is that if you can find a way to play the game where you’ll want to stick with it, you can do that just as easily with or without Morrowind. But if it sounds appealing, go for it.

    In regards to Champion Points, they are account-wide and your characters can allocate them or not. You can play without if you like. Or spend your points in the green line and leave the others unallocated. Your choice...they sit there until you use them, and can be recast for 3,000 gold each recast.

    I don’t personally find that CPs will overpower least not anything like in the old days, which is probably what you were referring to. In the original game, if I was level 50 and went to Auridon everything died when I glanced at it. If you were catching up on quests you breezed through...yawn. The game isn’t like that now. Even with 690 CPs, you don’t outlevel monsters like you used to.

    Your 60 CPs will probably give you 5% Recovery in the green lines, 5-10% resistance in reds, and 5-10% more damage in blues. If you allocate the points you’ll notice the difference, but monsters are only a little easier to won't one-shot them.

    In regards to old characters, I do NOT recommend deleting them unless you need the slots and absolutely hate them, lol. You won’t lose your CPs, but you put work into those toons. If you’re really wanting to quest and start that process from the beginning, then you’re probably better rolling a new’ll be less confusing (maybe...the quest lines are complicated either way). But you might want to return to those older toons some day. If you stick with the game and love your new character, maybe you decide to give your blade a shot again. If you do, why do all the boring stuff over again?

    Old toons I recommend recasting, strip down their skill points, and save them for possible future use, even as mules.
  • RavenSworn
    Save your toons and don't worry about the cp points allocation. Uuu don't have to slot anything for cp points until you are satisfied with your build and your rotation. Take your time to get to cp 160,and the best part about it is that the points are shared across all characters so if you earn cp points on one char, you can allocate the extra points to the others as well.

    Once you reached cp 160, gear then becomes an important factor as you don't receive gear higher than cp 160.

    The 'grind' to lvl 50 isn't as bad as previously and now with 1 Tamriel, any area is open to you for levelling. Cheers and happy hunting!
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
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